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You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

You think that e-book is yours huh? Pfffttt they want to strip you right of ownership..... this is a Bipartisan move..... I wonder who is paying for the push on this one. Be thr 5% join with Gary Johnson for President and end the two party system.

Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether you have the right to sell your stuff on eBay. Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this? If you sold your books, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be, even if you legally paid for and bought them.

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Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

Bahah lets bash America. I like that game.

[Image: pis2S.jpg]
"only in USA is it a right to carry a gun but a privilege to receive healthcare"

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

i truly hope this doesn't happen.

if it does they may try to implement it to other countries.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

If Europe was perfect, America wouldn't exist. Jussayin.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

dude, we owned america back in the day

oh and i dont class the uk as part of europe, UKIP = UK independant party and im all for that so fk europe.

Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:If Europe was perfect, America wouldn't exist. Jussayin.
ummmmm ok then...

Re: You've Been Owned - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

You think we care if its illegal? Hell no. We pass laws just so we can break them and not give a fuck. Everybody does cocaine, they make it illegal we do it more. Weed is ok then they make it illegal and we smoke more. Put a 250,000 fine on bootlegs, WE BOOTLEG EVERY THING EVEN BOOTLEG BOOTLEGS! WHAT!!!

Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

That's gangsta.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

of course criminals are just gonna carry on but for the majority of people it will be a huge kick in the nuts.

ive already thought about this a few months ago and I can't really see how its going to help if even more restrictions are put upon the common person.

they really dont want you doing anything, with these restrictions what will be the point?

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Judging all of America based on hicks is like if I judged all of Europe based on Albania, or something.

Just like Europe is made up of things called countries... US is made up of things called states. Read a book, mein freund.

Re: You've Been Owned - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

Our states do = Countries. We just do what we want, like not using the metric system, or other forms of currency, WE MADE SHIT OUR WAY.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

I hope he's just intentionally making these dumb comments to get a rise out of me. I've got nothing better to do than sit here all day because I'm stuck in a hurricane. What's his excuse though?

Re: You've Been Owned - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

agag me or him?

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

its dark outside....

i think im making valid points here.

I'm not basing anything off hicks, yes you have states i agree but the usa is one big piece of land still.

when i mean countires i mean countries, seperate countries, and you saying europe is not the same.

within europe there are several different countries, not just ours so your point is not valid here.

Re: You've Been Owned - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

Each state is different though douche.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

you don't think this is going to go ahead in all of your states, i bet it will DOUBLE DOUCHE

Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

USER RESIGNED Wrote:Each state is different though douche.
But you have federal law that covers all states and over rules any state law.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

The federal government is only there to make sure that state government doesn't overstep its power. That's as it's written by law. Every REAL battle in this country's court system has been States fighting Federal Government. And I don't know much about how Europe works, nor do I care, TBH... but isn't there certain laws that are constant throughout the continent?

It's like that in the US. We have some laws that are true in every state, and we have some states that have more or fewer laws than others. Unless you actually come here and see, you really shouldn't judge. Because you sound very ignorant in doing so.

And no, Fluff, I agree with you.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

its different in europe?, im not the one being ignorant here, you are.

in france which is part of the EU they drive on the right, in the UK on the left so its different and you would get nailed driving on the right.

but this isn't about europe, IT'S ABOUT usa

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Okay, and in some states you can make a right turn at a red light, and in others you can't. And you will get nailed trying to do so.

Also, how can I sound ignorant. I've made no assumptions. All I said was, "If Europe was perfect, America wouldn't exist."

You came here to escape a shitty king.

Then you went back when the colonists decided we don't want to obey the king's laws, and France backed us up for the luls.

Re: You've Been Owned - juggalogigolo - 10-29-2012

i fail to see what side of the road you drive on having anything to do with trying to sell an e-book?

who fucking sells e books?!?!

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

i was just about to make that same point fred.

