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Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-10-2009

Who's still into the wicked shit?

I am! Happy

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-10-2009

i am on and off tech 9ne is prob at the top icp since the wraith kinda blow it makes me sad the violent j solo only song i like is fightclub and twiztids wicked is all right

Re: Of all who post here... - Paullehh - 06-10-2009

I listen to psy still, not as much as a few years back but still regular.
Last thing i realy liked was the Dark lotus CD
the rest has been good but just couldn't feel the same about it.
Lovin tech n9ne and some La Coka Nostra right now.

Re: Of all who post here... - Grimlin - 06-10-2009

Not me......I just pop in old school snoop,Dr.Dre or rakim once in awhile.

Eminem songs are growing on me a little.

Re: Of all who post here... - Slacker - 06-10-2009

i like tech n9ne

but prefer me some met0l

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-10-2009

<--- is not, rather listen to old metal or old new wave, punk and alternative

Re: Of all who post here... - Keezie - 06-10-2009

i prefer rock, hate almost all rap with the exception of Tech. but even he pisses me off sometimes (MLK for example)

i still download and listen to everything Psy releases. just to kinda keep up with it i guess. i no longer get my hopes up, since i keep getting disappointed.

i dug the tempest at first, now it's kind of corny.
i like WICKED
i HATE every single Let em Bleed. worst shit psy has ever done
i like Clockwork Grey
hated J's solo. piece of shit
motown rage is god awful. don't waste your time

although i watched A Family Underground, and it really makes me miss being a huge juggalo. some of the best times of my life were when ICP was my #1 priority. i'd really like to go to the gathern again, just to kinda soak it in

about 2 years ago i sold about 90% of my ICP shit though. i made probably $1500. all i have now are about 20 shirts that i use for wearing around the house and shit, 1 poster (signed) and all of my cds

Re: Of all who post here... - CrAzYT - 06-10-2009

No, I listen to mostly 60's and 70's classic rock, punk, and punk rock. Classical as well...

I stopped listening to anything Psychopathic even while I was still posting here.

Re: Of all who post here... - TheB6Bitch - 06-10-2009

i still listen sometimes i havent been to a concert in a long time i keep up to date but not as much as i use to

Re: Of all who post here... - evulninja - 06-10-2009

< same shit as always.

Re: Of all who post here... - juggalogigolo - 06-10-2009

<---- I love only men, barely listen to any of it, tech is the fuckin bomb, twiztid is still good, but man, icp has sucked for a while now, i still go to the gatherns tho, best fucking time of the year, and i still wear the shirts every day, cause i honestly dont have any other clothes, or know what kinda shit i would wear if i didnt

Re: Of all who post here... - XIII - 06-11-2009

There is absolutely NO passion left in Violent J's voice. His lyrics are so forced. He needs to quit.

Be that as it may... I love ICP and Psychopathic Records because as gay as it sounds, they got me through hard ass times. And they brought me together with people who are my best friends.

So I still listen to their music, hoping that there's still a spark. But alas, I think it's over.

Re: Of all who post here... - Willis - 06-11-2009

I stopped listening prob 5 years ago ish. I still listen to Tech N9ne but I don't really put him in the same category as Psychopathic stuff. But i listen to diff psy stuff here and there. Nothing newer than 2003 or or 2004 though.

Re: Of all who post here... - Joshy - 06-11-2009

CrAzYT Wrote:No, I listen to mostly 60's and 70's classic rock, punk, and punk rock. Classical as well...

I stopped listening to anything Psychopathic even while I was still posting here.

also including other random shit that i may have on my computer that equals 42 gigs of mp3s

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-11-2009

Damn. I do, in fact, listen to a variety of everything. But, I adore the Axe Murder Boyz. I don't give a fuck if you hate, I love them. And Psy still makes me happy as fuck. :)

Re: Of all who post here... - Keezie - 06-11-2009

i hated them at first, but BIBO grew on me like a mofo. a couple of songs on it really suck, but i thoroughly enjoy a lot of that album

God's Hand, sucked

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-11-2009

Hell, Old Girl has been my ringtone forever and my niece sings it when my phone rings. It's so cute. :)

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-11-2009

my b6 is made up of ex hardcore juggalos i do miss those days some fun times and people hell i would of never bin in a wrestleing ring if it wasent for this shit you go to a show now its all people with money or young as fuck
these arent the juggalos i think psy recs forgot they need a trip like in the movie hook peter went back to never land well i miss never land but nerer lands changed

i still try to listen boondocks and amb are so fucking horrible and icp has lost there drive to me they were done at the sixth

so now i keep a ear on psy rec but i listen to slipknot ,five finger death punch, metalilca ,the new eminem is fucking sweet its more wicked like det underground , tech n9ne , but im really weird on what i listen to i cant stand alot of stuff

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-11-2009

icp can suck my balls...

