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Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Printable Version

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Mitt Romney shit on poor people - insane - 09-18-2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is trying to steady a shaky campaign as President Barack Obama, enjoying a burst of momentum, heads to New York for a celebrity fundraiser with Beyoncé and Jay-Z and a star turn on David Letterman’s couch.

Romney is trying to contain the political fallout of an unauthorized video of him telling donors that almost half of all Americans “believe they are victims” entitled to extensive government support and adding that as a candidate for the White House, “my job is not to worry about those people.” Romney was also trying to shake stories that his campaign was in disarray and looking for a change in direction seven weeks before Election Day.

In a hastily arranged meeting with reporters late Monday, Romney said that while his comments were “not elegantly stated,” he stood by his remarks about Americans who do not pay taxes.

“Those who are reliant on government are not as attracted to my message of slimming down the size of government,” Romney said in Costa Mesa, Calif., doubling down on his statement.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - sTr - 09-18-2012

[Image: gC8gO.jpg]

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - juggalogigolo - 09-18-2012

anyone who votes for that fagbot is either retardedly rich, or just retarded.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - holagatita - 09-18-2012

Mittens doesn't stand a chance. People that vote for him are mostly just people who don't like Obama. I don't know one person that is actually FOR him.
Obama is...ok...but really all of our presidents in the last 30 years are retarded. cept for Clinton. I loved that fucker.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - F-Disk - 09-18-2012

im realy not sure wich one i hate more right now

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-18-2012

aquarium gravel, Loooooooooooooooooool

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Stoopid Dog - 09-18-2012

holagatita Wrote:Mittens doesn't stand a chance. People that vote for him are mostly just people who don't like Obama. I don't know one person that is actually FOR him.
Obama is...ok...but really all of our presidents in the last 30 years are retarded. cept for Clinton. I loved that fucker.
Clinton was stupid. *fluffluvscock*

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - N-Do - 09-21-2012

Voting doesn't work 1-2-3

We are all slaves of the NWO anyway.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-21-2012

the NWO is failing badly, they are trying to cling to what they have, which isn't a great deal anymore.

a soon as the federal reserve goes down the toilet its all over for them.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - N-Do - 09-21-2012

That won't be happening anytime soon word is they are talking about doing ANOTHER round of QE which will make us lazy asses pleased for "free money" so we can all be nigger rich for a week. But the nwo is more than the US lol they will still be running shit for a while. Nice to see bigger numbers of people waking up to what's really going on though.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Stoopid Dog - 09-21-2012

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-21-2012


following on from what I've been seeing, small news snippets and the like, And the fact that isreal/iran and a few other countries are getting ready to have their ass handed to them on a plate by the US.

China wants to change the currency to yuan

it aint gonna be pretty, look what happened to libya....kadafi wanted a new currency and boom he's a dead fker.

But if the US loses it then its gonna be a shitstorm.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - sTr - 09-21-2012

莟莟莟 Wrote:

!'d vote this nWo into office....

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Grimlin - 09-22-2012

Techinally it's true....Most people now want the government's money...nobody wants or is willing to work for it now.

If we continue onto this path America...we are in deep trouble. The 16+ trillion dollars Obama ran up won't even be paid off even by our Grandkids. The man is handing out money and putting us in deep trouble.

I just talked to a lady today saying her medicare was deducted by $300 for Obama's health care plan.

Obama believes in taxing 100% of your paycheck and can do it legally.

WE Need to start start taking back the government and stop depending on the government taking care of us. Which is what's happening in America right now. So was romney wrong? Nope...but the media likes to make it sound worst than it really was said to began with.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - SweatNutzDaClown - 09-22-2012

Do any of you, my fellow juggalos, have a job right now? This ninja is down and out right now but scraping by in this rap game.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - BiggGameJames - 09-22-2012

SweatNutzDaClown Wrote:Do any of you, my fellow juggalos, have a job right now? This ninja is down and out right now but scraping by in this rap game.

wrong place to ask most of them ex-juggalos and they do not care

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-22-2012

does not care

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Paullehh - 09-22-2012


Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Stoopid Dog - 09-22-2012

SweatNutzDaClown Wrote:Do any of you, my fellow juggalos, have a job right now? This ninja is down and out right now but scraping by in this rap game.

