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Ex-WWE Writer Discusses Monday's Raw Continuing - BiggGameJames - 09-14-2012

Court Bauer, a former WWE creative writer discussed with Fight Club Chicago, Jerry Lawler's heart attack and how Raw continued despite the real life drama unfolding, the mentality of promoters and the night from a business point.

"You can always debate that, but on the flip side, if he had died obviously it's a whole new ballgame. They were in the process of trying to stabilize him and perform CPR. You had roughly about an hour left in the show. I'm sure you can coordinate with USA network to just jump into a re-run of one their programs and just be joined in progress."

"Their is a lot of pride in promoters like Dana White in that the show must go on and when you can't do that, it's like your worst case scenario and its catastrophic. In this case, I felt they did a great job in regrouping by the end. It's still so peculiar to me seeing a ten minute promo between Cena, Punk and Bret Hart. It just felt so weird and their was such a disconnect from it because real life was unfolding and there was something very real and crazy going on backstage."

"From a business point of view, yes you are living to your obligation with the USA Network, but I don't think any of that will capture anyone to buy Night of Champions. It will be a blur to people with what was said between Punk and Cena."