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If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Printable Version

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If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Insanecowposse - 06-30-2009

If you could fuck anyone from any time who would it be and why?
I would fuck JennaJameson when she first started cus shes a porn star and she knows her sex. Or maybe star.

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Paullehh - 06-30-2009

Your mum!

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Ms Felony - 06-30-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Your mum!

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 06-30-2009

my mum!

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Insanecowposse - 06-30-2009

my mums not all that hot but go ahead

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 06-30-2009

my mum is...

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - N-Do - 06-30-2009

Marilyn Monroe,

The reasons are obvious and plentiful.

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Slacker - 06-30-2009

the aids monkey

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 06-30-2009

slacker after the whole aids monkey debacle...

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Paullehh - 06-30-2009

i wouldn't mind a punt at cheryl cole before she met the nig.

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - gimpster138 - 06-30-2009

Jenny McCarthy.

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - TimTheStoolManTaylor - 06-30-2009

perhaps salma hayek

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Star - 06-30-2009

fred, because i'm way past the point in my life where having sex without love sounds like fun

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 06-30-2009

bajaja thats the biggest bullshit answer evar, word @ marilyn monroe

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 06-30-2009

! knew that was gonna be your answer...

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Star - 06-30-2009

fuck off, fantasize about whoever you want, but i honestly can't think of anyone i'd want to fuck

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 06-30-2009

! changed my answer... to this one...

Star Wrote:fred, because i'm way past the point in my life where having sex without love sounds like fun

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Star - 06-30-2009


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 07-01-2009


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - sTr - 07-01-2009

! was paying homage...

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 07-01-2009

-fucks you

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Autumn - 07-01-2009

I'm tacky, but Shaggy 2 Dope.. My God, he is the sexiest man alive <3<3

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Slacker - 07-01-2009

rikki lake


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Autumn - 07-01-2009

Slackie, you never cease to amaze me baby! And, yeah Rikki Lake got hot lol

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 07-01-2009


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Insanecowposse - 07-01-2009

I change my answer I want to fuck the drunk cat from autumns sig

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Slacker - 07-01-2009

rikki lake, the aids monkey and me

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 07-01-2009


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Keezie - 07-01-2009

Olivia Munn

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Slacker - 07-02-2009

she is hot

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Alyzzia - 07-02-2009


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - F-Disk - 07-02-2009

Slacker Wrote:rikki matin



Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - Slacker - 07-02-2009

its ricky martin


Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - N-Do - 07-02-2009

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch

Re: If you could fuck anyone in the world? - juggalogigolo - 07-02-2009
