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Hurricane Sandy - Printable Version

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Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

Apparently the path is going to hit quite a bit of our users. I know Mike lost power so far. Who else is in the path.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

DBM and MO please.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

hopefully the pentagon. the whitehouse, norad, the UN buidling and any other political and security building..

Re: Hurricane Sandy - sTr - 10-29-2012

bajaj, it's only the cool members... but on a different note, it should be called Hurricane Sandy Vagina... that would be way cooler...

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

I'm feeling the wrath right now. Lost power, but it came back. There's sustained winds about 45-50 mph. I'm in land quite a bit. I'm mostly concerned with flying tree limbs.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:hopefully the pentagon. the whitehouse, norad, the UN buidling and any other political and security building..
NORAD is inside of a mountain. So no matter the storm nothing will happen to that.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

Isn't the hurricane an act of terrorism by God?

I smell a war.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Paullehh Wrote:Isn't the hurricane an act of terrorism by God?

I smell a war.
[Image: cmpunkisnotimpressed.png]

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 10-29-2012


Re: Hurricane Sandy - BiggGameJames - 10-29-2012

Paullehh Wrote:DBM and MO please.

its only North-East cost

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Autumn - 10-29-2012

Its windy as fuck here. Been raining all day. We still have power.

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Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

BiggGameJames Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:DBM and MO please.

its only North-East cost
Well i vote we sacrifice you to in order to opease lord cocktopus and have him wind down his windy wrath.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - dirtymonkey22 - 10-30-2012

just raining all day in MI and Windy as fuck

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 10-30-2012

yeah, i don't think it was that bad was it?

just the media making out like it was.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - dirtymonkey22 - 10-30-2012

well they say MI is getting the End of it when places like NY are getting the Worst of

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 10-30-2012

really, i have been keeping an eye on this through the tech of the internet by watching the through the cameras in times square, everything seems to be functioning ok still.

i know there has been a bit of devastation but I don't know how much and where.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - sTr - 10-30-2012

the media is good at making things sound worse than they actually are. This is not to say it's not bad in certain areas, but if you turn on the TV they only show downtown. The places that are going to get hit the hardest are the rural areas where there are trees and whatnot falling all over their houses...

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 10-30-2012

A lot of American homes seem to be made out of shit. Like you could kick your way in to them through a wall.
That shit wont last long in a hurricane.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 10-30-2012

yeah cause americans don't know how to make bricks.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 10-30-2012

Jersey coastline got hit bad, wasn't the rain and wind so much, the increased tides are what really fucked most areas.

My apt got flooded, spent most of the day moving what we could off of the carpet since it's soaked, still no power and a ban on driving so I'm pretty much stuck

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 10-30-2012

remove carpet, get lino and a rug, cheaper

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 10-31-2012

Still no power and no one allowed on or off the island..

On a side note Obama and gov Christie are here at the community center, would be nice to know what they're saying if we could get anywhere close to there,

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 10-31-2012

take a boat

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-02-2012

Bajaj, it still wasn't flooded at the time, the cops were just being dick's and wouldn't let anyone walk on the streets around the rec center..

stuff has been nutzo around here, i was finally able to drive off the island Halloween night, took my cat to my mom's in central/northish jersey. There's still like a million people without power (and even some the ones that have it , it's just electric, no cable ) hour wait times for gas at some stations, mad businesses and roads closed/ detoured.. shit is bananas

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-02-2012

b a n a n a s

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-03-2012

I'm back at work. Lost power. I'm sending this from work. Me and my gf are shacking up at my cousin's place.

All the Euros that don't understand what a hurricane is, just shut up.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-03-2012

bajaj it gets a bit windy outside and XIII now thinks he's the world authority on hurricanes.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-03-2012

Kinda like how you Euro trash think you're the authority on masonry and infrastructure?

Just shut the fuck up.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-03-2012

It was a fair observation that many homes are not built to withstand severe weather....
Maybe it's not as obvious to you as it is to others but well, that;'s your problem. You shut the fuck up.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-03-2012

You just over generalize and sound like a fucking goof. You have no idea what caused damage. Like... our powerlines aren't in our houses, ya dipshit.

Your stale ass countries can't even handle a whack soccer tournament. So, you're one to talk.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-03-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:You just over generalize and sound like a fucking goof. You have no idea what caused damage. Like... our powerlines aren't in our houses, ya dipshit.

Your stale ass countries can't even handle a whack soccer tournament. So, you're one to talk.

I made no comment about power lines you idiot. I specifically spoke on houses. You're a fucking retard if you thought that's a comment on other infrastructure like power lines. Get a grip son.

There are many soccer tournaments here, shit, they happen every year... dipshit. You don't even have a point. You are pointless. :)

You should be a politician with these awesome arguments.

"Building practices and standards need to improve so homes can withstand severe weather"

"Yeh, well you can't hold a soccer tournament"


Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 11-03-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Kinda like how you Euro trash think you're the authority on masonry and infrastructure?

Just shut the fuck up.

umm, we kind of are, we have buildings that are 200 years old, maybe older.


and neither is paulehh

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-03-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:
LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Kinda like how you Euro trash think you're the authority on masonry and infrastructure?

Just shut the fuck up.

umm, we kind of are, we have buildings that are 200 years old, maybe older.


and neither is paulehh
We have buildings much older than that.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-03-2012

In the grand scheme of things the amount of houses were completely destroyed is a small percentage and even then there's other factors that played into why.

Places burned because the electricity was still on while there was water everywhere, people couldn't get back to where they live if they did have flooding, (so now they risk mold issues from having stagnant water in their homes for days), and the tides rose way more than under normal circumstances, so ocean front houses had the waves beating against their walls / foundation.

No matter How structurally sound a house is built, you throw fire, mold and extreme water pressure at it and it's going to get fucked

Re: Hurricane Sandy - N-Do - 11-03-2012

This thread would make my free mason friends bajaj

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