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UGH I swear man. - Printable Version

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UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-27-2012

Ok I am JUST about to sleep. my stepfather knocks and opens the door.

"Hey! Gimmie a couple of your smokes!"

He did not bother to ask. God dammit I so hate people who can't fucking ask nicely. Fuck this whole demanding bullshit. "Gimmie gimmie gimmie" is about as annoying as a porn star whinning about a guy not wearing a condom in Brazil. Seriously all I ask is to be asked for a smoke AND NOT TO DEMAND IT! Ugh is it a crime to be nice?

No I can't hit him. Made a promise to myself years ago that I would never throw a punch at another person (Thus why every now and than I just go Emo around ya's) so I can't resort to good ol' American violence. He has tubes and a roller.. All I am gonna say to end this rant.

Thank you

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UGH I swear man. - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-27-2012

Who pays rent?

Re: UGH I swear man. - dirtymonkey22 - 08-27-2012

try stop smoking the shits bad for you anyway

Re: UGH I swear man. - John the Juggalo - 08-27-2012

Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-27-2012

Here's an update.

Woke up this morning with half a pack. Walk out to use the toilet..same damn thing, lose 5 more smokes. I go to leave. got 3 more taken which left me with 1. At least he gave me money to buy me a new pack. It's 1:38 PM and he's still awake.. Today fucking sucks!

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Re: UGH I swear man. - R31GN - 08-27-2012

That's what you get for still living with your parents.

Re: UGH I swear man. - John the Juggalo - 08-27-2012

Just tell him you dont have any..

Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-27-2012

He still ain't been to sleep. He lost a laptop cord and is blaming my brother and me and our friends. Today just sucks man. He needs to just go to sleep already so we can all get back to our regular lives god dammit.

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Re: UGH I swear man. - BiggGameJames - 08-27-2012

you really hate stepdad don't ya

Re: UGH I swear man. - Red Geist - 08-27-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:you really hate stepdad don't ya

[Image: n614276328_2063726_8264.jpg]

Re: UGH I swear man. - OddBallFreak - 08-27-2012

not taking off your hat for wedding pics... tisk tisk

Re: UGH I swear man. - John the Juggalo - 08-27-2012

I'd just go out and not come back until later.

Re: UGH I swear man. - dirtymonkey22 - 08-27-2012

Red Geist Wrote:
DeadBodyMan Wrote:you really hate stepdad don't ya

[Image: n614276328_2063726_8264.jpg]
ha Mo is Chris farlys kid

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Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-28-2012

Team LOTB Member: Red Geist. How many times do I gotta tell you idiots to stop stealing my photos?

It's been a lil over 24 hours. Nothing changed. At least he ain't bummed my last 4 smokes yet. lol

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Re: UGH I swear man. - Autumn - 08-28-2012

Why don't you move out on your own? Living by yourself is awesome. Except for paying bills, haha.

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Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-28-2012

Autumn Wrote:Why don't you move out on your own? Living by yourself is awesome. Except for paying bills, haha.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Working on that. Just one biiiig problem. Mom has some stupid thing over me called Power of attorney. I need to get that removed before I can finally escape from hell

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Re: UGH I swear man. - dirtymonkey22 - 08-28-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:
Autumn Wrote:Why don't you move out on your own? Living by yourself is awesome. Except for paying bills, haha.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Working on that. Just one biiiig problem. Mom has some stupid thing over me called Power of attorney. I need to get that removed before I can finally escape from hell

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Why does She Have Power of attorney Over, you Are you retarded or something Cocktopus

Re: UGH I swear man. - juggalogigolo - 08-28-2012


Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-28-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
KillaMo187 Wrote:
Autumn Wrote:Why don't you move out on your own? Living by yourself is awesome. Except for paying bills, haha.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Working on that. Just one biiiig problem. Mom has some stupid thing over me called Power of attorney. I need to get that removed before I can finally escape from hell

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
Why does She Have Power of attorney Gum Over, you Are you retarded or something Cocktopus
They think for some reason because I have very STRONG anger issues that I could fatally commit harm on somebody or myself

Re: UGH I swear man. - KillaMo187 - 08-28-2012

UPDATE: I think around 3 or so he passed out (thank christ lol)

Tho when I woke up this morning that living room reaked of a mix of warm beer and hot spit... I almost vomited.

Re: UGH I swear man. - BiggGameJames - 08-28-2012

how do u get that removed

Re: UGH I swear man. - sTr - 08-30-2012

just get drunk the smell will go away