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So Im moving once again. - Printable Version

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So Im moving once again. - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-15-2009

This is seriously like the 11th time iv moved in the last 3 years, Im hoping this one will last. Im trying so hard to come up with some bedroom ideas some paint themes fuck, they want me to decied what color I want my walls, So much to decied, I have a bunch of furnature i have collected over the years, but when its all together in one big ass room like the one ill be moving into, it will look tacky as fuck, Im debating on blowing some cash on some new shit, but fuck, Its going to all add up so fast, Why the fuck does furnature have to cost so much, just because its furnautre. Some fucking metal poles to make a room devider and you got a 150 bucks, Not even wrapped. Such bs

Whos got a sectional couch? I got a huge room to fill here.

So all I can come up with for my walls (i have alot of black and red shit) Is maybe like 3 foot high of a burgandy more red tho, and Grey on top and a room wall border thing in the middle, I need better idea's you creative fuck's.

Re: So Im moving once again. - Alyzzia - 06-16-2009

Check out Craigslist for furniture, a lot of times people have some pretty good looking stuff that is like new for pretty cheap.

And black and red themes are hawt!

Re: So Im moving once again. - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-16-2009

word, all my shit has always been black and red, But word @ craigslist, been all over it, Alot of great stuff, The 150 dollar divider, was actually on there, fucking crazy. But I did email like 20 people for pictures, Its always the ones with the best deal's that barley list anything and post no pictures. Kind of fucking stupid if you ask me. is there a reason why people do that? to get emails?

Re: So Im moving once again. - Alyzzia - 06-16-2009

I think so. I have seen quite a few listings where it seems like maybe they are just phishing for emails.

If they don't list a picture they are too lazy or they don't want you to see how bad it really is ahah.

You know what I think would look sweet is some kind of red leather couch, but leather is pricy!

I had my gramma buy me a new couch for Christmas last year and it cost a freakin grand!!!

Re: So Im moving once again. - TheGreenBK - 06-16-2009

Most of Craigslist is full of bots. I'd put some items on there asking to trade for another item and they'd ask how much and I type out this long paragraph of shit and they respond back, SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE with a bunch of links

Re: So Im moving once again. - Alyzzia - 06-16-2009

LOL there are a lot of scams too where they want to send you a money order for 2 grand and you send them back half of it or some junk. I have had a lot of good experiences too, just don't be a total noob if you shop on there! I also made a new email address just for going on there.

Re: So Im moving once again. - TheGreenBK - 06-16-2009

I tried my luck to get laid on there too, no luck. All fucking bots

Re: So Im moving once again. - Alyzzia - 06-16-2009

Ahaha there are real hookers on there

Re: So Im moving once again. - TheGreenBK - 06-16-2009

Yeah, I found one trying to make me pay her 70 flowers

I don't have money for flowers whore

Re: So Im moving once again. - Toxic Love - 06-16-2009

I listed my Camaro on there when I sold it. My parents just listed their boat on there too. All I put up was a basic description of the maro and one picture. Sold it for exactly what I listed for to the first inquiry I got.

Re: So Im moving once again. - Player - 06-16-2009

craigslist does rule though..

dave you better make sure that shits comfy so i can come over and sit in it and take bong rips

Re: So Im moving once again. - Autumn - 06-16-2009

Nuke, do you keep moving because you want to or because your parents or whoever you live with want to? It's a pain to constantly move like that. Ugh.

Re: So Im moving once again. - Alyzzia - 06-16-2009

Autumn Wrote:Nuke, do you keep moving because you want to or because your parents or whoever you live with want to? It's a pain to constantly move like that. Ugh.

At least it is not winter! Moving in winter is the worst!

Re: So Im moving once again. - OddBallFreak - 06-16-2009

Moving period sucks. You never fully realize how much shit you have until you have to pack it all up in a million cardboard boxes. I've been living in the same place for over 2 years now and i still have stuff packed up in boxes

Re: So Im moving once again. - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-16-2009

I keep moving because shit keep changing the first few times I was with an ex of mine, we had an apartment for 9 months when we had a 6 month lease, then we moved in with my dad (cause even when Im on my own im paying my dads bills also) Then we moved in with a friend of her's lasted like 3 months and then a friend of mine and his girlfirend back to my dads, ext ext. broke up with her, moved in with another chick and her daughter lasted like 9 months, then moved in with a buddy from work, then moved back to my dads where im at now, and now im single, and In a mood where I could get along with just about anyone, an old friend of mine and his girlfriend and daughter. I just hope this one works out. Im going to do things the right way, meaning my own fridge my own bathroom, detergant, every stupid little thing, that always seems to cause my roommates that dont know how to manage their money start to fight with me over. Cause for some reason im a fucking god at managing money, I can make less than these mother fuckers, have all my bills paid everything I need, a fat sack of bud, and still have money to blow while saving money also. Some reason I have always been the bomb at keeping my bank as loaded as my bong.

Re: So Im moving once again. - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-16-2009

I really think im going to go with a Mirrored out room, down in Florida, everyone's walls are decked out with Mirror tiles, or just big different shaped bevaled wall mirrors, to me it has always been so pimping, Sucks cause my room is so fucking huge that a mirrors will only make it look bigger. But I have never been to anyones house around here where they had anything like that. I guess people around here are just to fucking redneck. Kinda like outside lights down in FL they will have like blue green and purple lights outside aiming at their house at night. Here they have chirstmas lights set up all fucking year cause their fucking hillbilly's, and proud....So if we end up cutting this room in half, which im really hoping they do, it really is that fucking big. Its a huge 2 car garage converted. Im going to set up my own living room and bed area in there, cant wait.

Re: So Im moving once again. - Enigma - 06-16-2009

In the past 4 years I've moved 12 times. I don't have a full house's worth of furniture, I loaned some of the living room stuff to a friend the last time I moved cuz I didn't have enough for storage and she and her boyfriend broke it in different fights. Now my daughter and I are living with my bf, at his mom's house and are about to move from the mother-in-law sweet out back into the main we get to move again. Yay!

Re: So Im moving once again. - Autumn - 06-16-2009

Nuke, since you're so good at saving money, get your own place!! lol Then you'll NEVER have to worry about roommates bitching about little dumb shit. It's fantastic, but sucks as well. :)

Re: So Im moving once again. - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-16-2009

Its to damn expensive around here, I also have a stupid fucking drug charge that has stopped me before. I actually would stay where im at, I just want to be around my buddy, his girl and baby. And meet new people while im at it. Itll be fine

picked out the paint today

Re: So Im moving once again. - Autumn - 06-17-2009

It's cool that they're letting you do your own thing though. It's probably better off that way, living on your own is fucking expensive!