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New Year's Plans/Resolutions/possible Revolution!? - Printable Version

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New Year's Plans/Resolutions/possible Revolution!? - KillaMo187 - 12-28-2012

What's everybody's new year's plans and Resolutions?

I'm getting together with some close friends and throwing a party. Yep I'm gonna get shitfaced!

My resolution will be an oldie but goodie. Gonna aim to try and quit smoking.

What's your plans and/or resolutions?

RE: New Year's Plans/Resolutions/possible Revolution!? - sTr - 12-28-2012

Present myself better than ! really am

RE: New Year's Plans/Resolutions/possible Revolution!? - F-Disk - 12-28-2012

smoke and drink more

RE: New Year's Plans/Resolutions/possible Revolution!? - juggalogigolo - 12-29-2012

not die.