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so whats the deal... - Printable Version

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so whats the deal... - 911wasaninsidejoke - 10-02-2012

why did Boondox leave psychopathic? Was his twitter really hacked into?
why did lavel leave the label so prematurely?
why has vanilla ice yet to release a album on the label?
why did Marz get booted from Dark Lotus?
and speaking of dark lotus, why havent they grinded out a new album for us by now? the last one came out like 4 years ago. what heck are they waiting for?
does anyone else find sugar slam really annoying to watch and listen too? and is it true she fucked one of those d-bags from AMB? Has anyone bothered to ask violent J what its like to be a cuckold?
when do you guys predict esham and icp will be good friends again and how long it will take until they have another falling out?


Re: so whats the deal... - juggalogigolo - 10-02-2012

why the fuck are you asking this here?

fuck outta here noob

Re: so whats the deal... - 911wasaninsidejoke - 10-02-2012

where is the appropriate place to ask these questions?

Re: so whats the deal... - tdot - 10-02-2012

1 hint... not here

Re: so whats the deal... - tdot - 10-02-2012

1 hint... not here

Re: so whats the deal... - Stoopid Dog - 10-02-2012

Who the fuck is Boondox?

Re: so whats the deal... - insane - 10-03-2012

thats that show on comedy central where they say the N word a lot

Re: so whats the deal... - Juggahoe - 10-03-2012

why did Boondox leave psychopathic? Was his twitter really hacked into? --->they didnt support him as much cause he didnt live in the D, His twitter wasnt really hacked and the one about sugarslam praying with his snake was hilarious.

why did lavel leave the label so prematurely? ---> prematurely to what?

why has vanilla ice yet to release a album on the label?--->met up with V-Ice in Vegas a few months back and he said his album is due out in December

why did Marz get booted from Dark Lotus?----> Marz was never Lotus, and you know this

and speaking of dark lotus, why havent they grinded out a new album for us by now? the last one came out like 4 years ago. what heck are they waiting for?----> was in the works but MDP pushed it back. Expect a new album in 2013

does anyone else find sugar slam really annoying to watch and listen too? and is it true she fucked one of those d-bags from AMB? Has anyone bothered to ask violent J what its like to be a cuckold?---> Shes mad annoying, I also heard from many differnt people AMB gave her the eiffle tower.

when do you guys predict esham and icp will be good friends again and how long it will take until they have another falling out? ----> Tomorrow?

Re: so whats the deal... - N-Do - 10-04-2012

Juggahoe Wrote:why did Marz get booted from Dark Lotus?----> Marz was never Lotus, and you know this


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Re: so whats the deal... - juggalogigolo - 10-04-2012

the only GOOD lotus was the first cd with mars on it, everything else has paled in comparison

so whats the deal... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-04-2012

I liked opaque brotherhood.

Re: so whats the deal... - Ms Felony - 10-04-2012

fred Wrote:the only GOOD lotus was the first cd with mars on it, everything else has paled in comparison

Re: so whats the deal... - Autumn - 10-04-2012

I agree that Mars' voice fit lotus wayyy better than Killa's does.

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Re: so whats the deal... - N-Do - 10-04-2012

Everybody likes Marz but refuses to spell his name correctly. The only time Mars was decent was in Mad Insanity.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

so whats the deal... - The Professa - 10-04-2012

fred Wrote:the only GOOD lotus was the first cd with mars on it, everything else has paled in comparison

Re: so whats the deal... - Autumn - 10-05-2012

I only know of him from DL, so spelling his name correctly is the least of my concerns.

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Re: so whats the deal... - Juggahoe - 10-05-2012

Mars is a straight up jobber. I hate that fuck and he's well aware of my hate of him. When the shit went down when Boondox's twitter got "hacked" Mars tweeted some shit about Psy. Then he deleted the tweet. I called him out on it and he back peddled real quick. Then put his twitter to private right away.

so whats the deal... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-05-2012

Yeah it must have been cuz he cared about YOUR thoughts. Pfffff

Re: so whats the deal... - Juggahoe - 10-05-2012

Way to be a moron like usual.
He deleted the tweet before I called him out on it. His responses back to me seem very much like he cared. Then right after turns his account to private. This wasn't the 1st time me and him got into it, probably won't be the last.

You're trying to hard...

so whats the deal... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-05-2012


Re: so whats the deal... - Juggahoe - 10-05-2012

You're still a faggot.

Re: so whats the deal... - OddBallFreak - 10-05-2012

A new dark Lotus c.d would make me smile

Re: so whats the deal... - Ms Felony - 10-05-2012

Juggahoe Wrote:Way to be a moron like usual.
He deleted the tweet before I called him out on it. His responses back to me seem very much like he cared. Then right after turns his account to private. This wasn't the 1st time me and him got into it, probably won't be the last.

You're trying to hard...

no one cares

Re: so whats the deal... - Juggahoe - 10-05-2012

I didn't realize I asked if anyone did but thanks.