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What a scene! - Printable Version

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What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-09-2009

I got 4 helicopters hoovering around the house all day.Apparently a car ran around the barricades when a train was coming and hit the car killing 5 teenagers.


Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-09-2009

! read about that in the free press e-edition earlier, that's fucked up that you live right there...

Re: What a scene! - N-Do - 07-09-2009

shit happens

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-09-2009

yup it's about one mile away(the scene). I live 3 blocks from that train track.

Re: What a scene! - azriley2k - 07-09-2009

Darwin Strikes again

Re: What a scene! - Mike Willoughby - 07-09-2009

azriley2k Wrote:Darwin Strikes again

Re: What a scene! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

Stupid kids! That's what the fuckin' barricades are for. Do they think Hancock will come save them? O.o

Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-10-2009

a few less retards for MI to deal with....

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

The girl(14) was 1 and half blocks away from home.She asked her mom on cell phone if they could go to the beach instead of coming home.Their parents told her,tell your friends she needs to be home by 1pm otherwise she was grounded.Sounds like her friends were trying to get her home before she got in trouble.

Parents of the girl seem like they are taking the blame for it now.Talk about feeling bad. =-/

Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-10-2009

damn, didn't know it was little kids, thought they were like 22-25... that blows, especially for the parents...

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

Nope, age group was 14,17,18,19.

Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-10-2009

all !'m sayin is ! never got hit by a train when ! was driving, and a majority of the time ! drove drunk when ! drove....

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-10-2009



People run those train tracks here all the time.It was just a matter of time before something like this happened.I knew it was coming.Hopefully the cops will now watch those track crossings better.

Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-10-2009

give the cops something to do besides pull people over for no seat belt....

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

They still do that.Every month they pick a busy location and have 2 cops on the side singling 20 cops who's not wearing seat belts.They make some damn good money for that.Somebody told me they pick up between 300-500 people a day.That's just one spot.

Re: What a scene! - Star - 07-10-2009

Of all the things that cops do that piss me off, I don't see the injustice in that. There is absolutely no reason to not wear a seatbelt. Sure, maybe some people think that if you don't care, why should the cops make you pay, because you're only hurting yourself, right? Not really, because yeah, wearing a seatbelt isn't going to impact the safety of the person in the car you might might, but what about your kids, you siblings, your're hurting them if you die because you were too stubborn to wear a seatbelt.

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

I know,I wear my all the time.I won't even start the car until everybody has their seat belts on.I'm that picky.

Think about it though,300-500 people when they do it....that number is just "wow!"

That's a big number to me!

My brother's ex-wife once got pulled over in a kroger's parking lot as she took her seat belt off pulling into a parking space.I lol'ed so hard when she complained that weekend about cops.this was also the first time i ever heard this happening to somebody.She always had a bad habit of taking her seat belt off just as she was pulling in the drive way at their house.

Re: What a scene! - Slacker - 07-10-2009

all the parents should take the blame for having idiot kids

Re: What a scene! - sTr - 07-10-2009

idiot kids should die fast so ! don't have to deal with them as an old guy... fuckin' whipper snappers....

Re: What a scene! - F-Disk - 07-11-2009

cops cant give u a ticket or even pull u over for that matter in a parking lot here private property they wont even show up for an accidentif its on private property no money$$$$ for them

Re: What a scene! - Grimlin - 07-11-2009

F-Disk Wrote:cops cant give u a ticket or even pull u over for that matter in a parking lot here private property they wont even show up for an accidentif its on private property no money$$$$ for them

Trailer parks are private property.I was once late on my registration for my car,The cop was hiding behind a trailer behind a dead end street.I pull out,not seeing him and he followed me 2 miles before pulling me over.I was 2 weeks late on it,never drove the car,it just sat in the driveway.I showed him the money and was on my way to get it renewed.Tried telling him my car has been sitting in the drive way till today.He smirked at me knowing i was on my way to pay it.On top of paying $55 for the renewed registration sticker,i had to pay $120 for it being expired....Doesn't make any fucking sense to me.

Funny thing is i see him hiding out there last week as well before i got pulled over.He must have been watching me.

Then i did something incredibly stupid...went to the police department and asked why they are hiding out in "private property?" They denied that shit big times.....which was funny as hell.They still do it,but not as much....All i got to do is take pictures of them with no lights on sitting in the dark,i can bring some serious trouble to them.It's illegal for them to do that. Problem is,They will start harassing me trying to get me for anything and everything.Which would be hard,because i really don't do anything wrong.But the Harassment would be too much for me....knowing me I'll snap and do something really stupid.