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What were you like in school? - Printable Version

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What were you like in school? - insane - 01-13-2013

I won't even lie until my Junior year in high school I was a total fucking nerd. Fortunately for me my friend had older brothers that were in college and would throw awesome ass crazy parties. I would go to those and that is how I made friends with the COOL kids at the time. I got in a lot of fights and took Guitar, Drama and Psychology. I had a few girlfriends but never took them to prom cus I was broke and dad was a cheap ass. Pretty much hung out with a small group of friends that I still talk to today. So what was it like for you?

RE: What were you like in school? - Stoopid Dog - 01-13-2013

I dropped out at 14. Clap

RE: What were you like in school - Autumn - 01-13-2013

People liked to hate on me, for no particular reason. I was always generally a nice person, but I only spoke with a few people because I was shy. I remember once going to a football game with my family, and as I was walking around a guy that was a grade ahead of me came up to me and screamed scum in my ear. That was super fun. Told my dad, and he threatened the guy. Never happened again. I also think people thought I was a bitch because I didn't say much.

If I could go back.. heh.

RE: What were you like in school? - Enigma - 01-19-2013

I had a few friends, but of course was a loaner.was a shut in at home, as my mother wouldn't allow me to go anywhere or do anything, so the only interaction I had with fellow students was while at school. was sort if creepy and awkward. I still an, actually...

RE: What were you like in school? - psychopathic penguin - 01-19-2013

9.5 out of 10 people didn't know who I was.

RE: What were you like in school? - tdot - 01-19-2013

I was a floater, that went inbetween groups... but for the most part i was a stoner skater

RE: What were you like in school? - holagatita - 01-19-2013

I was a chubby, picked on, sad awkward thing, with straight As, until sophomore year of high school. Then I was a semi-popular, goth stoner chick, who did just enough to graduate, and didn't really give a fuck.

Re: What were you like in school? - OddBallFreak - 01-19-2013

My high school was a bit of a joke..
I came from a small town that just had built their own h.s when I was going into 9th grade (and they wanted to leave the kids that were already going to the h.s the next town over in that same school) so we never had any upperclassmen.

There were less then 100 kids in my graduating class, so everybody pretty much knew everybody's business, and most of the teachers were fresh out of college so they had no clue what they were doing. I kept to myself for the most part, but also had no problems telling people if they were being stupid or an asshole, so I wasn't very popular, go figure. Stuck with a small group of friends that I still talk to for the most part to this day.

Also, I showed up late for school half the time, due to being on aim or b6 til 4 in the morning haha

Side note, the first kid to die from my graduating class just occurred recently.

A bunch of people on my Facebook posted about how sad it is to go so young (which I get) and what a good guy he was (which I don't get). The kid was a total tool. Its like people are so shocked by death they overlook the real personalities of the person that died.

RE: What were you like in school? - juggalogigolo - 01-19-2013

thats life, no one wants to talk shit about the dead person

i was a nerd and didnt talk to anyone, took mostly art classes, and never did any of my homework until the day it was due, in the 5 minutes before class started. i didnt hang out with the nerds, because they were nerds, and i didnt hang out with everyone else, i was kind of in between both groups, i just hung out with about 2 or 3 other people.