Board 6
Holy fuck I cant wait for these Movie's !! - Printable Version

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Holy fuck I cant wait for these Movie's !! - dirtymonkey22 - 12-14-2012

Re: Holy fuck I cant wait for these Movie's !! - Cyrus - 12-14-2012

They all look stupid. I hope someone goes james holmes on both of them.

Re: Holy fuck I cant wait for these Movie's !! - insane - 12-14-2012

another superman film because the last one was so good. Where do you guys rank Superman amongst the other comic movies that have come out. If you go by sales its like dead last I think. Lets think is it as good as any Batman movie in the last 10 years? Fuck no. Avengers Fuck no. Xmen naw um Spiderman, maybe the third one with venom. Really even in an age when everyone is rushing out to see Comic movies this is shit.