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Enigma - Stoopid Dog - 10-19-2012

Need to talk to you on facebook or PM here and or anybody that would be serious about helping me start a new life. I got a long list of shit that is going on with my life and I can't stand living here no more, I feel if I don't move away I'm going to end up commiting suicide. Not to be a emo or attention getting like seriously this city is just gloomy and depressing.

Re: Enigma - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-19-2012

You should convert to Hindu, kill yourself, and hope you come back as something cooler.

Hope I was helpful.

Re: Enigma - Stoopid Dog - 10-19-2012

You should just do step two so I can eat an apple and laugh.

Re: Enigma - juggalogigolo - 10-20-2012

post it up on here... wtf you looking for? a place to move and live and start over? or what?

long term living arangments, short term crash pad, someone to talk to? wtf are you looking for?

ide have no problem letting you crash at my place for a while, but im not single and i dont live alone, and the last douchebag from here DRANK MY RARE FAYGO.... so fuck all that noise

Re: Enigma - Stoopid Dog - 10-20-2012

-don't drink pop.

But talking is sooo temporary fix to anything it only helps for short periods of time.

But as far as I'm looking for is this.

I live in a town that has like 11% unemployment(thats even registered). People from Chicago South side projects such as Cabrini Greens has moved in and made it unsafe to even be out at night. We are ranked right below Chicago on the nations top 100 worse places to live. Crime sky rocketed. Schools are garbage. Jobs are a joke. Everything is a ghetto. Literately 95% of town is ghetto. It just sucks here. There is no future for anybody since GM and Hyster left town. I need a new life. If I stay here anymore I'll just be another person stuck in the same hole. It sucks so bad here everybody is depressed. Seriously whole town of depressed as people. Its horrible here, then on top of that my family treats me like the black sheep so I have NO Family basically. I've shared some of the suckage on here a few times like places to live and shit like that. I need a real opportunity to have a career and a life for myself and my kids if that would ever happen. I need to find a place that has a better chance at that.

Re: Enigma - TheB6Bitch - 10-20-2012

oh god not the faygo story again

Enigma - The Professa - 10-20-2012

It was me. I drank the rare faygo. It was delicious.

And yay for you, fluff, realizing you dont like shit how it is and wanting to change it.

Re: Enigma - Enigma - 10-20-2012

what flavor faygo was it? rarest i've had was candy apple. i was saddened to hear they discontinued it so long ago.

Re: Enigma - OddBallFreak - 10-20-2012

haha, freds gonna be 90 years old telling his grand kids about the time he decided to be kind to people and all he got out of it was an empty container of faygo..

and word@ fluff for trying to better your situation, i feel like it would be hard to go too far because you wouldn't want to not be able to see your kids though :(

Re: Enigma - juggalogigolo - 10-20-2012

they have candy apple again, at least around here

Re: Enigma - N-Do - 10-20-2012

Yeah closing Cabrini Green was such a bad idea, Chicago suburbs got overflowed with niggers. Real gangs took over nice areas that were used to white kid wannabes. Northwest Indiana is 100x more fucked now too, I feel bad for my family that lives there.

Also yeah they brought back candy apple faygo, my friend ordered 2 cases in August and they just came in the other day. Dee-licious.

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Re: Enigma - Enigma - 10-20-2012

fred Wrote:they have candy apple again, at least around here

Re: Enigma - juggalogigolo - 10-20-2012

i just had one today, was pretty tasty, its been forever since ive had one

Re: Enigma - Enigma - 10-21-2012

:( :(