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Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - Printable Version

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Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-09-2009

this is some fucked up anime i wana no what its called lol

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ayjay.html</a><!-- m -->

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-10-2009

! Could never get into anime, minus dennis the menace if that counts...

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - evulninja - 07-10-2009

i hate anime..

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

has anyone watched this yet its porn anime

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

I watched it, weirdo :P

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

i know really its from that fucked up porn site

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-10-2009

!'m gonna have to watch this when ! Get home now...

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

STRetard Wrote:!'m gonna have to watch this when ! Get home now...

mother fucker you see shotgun blast to the and u dont click come on

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-10-2009

!'m at work most of them time, and ! didn't wanna see bloody snatch when ! got home....

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

its funny anime i found it on that fucked up porn site i posted a wile back

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-10-2009

! wanna see a mike tyson porn, shit would be worse then a shogun blast to the snatch....

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - Autumn - 07-10-2009

You don't really see the actual BOOM lmao.. it's weird.

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-10-2009

i just thought it was fucked up allaround

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - Slacker - 07-10-2009

bajaj @ this

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-10-2009

* shoots my moms vajayjay with a shotgun blast *

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - dirtymonkey22 - 07-11-2009

STRetard Wrote:! wanna see a mike tyson porn, shit would be worse then a shogun blast to the snatch....

a[[arently hes fucking huge lets just say he needs a 3rd glove in the ring

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - Insanecowposse - 07-12-2009

according to the court documents in his rape case Tyson is 14 inches. Can you say pogo stick?

Re: Shotgun Blast To The Vajayjay" - sTr - 07-12-2009

fuckin gorilla more like it...