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What pisses you off? - Printable Version

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What pisses you off? - insane - 10-17-2012

For me its mostly stupid people. Not retarded people but people that do retarded things when they are smart enough to know better.
Example My sister in law, she has no income, her boyfriend has very little income <part-time low wage>
She is addicted to methadone been on it for 6-7 years and is not ready for a kid and doesn't want one,
and she continued to have unprotected sex with him. Every time she was late on her period she said holy shit please don't let me be pregnant until months later of unprotected sex she gets pregnant.
The child is do in December and she has no way to support it and isn't looking for a way to do so.
She is instead going to let her mom pay for everything the child needs and will not even take hand me downs from my daughter <they are having a girl>
So now because she was stupid her mom has to raise a granddaughter as well as feed clothe and support the child while her daughter stays rent free and her mom has to pay 80 a week for her to go to the methadone clinic.
People like that piss me off.
So what is pissing you off?

Re: What pisses you off? - juggalogigolo - 10-17-2012

waste of space, off the bitch

Re: What pisses you off? - dirtymonkey22 - 10-17-2012

well just go up to her and Punch her in the Stomach!! There I said it the baby would be better off If the baby makes through the birth it will be hook on Methadone and Have to go through withdraw On top of Having 2 wast of space parents .
What I said is horrible but what 2 morons are doing to that unborn child it too, the baby will be stuck In the same path and Probably end up dead at a young age or completely fuck up. the child Has no real shot in life

Re: What pisses you off? - insane - 10-17-2012

Obviously those things mentioned would land me in prison. The child is fucked and I think will be raised by the state. There should be some kind of law preventing idiots from having children. You need to pass a test for just about everything BUT having a child. If you want to donate sperm they even test your intelligence and health. If you go to adopt they check your finances credit, housing everything about you but there is no law or regualtion controlling who has children or how many. I fear that the movie Idiocracy is becoming a reality.
If you have not seen it the Movie is about dumb people breeding out the smart people until the future is full of retards and 2 people from average intelligence from our time try to cope/fix the fucked up new idiot world.
In the movie they show 2 couples one is well educated and well off financially. They end up never having kids because they feel that they are either not ready or they don't want kids, the other couple is 2 redneck tards who by the end of the lifetime of the intelligent couple have like<not sure of the actual number in the movie but they have a lot of kids> 15 kids and 8 grandkids.
Its scary the dumb people are outbreeding us and you can see the difference by what is popular now vs what was popular 20 years ago.

Re: What pisses you off? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-17-2012

Be a better person and raise good kids.

The only solution.

Re: What pisses you off? - holagatita - 10-17-2012

This situation with her pisses me off, it shouldn't, it's not like it affects me in anyway....but..
I made a choice to not have be able to have children, permanently, several years ago, and have since had reservations about that choice. I don't have the money to do anything about it, not to mention many other reasons why it won't ever happen, but people can just get knocked up with kids they don't want, and it burns my ass.
Is it rational? no...but then when is the decision ever rational. If we only procreated at the right "time" or in the perfect circumstance...well then a good majority of us would never have em. Or it would be too late, like the "smart" couple at the beginning of Idiocracy.