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So I got an iPhone - Printable Version

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So I got an iPhone - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2009



Re: So I got an iPhone - XIII - 07-07-2009

AT&T sucks so bad in my area. I was considering getting a new iphone and jumping back in it, but my gf just got Boost Mobile, and it sounds so much better talking to her than it did with ATT. I have Verizon now.

Re: So I got an iPhone - sTr - 07-08-2009

! love my G1, you should check out T-Mobile. Never had a problem with them, both in AZ and MI, ! get decent 3g speeds, not hard to use as a modem.

Re: So I got an iPhone - XIII - 07-08-2009

I owe Tmobile like, 10,000 dollars. No can do.

Re: So I got an iPhone - sTr - 07-08-2009

numba, fuck t-mobile...

Re: So I got an iPhone - XIII - 07-08-2009

They aren't too good around here either anyway.

Problem is I live in NYC/Northern Jersey. Verizon's signals like, TRAMPLE the competition.

Re: So I got an iPhone - sTr - 07-08-2009

stick with em then, fuck a fancy bullshit phone if the signal is the balls balls...

Re: So I got an iPhone - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2009

I thought this phone would be teh gay and I wouldn't have much use for it...4 gigs later i'm lovin this bitch like mcdonalds

Re: So I got an iPhone - sTr - 07-08-2009

nioce... did you get the 3gs?

Re: So I got an iPhone - evulninja - 07-08-2009

i use smoke signals..