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I had a Nightmare! - Printable Version

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I had a Nightmare! - Insanecowposse - 07-08-2009

Believe it or not it had nothing to do with Freds semi nude pic. I was trapped in a building run by cannibals and they took a body out that had been completely devoured and next to me were 2 guys that had half an arm and half a leg chewed off. Later that night <in my dream of course> 3 cannibals attacked me and started chewing off my leg.
The idea of slowly being eaten alive was terrifying.

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-08-2009

! have crazy zombies dream like that, mad detailed, mad fucked up... shit's awesome though...

Re: I had a Nightmare! - Star - 07-08-2009

I keep having nightmares where I have babies, they suck.

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-08-2009

just hope and prey it's not a sign... we don't need any little fred's up in this biatch...

Re: I had a Nightmare! - Star - 07-08-2009

yeah, babies suck

i also randomly wake up in the middle of the night sometimes freaking out thinking there are bugs crawling all over me. last night, i woke up because i thought there was some monster about to eat my face, and i tried to jump out of bed but i was still mostly asleep and i pulled a muscle in my thigh and it sucked. it was just the kitten trying to lay on my pillow though <3

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-08-2009

if you do have a dirty baby, the least you could do is name that nigga bajaj or word....

Re: I had a Nightmare! - Autumn - 07-09-2009

Ewwwww babies. I'm so not ready for you to bear a child. It better never happen!! >:o

Re: I had a Nightmare! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-09-2009

ive had some fucked up dreams myself there was one were me and some people were serching this haunted house looking for ghost and i seen a hole in the ceiling so i looked up there and and there was a guy with ruby red eye and a hole in his stomach with nomes inside mineing his insides

and i did have a zombie dream before i drempt that there was me and a few people in a gym with wepones and most of the people were killed and i was trying to save this little girl

then i have fucked up dreams that are hard to put into words

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-09-2009

the one that hard to put into words... is that about you getting in the buns that one time?

Re: I had a Nightmare! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-09-2009

STRetard Wrote:I HAD a dream we fucked all night monkey

ahh sorry dude i like chicks

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-09-2009

with dicks....

Re: I had a Nightmare! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-09-2009

i like transvestites more bajja

Re: I had a Nightmare! - sTr - 07-09-2009

as they say in larryland the more dicks the better....