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Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Printable Version

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Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - insane - 10-13-2012

ever get so mad you stop your bus driving to whoop a girls ass? Well he did.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Ms Felony - 10-13-2012

bitches be trippin'

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Enigma - 10-13-2012

i woulda punched her in the face too.

sad thing is though, dude prolly doesn't have a job now.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - F-Disk - 10-13-2012

lol epic

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-13-2012

i heard he was put on leave... honestly, i would have done the same thing....

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-13-2012

People treat employees like slaves. They're still people, and they should be able to defend themselves when attacked. I've seen people throw food at McDonald's employees n shit. Okay so they work at McDonald's... they're still human beings.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-13-2012

word, shits retarded...
people get pissed at me personally when the price of something is high, like its MY fault that the multi-billion dollar grocery store chain i work for is charging to much for something

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Stoopid Dog - 10-13-2012

Its your fault for not working for mexican pay. Bitch.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-13-2012

pffffffffft i one of the higher paid employees in the store, and i only make 13.25

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Stoopid Dog - 10-13-2012

Thats why the prices are waaay to high, Id pay you .12 an hour. bajaj

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-13-2012

12 cent? not even a mexican would do my job for that.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Stoopid Dog - 10-14-2012

Bullshit. But thats decent bucks you make there. How many dicks did you suck to get there?

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-14-2012

none, when i started i worked in the meat department, which is the highest paid department in the store for obvious reasons, and for some reason i got topped out at 12.75 according to the union book. then got another 50 cent an hour for taking over and running the seafood department when the last guy left. its a joke, its not worth the 50 cent an hour, but its the only way to et early shifts, i work 8-430 now instead of 130-10 before.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Stoopid Dog - 10-14-2012

Only places that pay over min. wage here (8.25) Is factories, and you got to work there for 3 months at min before they pay you actual pay.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - t3ktonix - 10-15-2012

That dudes uppercut was something to behold. You could tell he's used it before....perfect form

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Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-15-2012

he definitely knew what he was doing, it was an amazing uppercut

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - sTr - 10-15-2012

damn, he fucked that bitch up....

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - insane - 10-16-2012

Some women fucking ask for it. I know its wrong to hit a woman but when a woman takes advantage of the fact that you can't hit her gets in your face and starts getting physical with you, I believe you should be able to defend yourself. It is possible for a woman to push a man to his limits and cause him to break that moral and legal boundary of not striking a woman. Everyone has a limit to how much they can take, everyone does.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Autumn - 10-16-2012

If a bitch is going to resort to physical attacks and threats, she deserves what she gets. It amazes me how girls can act tough, but when it comes to throwing down they're fucking chicken

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Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - dirtymonkey22 - 10-16-2012

Autumn Wrote:If a bitch is going to resort to physical attacks and threats, she deserves what she gets. It amazes me how girls can act tough, but when it comes to throwing down they're fucking chicken

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alot of women take advantage of the Don't Hit women Thing and shit like this video Happens and they want to play the victim. But I do agree If a woman wants to act like a man get in a mans face and hit him she deserves whats coming.
Its funny because My wife will Mess with me (playfully) acting tuff hit me in the arm but as soon as I barly touch her she wants to stop And I'm thinking Bitch you just ....... I want to fuck you up

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-16-2012

no one should ever hit anyone.... ever... male or female...

some women tend to use the whole" you cant hit me im a girl" excuse, to which i say bullshit, yes, i am a man, yes, i am stronger than you. but you knew that shit before you hit me, hoping that youll get a free pass just because you own a vagina. not gonna happen.

yes hitting women is wrong, but so is hitting men. and if you are a woman and feel that hitting someone is the only way to solve whatever problem you have, then you should fully expect to get hit back. the ONLY time ive ever hit a woman is when she hit me first, attacking me and leaving me no other options. ive never had to uppercut a bitch like in the video, but if ANYONE comes at me and attacks me, you better believe im going to hit them back. ive hit a few women in my day, but ONLY because they attacked me first, and ONLY to restrain them and make them realize that this wasnt a battle that they had any chance of winning, at which point they suddenly realized maybe it wasnt so smart to attack a 6'6" dude.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - sTr - 10-16-2012

my life motto is survive against all opposition, which is exactly what it is. !'m with you Fred, hitting people is for fools that don't know how to think rationally, but if it comes down to it ! will defend myself against all odds.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Autumn - 10-17-2012

I'm so passive, I think physical altercation is ridiculous. I will avoid it at any cost. I'm far too cute to get my face fucked up. ;P

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Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - insane - 10-17-2012

the thing is she spat in his face, almost anyone would hit someone who did that because it fucking disgusting and a total lack of respect. My first reaction when somebody pisses me off is not to hit them but more to tell them why they are a fucking idiot for doing or saying what they did. I admire your self control Autumn I really do but some people have shorter fuses than others. When you get to the point that you want to get physical with someone its usually when you're just too mad to think rationally or you are defending yourself.
Also most people that would not resort to physical violence are the same people that would not scream in someone's face about beating their ass or you can't touch me you will go to jail.
I don't start fights but I also do not like to appear like I am weak or can be taken advantage of.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-17-2012

insane Wrote:I don't start fights but I also do not like to appear like I am weak or can be taken advantage of.
This is me, basically.

Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - Autumn - 10-17-2012

I have never ever had a reason to fight.

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Re: Bus Driver Uppercuts Female Passenger - juggalogigolo - 10-17-2012

youre lucky