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-11-2009

ok mister i have the cardbord standup in my room

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-11-2009

sold that shit for $$$, bought titties and liquor

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-11-2009

Stephan, you have fake titties now?!


Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

strip club titties...

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

Ugh, devastation.

:( *sulks*

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

one day autumn.... one day...

Re: Of all who post here... - Toxic Love - 06-12-2009

I will throw on some ICP or Twiztid every now and then... older stuff. I'm sorry, this new garbage is fucking awful. I don't understand how anyone finds it good. It's forced, repetitive bullshit. Not saying Psychopathic is OMG AMAZING shit. I mean it was great when I was a teen and I made lots of goods friends from my experiences. Thing is... the music is just dull and lifeless. Good for a laugh or for once in a while... that's it.
As far as Tech N9ne... I downloaded a CD from like 2 years ago and that was as far as I went. I liked his stuff though so many I'll give it another whirl.

And everytime I see a juggalo in real life, I feel the strong urge to run them over or smack them in the mouth. One of my neighbors houses has like 3 sons. The youngest son is maybe 3 years younger than me. I used to dress up like a juggalo kid in high school and now this kid has a fucking hatchetman and ICP/Twiztid logos and Jake Jeckel on his truck now. Kind of pisses me off everytime I see his truck coming home from work.

Re: Of all who post here... - Keezie - 06-12-2009

new juggalos piss me off too

Re: Of all who post here... - Nuke-A-Loop - 06-12-2009

lol i never even knew they did any new shit. All you cock suckers made so much fun of people who listened, like I. and Now i havent heard anything with their name in 3 years and you fagbots still are "putting in a cd once and awhile" If I put in an ICP cd now, Id get so pissed off I just never see what I use to see in them, it makes me sick to think I wasted like 2 years of my life listing to the most pathetic group of clowns in the world.

Re: Of all who post here... - dirtymonkey22 - 06-12-2009

icp is a fase twiztid could do soooo much better they could be huge if they wanted more so jamie madrox hes allways been the best at psy rec then blaze when hes not acking like a tard shaggy has always been horrible monoxide is good j can be good at time really good

Re: Of all who post here... - Keezie - 06-12-2009

I'll never think like that, because those were the best years of my life. I wouldn't have any of my friends if it weren't for ICP, so for that I'll be forever thankful

Re: Of all who post here... - Unwind - 06-12-2009

I'm hooked on Tech N9ne. I can't stop listening to him, and those live shows are just unbelievable. Tech has had my attention since The Green Book somehow, and every time he does something I'm astounded. Gotta be honest. As for Psy, I agree with the 2003 thing. The last GREAT album to me on PSY was definitely The Green Book. 2002-2003 were the best years for Psychopathic, and the most productively sound time. I can listen to anything from those years and it just brings me back. I have nothing against PSY but I agree partially with the forcing of lyrics out of J. Sometimes it just seems like they lost that spark. Sometimes, I feel like it's still there. It's all up in the air but I still love the Hatchet.

Re: Of all who post here... - Autumn - 06-12-2009

haha.. so I'm the ONLY one who still regularly and proudly reps the hatchet? That's so funny.
Like I said before, I still love Psy. I can enjoy anything they STILL put out. Call me a sheep if you wanna, but I JUST recently bought a fuckin' hatchetman charm. I love it. Happy

Tech is the fuckin' shit, too. I'm so fucking exkit (In Living Color reference) that he's going to be at GOTJ.

Re: Of all who post here... - psychopathic penguin - 06-12-2009

bajaj @ when i got out of jail, the first song i listened to was twiztid - first day out

Re: Of all who post here... - sTr - 06-12-2009

when ! got out of jail ! got really high and drunk... and bought a fake turtle toy from BK and named it freedom...

Re: Of all who post here... - psychopathic penguin - 06-12-2009

STRetard Wrote:when ! got out of jail ! got really high and drunk...

word, i did too

i had liquor, weed, and vics stashed from before i went in so i got trashed when i finally got back home