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He fucked around on his wife and got killed - Printable Version

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He fucked around on his wife and got killed - Insanecowposse - 07-08-2009

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Former NFL star Steve McNair was shot dead in his sleep last week by a 20-year-old girlfriend distraught about mounting financial problems and her belief that he was seeing someone else, police said Wednesday.

Sahel Kazemi "was spinning out of control" when she shot McNair four times as he dozed on a sofa early Saturday, then turned the gun on herself, Police Chief Ronal Serpas said.

Interviews with friends revealed that she was making payments on two cars, her rent was doubling and she suspected the married McNair was having a second affair with another young woman.

She told a friend on Friday that "My life is a ball of s--- and I should end it," Serpas said.

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - Star - 07-08-2009

yeah i saw that, usually it's the guy that kills the girlfriend/wife then himself, not the other way around...

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - Grimlin - 07-08-2009

Happens more than you think.

My homie's mom shot his dad as well.Over money problems. :|

She got 12 years for attempted murder.

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - sTr - 07-09-2009

! met my gf's sisters boyfriends sister, yeah it it's fucked up, but anyway... ! met her like days ago, and she shot herself in the head on monday, it was pretty fucked up... people are fucked up and they will wanna do what they wanna do... it's kinda scary...

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - dirtymonkey22 - 07-09-2009

Star Wrote:yeah i saw that, usually it's the guy that kills the girlfriend/wife then himself, not the other way around...
bull shit bull shit bull shit

u are so wrong they usally onley make a big deal when a man kills the wife and if they make a big deal i would bet the fam is rich and white the media is fucking sexest and racist and if you dont have money they dont give a shit

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - sTr - 07-09-2009

phil hartman was the worst case of dumb bitches doing dumb shit...

Re: He fucked around on his wife and got killed - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2009
