Board 6
The family dog has cancer - Printable Version

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The family dog has cancer - insane - 11-27-2012

We have a white German Shepherd the has been protecting the house for 11 years now and he has cancer in his groin area. It has grown so large <the tumor> that it looks like a set of balls. I yelled about the dog getting into the kitchen and bugging us before dinner and then found out he has cancer and felt awful. So now I guess we spend a lot of time with him trying to keep him happy until he goes but it sucks a lot to watch an animal suffer.

Re: The family dog has cancer - holagatita - 11-27-2012

That's super lame. Sorry man. Lost two dogs in the past couple years, I know the feelz. Just show him he's a good boy and a big sweetie, and he'll let you all know when it's...time. *e-hugs*

Re: The family dog has cancer - sTr - 11-27-2012

balls balls man, it's more sad to lose pets than family....

The family dog has cancer - The Professa - 11-27-2012

Oh man that sucks. I'm sorry