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Culling the Hoard - Printable Version

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Culling the Hoard - Enigma - 08-27-2012

I think there is a small part of me that has a tendency to hoard things. I have a shit ton of yarn, my kid has tons of toys, books that I've never read and clothes that don't fit anymore for myself and my kid. Now, for me, I keep the clothes bc, who knows, maybe some day they'll fit again, (pipe dream??), but I have collected 75% of every outfit my daughter has ever owned, from the day I brought her home from the hospital until the last size she's outgrown.

I have a friend that is hours away from giving labor. She is having a baby girl. So, as a gift, I went through all of my daughter's clothes and kept all of the clothes that I don't have an insane psychological or emotional attachment to, anyone who has ever tried to sort through baby clothes should know what I mean, and cut 2 storage bins of clothing down to 1/2 a bin of clothing. I'm still sort of depressed about it, and since the clothes are still in my house, I keep revisiting the idea of keeping them, but know I won't. I guess, the point of the story is, yay me for not becoming one of those crazy people you see on Hoarding: Buried Alive. Now to sort through my closet and dresser....

Re: Culling the Hoard - sTr - 08-27-2012

sign that shit right out of your house

Re: Culling the Hoard - John the Juggalo - 08-27-2012

Yeah i just dumped a whole heap of my own garbage recently.

Re: Culling the Hoard - Enigma - 08-27-2012

it's so hard to do. I just want to keep it...cuz, what if I need it in the future?

Re: Culling the Hoard - OddBallFreak - 08-27-2012

I'm the same way with certain things, esp broken electronics or computer parts.. I just let it all accumulate until I'm in a mood where I sickens me that i have so much shit lying around and I can't deal with it. Then I go through it all and get rid of what i feel I can live without, but it usually take 3x's as long as it should b/c I have to go through every little thing and debate over getting rid of it or not.

Re: Culling the Hoard - holagatita - 08-27-2012

I just went through a whole house douche, still in the process, since Fred moved in. I had so much bullshit in here, and just general clutter and animal hair and not giving a fuckness, but things are improving. I find it's much easier to get rid of shit and to improve things, when I have motivation. Only thing I hoard now is books. well and clothes, I have a whole second bedroom with just my clothes, lol. But I WILL NOT get rid of books. nope nope.
Fred has boxes and boxes of stuff he's moved from one bitches house to another, without doing anything with it (comic books, toys, etc) so he's guilty too, haha

Re: Culling the Hoard - Autumn - 08-27-2012

I don't hoard things, because I get annoyed with it. But, I'm super messy. I always have dishes that need to be done and clothes that need to be washed, and my house is never, ever immaculate. I figure people don't like me because my house is clean or not.

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Re: Culling the Hoard - juggalogigolo - 08-28-2012

word @ moving my shit from one house to another and never unpacking it, ive got no room to display half of it, but i cant just throw it away, its cool shit.

Re: Culling the Hoard - sTr - 08-29-2012

just as long as you have the Jason and Vigo Painting you're good...

Re: Culling the Hoard - F-Disk - 08-29-2012

<throws things away as soon as hey have no importance to me

Re: Culling the Hoard - sTr - 08-30-2012

you heartless bitch

Re: Culling the Hoard - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

He's smart though. I'm chin deep in fucking, boxes from my old electronics. Don't get me wrong, it's cool having a box to my old Nintendo... but like... 20 years of boxes is fucking whack.

Re: Culling the Hoard - Autumn - 08-30-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I'm chin deep in fucking

-jelly ;-)

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