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Back seat Video gamers piss me off - Printable Version

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Back seat Video gamers piss me off - insane - 12-05-2012

A backseat video gamer is just like a back seat driver they sit back and tell you what to do or what they would do while your playing the game. I have gotten into many heated arguments with my brother in law because he always gives me unwanted advice while I am playing Halo 4 Live. I can't focus on the game because the fucker is talking my ear off about what I should do and giving me a list of do's and don't's and just babbling on about stupid shit. It would be great if he shut the fuck up and just let me play the game. Before I get mad I tell him I don't want your advice, and your distracting me or hey just let me play the game. After telling him many times I get more and more angry until I have to just fucking go off on him until he leaves. I really don't know how to give the guy the hint to leave me alone when I am playing but that shit drives me nuts.

Re: Back seat Video gamers piss me off - juggalogigolo - 12-05-2012

so tell him.

Re: Back seat Video gamers piss me off - Stoopid Dog - 12-05-2012

white people problems

Re: Back seat Video gamers piss me off - insane - 12-06-2012

Its so true.