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damn! - Printable Version

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damn! - evulninja - 07-09-2009

the lortabs i took earlier are wearing off :( too bad i dont have an unlimited supply

Re: damn! - XIII - 07-09-2009

Drink bleach.

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-09-2009

smoke banana peels....

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-09-2009

fuck that..

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-09-2009

morning glory seeds? can trip for less then $3

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-09-2009

i need beer..

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-09-2009

numba @ beer... the essentials FTW....

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-09-2009

i want some good beer though like amberbach or yuengling

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

whoooooo! found a big bottle of lortabs in my dads drawer. 250 10's ill be fucked up for months now!

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-10-2009

hoody hoo, get your pill on....

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

ate 3 as soon as i found them. i wish it was oxys though.. i would probably overdose on those though but goddamn they are fun

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

Boo @ using scripts to get effed up.

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

i cant help im addicted lmao id rather have beer though

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

When you wake up everyday, do you HAVE to have lortabs to get you through the day? Sick.

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

no i dont but i do like em. lol so i guess im not technically addicted

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

Exactly. lol. I never bothered with such things. I've always been a good girl. ;)

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

its all in the good. to each his own ;-) i like lortabs because i get a good buzz but i can still think straight.

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

I guess if it works for you. Weed's my "drug" of choice. =D

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

i cant smoke weed. i get all paranoid and cant breathe and ive even broke out in hives once. i dont do any hard drugs. ive done mostly all of em once but i didnt like em. i like prescription drugs mostly. the worst thing ive ever done was try meth. i hated it. ill never do that again. it was dumb of me to do that but i wanted to try it.

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

I haven't done much of anything. Weed, alcohol.. and once I did a whippet lmao ONE time. :x I'm a newbie to lots of things.

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

ive never done whipits.. ive never done a lot of things. never done coke or ex.. id like to try ex tho. i dont like speed so i dont think id like coke either.

Re: damn! - Autumn - 07-10-2009

I will never, ever do coke, meth, or heroin. I would try X, acid, opium, and possibly peyote.

Re: damn! - evulninja - 07-10-2009

heroin is the same as opium pretty much.. and ive done peyote which was way better than acid.

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-10-2009

-wants some brain candy

Re: damn! - Star - 07-10-2009

i would never take anything like acid that would mess with my mental state, i would never inject anything. prescription painkillers, meh, i'd never buy them just to get fucked up, but i remember in the hospital, when i had kidney stones, it was the worst pain i'd ever experience, and they gave me demerol, and it was awesome because i'd been hurting so bad then it was gone. i remember laying there thinking, "this is what gets people started".

Re: damn! - sTr - 07-10-2009

-loves getting started....