Board 6
to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Printable Version

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to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - T9X - 07-02-2009

d3dbydm4n from wanted me to let you know something STRetard

Quote:I worked for TheSixth.Com. You cannot claim that B6 belongs to you because it was prior property and priority rights of TheSixth.Com. I used to work for T6 way back in it's hayday and me and Ringmasta are still homies which is part of the reason why. Now if you can clearly read the EULA of any contract all graphics are owned by the original owners of said hosting which would be Ringmasta in turn we have his authority to reuse the graphics and the name "B6" Network. Which is eminant domain of TheSixth Dot Com. In all actuality, We could honestly go after you taking in consideration that B6 was the soul and proprietary ownership of TheSixth Dot Com Originally and since no information can be found online that dictates opposite of and the fact that TheSixth can prove that it owned B6 by going to you have no standing case against TheSixth or ANY of it's webmasters. A lawyer would laugh at you. So please stop harrassing The Real B6. I doubt you are Paul anyways who originally wrote B6. So take it elsewhere.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009 does not equal nor was that layout ever on thesixth. So if you can clearly see you are a dummy and my lawyer has already been notified.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

bajajaja, fucking HILARIOUS

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - T9X - 07-02-2009

Nuff said

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

wtf does that have to do with anything?

if i was flipping fries at a mcdonalds, and was friends with the manager, and mcdonalds closed down, i cant fucking open up a place called mcdonalds 5 years from now, and say i used to work their, and i know the manager, so im calling my new place mcdonalds......... shit dont work like that son...

THIS is b6, WE are b6ers, i dunno wtf you got goin on over there, but it sure as fuck aint b6

if me, stephan, pauly, mikey, teej, crys, or krystal aint there..... it aint fucking b6

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009

because a link is posted on that site does not mean it belongs to you...

nuff said...

so you can have your board... and you can have your 12 members and 24 posts... because we are ranked 145,000 on the whole internet... and you are not ranked at all.. and if you some contact information pm it please so ! can have my attorney send some papers to you.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

t9x im sorry sucked mega balls it just copyed everything off realjuggalos,faygoluvers,twiztid,and

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /sixthera/</a><!-- m -->.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /sixthera/</a><!-- m -->
It's Air apparent that We Do Own the copyright to B6 Networks.
Those are copyrighted as of 2002. Which any lawyer is going to tell you irreguardless that the names are different. And that by all default the name B6 is contingent upon the fact that it was a registered copyright of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->. Anyone who can see that in plane day that is never inaccurate and the fact that your website isn't even registered on there is proof enough to show eminent domain. Secondly the name is B6 not BoardSix which is in no way shape or form copyright infringement. If you post on our site any more negative I will ban your IP Address directly and report you to your Domain Registrar under GoDaddy Mr. Mercado. Please Understand that I intend and do have full right to open up TheSixth.Com and it's website forums known as B6 Networks with full rights to it as we own the copyright to it. Any attempts to contact a lawyer will only delay the inevitable and we do have the rights to pursue you as well for Copyright and Likeness rights as well taking into consideration that we can prove that B6 was copyrighted to TheSixth.Com in 2002 on a worldwide web archive. So please just leave it be. Thanks for your time- Rick O. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

this shit looks just like this shit
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ca9206d6e4</a><!-- m -->

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

hahahahahhahahahhaha this is the funniest shit i have ever fucking seen

what a fuckin joke

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009

it's not apparent... because if you look at the registered owner of it says my name, not anyone at b6 network was started because could not provide a stable website for our board, and that's why it was flh board for a quick second... so does that mean that b6 is owned by flh... no, it does not... so like ! said run your board, but it's not going to be worth the money and time you will have to give up to come to arizona to lose against me in court. ! have more evidence then you know. how about this bid, do you have receipts for no probably not, and is you're name deadbodyman or t9x, no... but me on the other hand do have all that information, with my name... so please, forward your information so ! can have my lawyer forward some docs to you, if you don't that's fine... !'ll have a process server come and deal with you.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

Legal allegations are no joke. I have no beef with BoardSix. I think you have a nice looking forum. I'm just going after what is TheSixth.Com's B6 Network Forums. That's all. I have no intention on sueing anyone or manifesting due to copyright. Just want to have our network up and running soon.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

pwned, so the bitch tucks his tail and runs

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009

d3dbdym4n Wrote:Legal allegations are no joke. I have no beef with BoardSix. I think you have a nice looking forum. I'm just going after what is TheSixth.Com's B6 Network Forums. That's all. I have no intention on sueing anyone or manifesting due to copyright. Just want to have our network up and running soon.