Its not just e books, it will be everything.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

I'm pretty sure this law is just going to shut down companies that try and make a business out of selling used shit. Like FYE and Gamestop. What? Are they gonna show up at yard sales with a lawyer? They'd lose more money trying to enforce it than they lose just letting it go.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

have you even read the article lucky?

Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:The federal government is only there to make sure that state government doesn't overstep its power. That's as it's written by law. Every REAL battle in this country's court system has been States fighting Federal Government. And I don't know much about how Europe works, nor do I care, TBH... but isn't there certain laws that are constant throughout the continent?

It's like that in the US. We have some laws that are true in every state, and we have some states that have more or fewer laws than others. Unless you actually come here and see, you really shouldn't judge. Because you sound very ignorant in doing so.

And no, Fluff, I agree with you.
No, each country is responsible for its own law.
The closest thing to EU laws are general rules in regards to how much pollution you can cause as a nation and things like that.
These are for government though and not laws for citizens.
In the UK we can have by-laws which a local laws that can be enforced only in certain areas.
English and Scottish Law is also separate though almost identical. There are differences such as there are no trespassing laws in Scotland. We are free to walk where we please. (other than on national rail lines and Army/Navy/Airforce base grounds etc)

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

^^ which is completely irrelevant in this topic.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:have you even read the article lucky?
Yeah, have you?

.... I made direct references to it... maybe you should read it again, or check your reading comprehension skills.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

I have read it, twice to be exact, seems plain enough to fking comprehend.

big businessess want to control the major sell market leaving out the common person to just basically do fk all.

you don't see a problem with that?

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:I have read it, twice to be exact, seems plain enough to fking comprehend.

big businessess want to control the major sell market leaving out the common person to just basically do fk all.

you don't see a problem with that?

I see people not buying all the fucking Wii's and throwing them on eBay for $2k anymore. And for this, I'm thankful.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

you don't have to buy it do you?

just wait....

but no, people like that just take advantage on the sheep.

what about older goods, that you no longer need/upgraded, you won't be able to sell would you.

and bajaj on paullehs sig showing up on FB when this thread was linked.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

I'd like to buy it at MSRP.....? And not 2 years after it comes out.

But anyway, I'm not gonna play devil's advocate... I do see your point as well. I do find it a bit intrusive for the government to tell me I can't sell something I don't want/need anymore to someone that can't/don't want to pay full price for it.

God only knows what that's gonna do to the auto industry.

Laws like this don't last very long in this country. They never make it through as a law. If it does, then you can come back to me.

See in the states, we can actually reverse laws if they're silly... via petition and our local governments. We'll see on this I guess.

Re: You've Been Owned - Stoopid Dog - 10-29-2012

Paullehh Wrote:
USER RESIGNED Wrote:Each state is different though douche.
But you have federal law that covers all states and over rules any state law.

Ya but look at California. They are allowing medical marijuana but its still illegal by federal government. But people are doing it regardless and its legal by state law and the government only comes in and does anything when they want to be pricks and make some extra cash off it. So each state is allowed to do what they want as long as they don't get crazy.

Re: You've Been Owned - Ms Felony - 10-29-2012

same lucky, we had, well, not a complete reversal but a bit more power against burglars should they wish to break in.

only happened just recently due to a judge with a bit more common sense.

Re: You've Been Owned - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-29-2012

Yeah. So the thing is...people here want to be elected senator/governor/congressman... state positions. And to do so, they listen to what the people of the state say. So if enough people are like, "Can you get that shitty law out of this state?" They'll make that the backbone of their campaign.

I'm willing to bet every person in every state gov't is going to make it their job to not let that law pass.

Re: You've Been Owned - Paullehh - 10-29-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Yeah. So the thing is...people here want to be elected senator/governor/congressman... state positions. And to do so, they listen to what the people of the state say. So if enough people are like, "Can you get that shitty law out of this state?" They'll make that the backbone of their campaign.

I'm willing to bet every person in every state gov't is going to make it their job to not let that law pass.
Why is religion so prominent in American politics?
It actually boils my piss. People are retarded :(

On that. I seen this the other day and it is wrong on more levels than the subject matter.

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