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Fuck R.T.W Laws! - Printable Version

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Fuck R.T.W Laws! - KillaMo187 - 12-11-2012

Okay so the last year or so in the election when it going down. aside from the state of this country and blah blah blah. The #1 sidepoint is jobs. Living in a state that has the title of "home of the union" and shit. It kinda gets to me. Not unions don't get me wrong. I got family members who pay their dues to the union and at one time I paid dues to the unions.Those unions and the power of collective bargaining rights have pretty much prevented people from going postal on my states government...

Well as of Monday that has changed. Those idiot's passed right to work here in fucking Michigan!
(I might not currently be in the workforce besides music. But I do pay into the union for music just ta letcha knows. Yes there is a Union for indie musicians.). Now my thoughts on it? Being that I have a history of Union's in my family I don't fucking like this law a bit because it's really just a big ass lie on paper. They're saying to your face "come on in. we'll give u their wages. you don't need to join a union. you'll be fine" but in reality those same people are saying right behind your back "1 month in taht wage than we'll put him/her to minimum. He/She don't like it? We can always fire him/her and grab somebody else bawhahahahahahaha more money to my bank account. thank you republican controlled house" So in otherwords right to work is really "shut the fuck up or you're fucking fired!!".

This shit first hit last year when Wisconsin passed this same law alongside a law that fucks over collective bargaining. I'm pretty sure everybody here remembers that shit. Caught international attention and pretty much costed Romney the election (Paul Ryan was the mastermind of that bill)? Yeah I bet all the Romney supporters do.
Like I said I'm not all for these laws because of my family's history with Unions and the U.A.W. and all the good things it's actually done for my family in the end. So I can't support a law that can pretty much mean a workplace and hire you and fire you on the same fucking day (Yes I read the fucking info on right to fucking work and I fucking read between the fucking lines!) without no medical benefits or a chance to even file for unemployment. Does these fucking republican idiots even know how many families and single parents are struggling in this state? They've already been fucked before and the last thing they need is to be fucked again michigan republican senate so fuck you!

Do the right thing. Support EFCA and Unions. Fuck Right To Work.

Thank you now you may haze or praise this cuz I'm done venting..

Re: Fuck R.T.W Laws! - F-Disk - 12-11-2012

if u were protesting with your union i would cross the picket line and swoop that job up

Re: Fuck R.T.W Laws! - sTr - 12-11-2012

it's not like you have a job.

Re: Fuck R.T.W Laws! - juggalogigolo - 12-11-2012

this guy is a fucktard, but hes right, the right to work bil is bullshit, and is just driving wages down

Re: Fuck R.T.W Laws! - Cyrus - 12-11-2012

Too long; didn't read.