Board 6
Following Star... - Printable Version

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Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

Night all. <3

Re: Following Star... - Grimlin - 06-29-2009

I might as well go now too....I gotta get up early.

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

Peace out pansies...

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

gooood morning sunshine

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

I'll probably go back to sleep before I go to work, but MORNING LOVE<3

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

sleeping when you should be awake is the best time to sleep...

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

i can't sleep when i know i should be up, i just toss and turn

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

! have nice blinds and ! keep my room cool, so it's real easy for me...

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

we do too, i just feel guilty

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

bajaj... don't feel guilty... feel deserving...

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

If I don't at least nap before work, I'll be tired by midnight. We'll see.

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

lol, i don't even feel like i deserve what i get paid as it is

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

yeah, working late is the balls balls, ! hated it it whenever ! had to do it...

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

at ups i worked from 5-10 and i thought that was late, man that job sucked

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

I love my schedule, but I would rather have Sundays off and work Thursdays. You take what you can get.

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

in actuality all jobs suck....

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

Yeah, I bet. :\ Stupid work!

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

let's go all become mountain people and write posts to each other...

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

or we can just live in a commune and skip the posts...

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

How could we afford the interwebs? I'm more of a realistic thinker.. :\

Star, I like that idea.

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

hell yeah... who else is down....

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

I am, but they have to let me bring my pets. And, I'm not helping to populate the community.

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

i'll populate the community with my pets

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

does that mean you're gonna have sex with them?

Re: Following Star... - Star - 06-29-2009

no... they can just be there so everyone is less lonely

Re: Following Star... - Autumn - 06-29-2009

WTF is wrong with you Stephan? :\

Re: Following Star... - TimTheStoolManTaylor - 06-29-2009

they make clubs for a reason

Re: Following Star... - sTr - 06-29-2009

Star Wrote:i'll populate the community with my pets

^ you said it ^

Re: Following Star... - juggalogigolo - 06-29-2009
