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What do you think we should do about gun violence? - Printable Version

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What do you think we should do about gun violence? - insane - 01-18-2013

All over on the news, talk shows forums etc. I hear people saying either one extreme or the other Everyone should have guns to protect themselves or we should ban guns so no one shoots people.

I am for hunters using guns for hunting.
I am against people owning M-16's with 100 round clips because I don't see the reason for it.
Statistically using a gun for protection is not effective. I feel that the odds of you waking up to an intruder in the middle of the night and blowing them away is far less likely than someone shooting the gun off accidentally or the intruder could possibly get a hold of that gun.
Statistically more accidental gun deaths in the home than hero stories of a guy protecting his/her family.
So what is your stand /opinon?

What do you think we should do about gun violence? - The Professa - 01-18-2013

I don't see the need for m16's and the like for anyone, other than for something shady.. Noones ever explained to me why they're necessary, so I just don't get it.
I've always though that basic fun safety and basic auto maintenance should be taught in the later years of high school or something... Push comes to shove I think people- everyone- should have the basic knowledge of how to handle themselves in an unpredictable/extreme situation.
I'd never get behind taking guns from the people, cause then only criminals would have them. I think Obama would agree with that thought too.
I personally think its an embarrassing display of ignorance every-time tragedy stokes and we blame the guns/gun owners. To me it's the same as saying that since car accidents kill so many people, then we should take away the cars. It's obviously not the cars or the guns fault, it's the people. Idk how many of these tragedies had the gun owners as the guilty party, but the few that came to mind were people who did not own the guns- weren't they? It's about the people to me. People should be trained, and owners should properly store guns. Gun safes can be caught very reasonably priced, there's no excuse not to have something and have taken the necessary precautions.... Like those morons w cars that are "so fast" after they sup them up, but they can't stop for shit cause they're on factory brakes- seriously?
This last school shooting made me think of what a fucking tragedy the medical system is.. The dude had issues and should have been getting help. Now, I don't know many of the details, but that's not right.

There's a town somewhere, I don't recall at the moment, where all the residents have guns. They've got pretty much no gun related crimes, and if I remember right, very low other crimes like b&e. . I wish I could remember the name to make sure I'm getting he facts right.

But anyways, that's where I stand.

RE: What do you think we should do about gun violence? - F-Disk - 01-19-2013

its not about needing to have them its the right to have them gun rights arnt so u can go to the gun range to shoot target or kill deer its to protect us from the government.

i think all guns should be legal and if you want a 50 round drum clip so be it