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Moar junk - Printable Version

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Moar junk - Ms Felony - 09-08-2012

And no, not that sort of junk....

I got to thinking most of the time I try and buy something quality but always fail, So now I'm just gonna buy the biggest piece of crap I can find and it looks like we have a winner.

I am buying one heap of crap for a boat, no engine, needs refit and 2 new windows but fk it, this is going to be awesome, the boat has been used by a teenager as a liveaboard so needs a little tidying up but atleast its in the water.

the problem is that its roughtly 350 miles away so getting there is going to be a pain in the ass but I think I can manage it.
the owner does have an outboard with controls for sale too so hoping to come to a deal for those and fit them back in so I can move it to a more suitable location.
along the way I will be refitting what I can and generally tidying it up.

I will be travelling light with a 45 litre backpack and will be basically living on the boat while I navigate my way round the canal to an undisclosed secret location.

I will be very busy while doing this but still hoping to get on the net every few days with a small notebook type computer.

So I will be starting a new thread soon and uploading pictures of the refit process. Pimp

all I need is a name for the boat so give me some ideas....

Re: Moar junk - John the Juggalo - 09-08-2012


Re: Moar junk - sTr - 09-11-2012

now you just need some hoes to go with your boat

Re: Moar junk - Ms Felony - 09-17-2012

ok, this one failed due to the owner being a dick.

I am looking at another at the moment which looks good, so gimmie some names you wankers.

Re: Moar junk - juggalogigolo - 09-17-2012

miss felony

Re: Moar junk - Ms Felony - 09-18-2012

loool. yeah good one fred

Re: Moar junk - juggalogigolo - 09-18-2012

i try

Re: Moar junk - insane - 09-18-2012


Re: Moar junk - OddBallFreak - 09-18-2012

Do you have an idea of what kind of name you'd like to give it?

Something that's a reflection upon you and the things you like and are into?
Something fitting for a water vessel?
Or just anything that sounds cool?

Re: Moar junk - insane - 09-18-2012


Re: Moar junk - Ms Felony - 09-18-2012

just something that sounds cool

I was going to use cirrhosis of the river

Re: Moar junk - juggalogigolo - 09-18-2012

not bad

Re: Moar junk - insane - 09-22-2012

Wow that is really good I don't think I can top that one.

Re: Moar junk - Paullehh - 09-25-2012

Fluff is having trouble jizzing!

Re: Moar junk - Ms Felony - 09-25-2012

^^ thats a retarded name for a boat

Re: Moar junk - sTr - 09-25-2012

but seriously, that would be a sweet name for a boat.