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BAJAJ - Paullehh - 06-22-2009

The puppy just puked up my chicks panties.

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-22-2009


Re: BAJAJ - Stoopid Dog - 06-22-2009

Thats what happens when you leave spoiled shit laying around

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-22-2009

bajajaja, i don't know if you meant that the way i took it, but, hilarious

Re: BAJAJ - Stoopid Dog - 06-22-2009

I was going for something, dont know what...but yeah...agag.

Re: BAJAJ - Paullehh - 06-22-2009

made me laugh...
I got grumpy n acused my girl of moving my shit a couple days back when i couldn't find my other clean sock and the puppy puked it up a couple hours later infront of us both.

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-22-2009

lol awesome dog

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-23-2009

OMFG.. my dog does that, too. And he's four!! :x

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009


Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-23-2009

He just chews up clothes; he's a baaaad boy.

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009

sounds like it

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-23-2009

Yep yep. lol

Re: BAJAJ - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009


Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

fuck dogs, and their mangy ways... cats are way better then stupid dogs...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-24-2009

I love both cats and dogs. I'm not picky.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

numba, ! actually love animals all shapes and sizes... can't wait to get my tortoise, !'m gonna name him b6...

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-24-2009

Are you really? That's just silly!!

Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-24-2009

when my dog was a pup he ate my couch i miss him i had to give him to my mom cuz i moved to a apartment and my other dog died about a year ago she was like 14 years old and getting real sick

[Image: l_d3d1a50cee5e416fac6fb9aac8e8680a.jpg]

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

So my puppy, looks all sweet and innocent

[Image: 4806_1043901832872_1685415654_96129_6895822_n.jpg]

see all sweet and innocent and a total attack of cuteness... NOT SO MUCH! this fucking dog eats everything, she has eaten my babys extra car seat, a door at our old house, the carpet at our old house, she fucking chewed the leg off of our coffee table (which I am not to mad about since I hated it and wanted it out of my living room), barbies and stuffed animals are pretty much lunch for her, I walk outside sometimes and she will be laying there chewing on a fucking tree. Most importantly I am constantly having to yell at her "ATHENA! THE CATS ARE NOT CHEW TOYS!" so yea, that is my tale of monster dog.
[Image: 4464_1031670927107_1685415654_53129_5053740_n.jpg]

she is awesome though despite her tearing everything apart ways, I wish she would just chew/puke on underwear.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

that dog looks like it would eat me...

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

Nah, she is super nice to people, her general reaction to people (as long as she knows them) is run up wagging her tail like crazy, jump, then collapse onto the ground with her tummy up and rolling a long as the person walks to get them to pet her tummy.

No mean dogs here, pain in the ass? yes. Mean? never.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

that's how my old black lab was, such a big goofy dog, she wanted to be a lap dog so bad...

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

That is how she is, she really thinks she is a lap dog, but I hate to break it to her she is 4 months old and already weighs 30 pounds, she will not be a lap dog.

I also have a black lab/boxer cross, best dog in the world. I like labs, but Boxers are much much better.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-24-2009

My mom has a 90+ pound Rottweiler that IS a lap dog. You can't argue with her. haha. Word @ Pits and Boxers, though <3

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

Athena is 1/8th Pit and the rest Boxer, I live in a little podunk ass town and you would think she was a full bread pit that eats babies for breakfast the way everyone has reacted to her. Pit's have a bad name

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

hell yeah they do, in detroit if they find any strays or get any dropped off they don't even try to fix em and give em away, they just kill them... fuck detroit... if they wanted to get rid of the shit that was scary, kill the nigs...

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

That is how they do there, at one point my husband said Athena was to much and we were gonna have to get rid of her, then he found out the pound would put her down the second they saw her he changed his mind.

Where I'm from in MD it is illegal to even have a pit

Re: BAJAJ - Star - 06-24-2009

They just made it a law here that all pit bulls have to be spayed or neutered. People should do that anyway, but like, you have to have a special breeder's license now. If not, and you get caught with puppies, you go to jail.

Re: BAJAJ - Grimlin - 06-24-2009

It's against the park rules here to have pits as well.People still have them though.

Matter of fact 4 days ago some kid was walking his pit,and saw my dog(lab mastiff) and started to pull the kid dragging him all the way to my dog.I serious thought i had a dog fight coming on my hands.My dog however listens to me when i told him to get his butt over by me.I was able to stand between the two dogs while the kid got back up and controlled his dog again. If that dog would have went after my dog i'll guarantee i'd have a big lawsuit on my hands.I would have sued the holy hell out not only the trailer park for not doing their job making sure their wasn't any pits here,but also the parents of the kid for allowing them to even letting a 8-10 year old to control a pitbull.

Pitbulls WILL turn on people...i seen it with my own eyes down in Texas.It's not just pitbulls.Rotties and dobermens are in that mix.

I have a big soft spot for rottweilers.Just can't have one because of the park rules.

Re: BAJAJ - crys - 06-24-2009

ANY dog can turn, not just pits, rotts, and dobermens. I have been around dogs my whole life, I don't know anyone who does not have a dog, most people with pits and other big, 'mean', breeds, the only dog I have ever been bit by is a dalmatian.

Re: BAJAJ - Paullehh - 06-24-2009

Dalmations are some of the worst for being insane fuckers.
I got an attack puppy.

Re: BAJAJ - gimpster138 - 06-24-2009

Tortoises are awesome. They live forever.

Re: BAJAJ - sTr - 06-24-2009

hell yeah, !'m gonna pass it off to my kids if ! ever get suckered into having any... !'m still not sure if !'m gonna get a baby and grow it in a tank until it's big enough for the yard, or get one that's already a year old and just yard it up from the get go...

Re: BAJAJ - dirtymonkey22 - 06-25-2009

the pic of the dog i posted is part pit,rott,shepard,and sharpe and hes was super cool with my kids fucking with him and my gold lab would grolwle and she even snip at them once (once). rotts are big dumb dogs and are cool if rased around people and treated right. pitts just have a bad rap 90% of the time someone who has pitt that turned there makeing it mean my dads dog is half pit and could look scary as fuck and shes a big baby i was just over there with my boys and she just sat and shes never been around my kids . i think pitts love kid and just hate assholes or have been fucked with that makes them turn.

Re: BAJAJ - Autumn - 06-25-2009

I agree 150 million percent. I believe dogs turn because of the owners, NOT the breed.