Stop trying to rap. Thats the first thing .Then stop trying to be black. You wont get a job being a nigger. Nobody hires niggers. At all. Then, get a real hair cut. Buy some nice slacks with a button up shirt. Go to McDonalds and flip bugers. You're not going to be the next ICP. Get over it. *fluffluvscock*

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-22-2012

He shit on lazy people. And anyone that is offended by what he said has a guilty conscience.

Seriously, you folks know what he meant. He wasn't talking about veterans and elderly and disabled people... he was talking to people that don't want to fucking work for a living because they don't want to fucking work.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Stoopid Dog - 09-22-2012

There has to be jobs and work in US for people to work. Getting our jobs back here would be the solution but nobody wants to do that.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-22-2012

same in this country fluff, id love a job but where i am is so shit.

freelancing fell apart, can't do much in a small town at all.

Mitt Romney shit on poor people - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-22-2012

It took me two years to land my job. While I looked, I worked at best buy, state park, and made my own stuff to sell to people. There's no excuse for people too worthless to get an entry level job or with no skill that can mutually benefit society. It's much easier for people to just play disabled and collect free money and smoke/ deal weed on their free time. You're entitled to THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Not simply happiness. If you're worthless, then by all means you belong on the streets begging for change. Like, I can go to Walmart on a Tuesday at 1 in the afternoon and guaranteed ill spot some fat bitch with 5 kids, so fat that she needs to drive a motorized scooter. You don't get that fat by working.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - N-Do - 09-23-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:There's no excuse for people too worthless to get an entry level job or with no skill that can mutually benefit society.

QE Unlimited.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - insane - 09-24-2012

Some of the jobs that are sent overseas are because we don't have workers skilled enough to do them like manufacturing and engineering. I would love it if somehow we could fund higher education so that people would not work shit jobs because they can't afford college.

Mitt Romney shit on poor people - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-24-2012

insane Wrote:Some of the jobs that are sent overseas are because we don't have workers skilled enough to do them like manufacturing and engineering. I would love it if somehow we could fund higher education so that people would not work shit jobs because they can't afford college.
The people that started these jobs initially did so with hardly a high school diploma. Society has hypnotized us to believe you can't do anything without a degree. The work wasn't sent away because we're unskilled. It was sent there because Americans lack the desire to enter a factory as a warehouse grunt.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-24-2012

You dont need a certificate or college if you are willing enough to lean, at the end though you still wont get that job without it.

and thats the problem.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Paullehh - 09-25-2012

Fluff is having trouble jizzing!

Mitt Romney shit on poor people - The Professa - 09-27-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:He shit on lazy people. And anyone that is offended by what he said has a guilty conscience.

Seriously, you folks know what he meant. He wasn't talking about veterans and elderly and disabled people... he was talking to people that don't want to fucking work for a living because they don't want to fucking work.

This was my initial thought. But the more I've heard out of his mouth and read online the more I think he is referring to anyone getting assistance; the oldies, vets, students, disabled, moochers.. All of them.
I still don't know how he is the best that the republicans had. That seems twisted to me.

I'm also horrible at following politics so... I could be way off but that's just my opinion this far. . Also, he seems to lack any compassion at all. I haven't gotten the impression he cares about the country at all, I think a president needs those qualities, no matter how simple or silly that sounds.

Re: Mitt Romney shit on poor people - Ms Felony - 09-27-2012

Grimlin Wrote:Techinally it's true....Most people now want the government's money...nobody wants or is willing to work for it now.

technically its our money we paid through taxes and such.

oh wow now look, greece and madrid having riots, this is the start fkers....