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Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - Printable Version

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Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - dirtymonkey22 - 12-03-2012

[Image: serial-killer-found-dead-alaska-jail.gif]

Quote:Israel Keyes, a confessed serial killer, was found dead in his jail cell Sunday in Anchorage, US Attorney Karen Loeffler said in a news conference over the weekend.

Although details of Keyes’ death were not revealed, officials say that the confessed serial killer was alone in his cell, and that foul play was not suspected.

Keyes was awaiting trial for the murder of 18-year-old Samantha Koenig, who disappeared in February. The confessed serial killer, who was eventually arrested in Texas, later admitted to abducting and murdering the girl, and was to face trial in March.

Keyes also admitted to the murder of a Vermont couple, Bill and Lorraine Currier, in June of last year. Prosecutors claim that Keyes also confessed to killing five other people, but the names of the victims were never uncovered.

“He did tell us that he had killed other people and that there were bodies of up to four other people in Washington state, as well as a body disposed of in New York state,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Feldis said after the press conference, according to Reuters.

FBI Special Agent Mary Rook told NBC station KTUU that Keyes was considered to be a serial killer by the FBI, and that most of the crimes happened in different states.

“We’ve developed information that he was responsible for multiple additional victims. To our knowledge there are no other victims here in Alaska. They’re all in the Lower 48,” Rook told the station. “We do know he traveled extensively and he didn’t always stay where he landed. He would land in one airport, rent a car and drive hundreds of miles,”

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Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - dirtymonkey22 - 12-03-2012

[Image: MFRes.jpg]

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - Paullehh - 12-03-2012

Evil twins in the house.

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - juggalogigolo - 12-03-2012

i was once told by a waitress at a bar that i looked like a serial killer..... but i dont remember which one. it wasnt one of the famous ones.

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - sTr - 12-03-2012

at first ! didn't think they looked alike, but then the side by side really did it...

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - holagatita - 12-04-2012

fred Wrote:i was once told by a waitress at a bar that i looked like a serial killer..... but i dont remember which one. it wasnt one of the famous ones.

sounds like she sensed you were weird and that was a way of hitting on you.

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - juggalogigolo - 12-04-2012

possibly, but when i tried to get in her panties she said she had a boyfriend :( oh well, it all turned out in the end

Re: Ohh shit Confessed Killer looks just like steve !! - insane - 12-04-2012

Look fucker, last thing I need is my cousin snitchin on me when I kill a bunch of motherfuckers and get someone else to take the rap for it.