! do have intention on suing you, so sorry bout your luck, but ! have proff of ownership in paperwork, and you don't. here's another question for you? do you have the original psd's of those graphics? Probably not, ! do though, wonder how they'll feel about that.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

i believe ive prolly still got some of them as well

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

We have taken our board down for you. I will get in contact with the owners of TheSixth.Com As we are only the webmasters doing what we were told to do which was put it back online with the forums.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009


Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009


Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

fucking morons

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - sTr - 07-02-2009

you're welcome to re-direct people here, and join and post now that that whole ordeal is over with...

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

Forums look nice. What was your staff name on TheSixth? I am D3dBdym4n aka Rick O. I was around when T6 was first concieved. I used to be with Milenko500 back before it was a store.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

And now man I"m not retarded. I was actually unaware that B6 was still around. The last time I had heard Zack (Ringmasta) and Freekjoka (Paul) Were still running it after T6 shut down about a few months after Hells Pits Release. I had gotten in contact with Zack about the site and the boards and he gave me the thumbs up because we're merging the news station with HatchetRadio and was going to use the forums as HR's forums as well considering we already have a standardized IRC Server & a VOIP Chat Server. I was totally kind of flabberghasted until tonight about the whole entire situation at hand. I never knew someone had registered the name or anything of the sorts. Which is why I feel kind of bad about the situation and am apologetic about it. Not trying to rub anyone raw or anything. Just doing the adult thing.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

he said the adult thing. bajjaa

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

*Insert Cheap Porn Music* Sweet & Sour Sauce!

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

[Image: necromouse.jpg]

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - d3dbdym4n - 07-02-2009

Imagine.. a world full of cheap dirty hookers.. and used herion needles... Porkchops on the lawn of the white house baking in the hot sun as my mother gives birth to something resembling grape ape... Only in a perfect world...

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Stoopid Dog - 07-02-2009

They was serious too...wasnt they.

Look. If you think your going to get the glory days of the old site, then keep dreamin. Its about a band that sucks and a cd that came out 8 years ago and sucked too.

You guys fail.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - dirtymonkey22 - 07-02-2009

its so true they at one time were awsome but now eehh i just heard the sampler for the new cd on and im not impressed

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Stoopid Dog - 07-02-2009

Which this reminds me.

Rick-O and the whole HatchetRadio staff and "clique" are a bunch of dumb fucks.

You guys are holding on to something that everybody else gave up on. This is no "Juggalo" site. Yes there is some that post here, but there is also pot heads/alcholics and so forth, but that doesnt make us a Pot head board where High Times tries to come in. You guys are salty once again, cause there is other sites doing better then you.

OSB (A site I helped run) started a radio station for the interwebs and within a week was getting more listeners then them. They got salty about it and tried beefing.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Keezie - 07-02-2009

lmao @ this thread

seriously, who fuckin cares? let them have their shitty pretend b6, every old b6er has already returned to this place at least once and acknowledged that b6 is back, so fuck that other place

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Paullehh - 07-02-2009

Fuck this B6 ....yeh.

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Autumn - 07-02-2009

This is unbelievable. Who started getting lawyers involved over a website anyway? That's kind of pathetic, if you ask me. *shrugs*

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009

whaats funny is, the firsts fucking posts are dead fuckin seriousabouut how we have to stop calling this place b6, or shits gonna get shut down, cause he owns the name and blah blah blah....... now all ofa sudden hes playing nice and sucking our cocks trying to be friendly cause he knows he aint shit, and got shit,, and has no way of winning

fuck outta here fag

Re: to STRetard from d3dbydm4n and staff - Keezie - 07-02-2009

he is indeed a douchebag, no denying that. i just think this is silly