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Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - Printable Version

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Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-25-2012

So they are finally coming out with The dark knight returns as a animated movie . If you dont know what TDK RETURNS
Is it's a Batman graphic novel Written by Frank Miller ( 300, sin city ) Back in the 80's that is belived to be the comic to bring batman to that dark and gritty version we all love and thought to be one of the Best batman stories Ever Ending In a epic Fight with Superman
[Image: Dark%2BKnight%2BReturns-950x1079.jpg]


The Dark Knight Returns is set in a dystopian near-future version of Gotham City. A year is never specified, though it has been a full decade since the last reported sighting of Batman, the current American President appears to be Ronald Reagan or someone using his image, and the Cold War is still ongoing. The author also alludes to the deaths of Bruce Wayne's parents as being on the night of a movie theater showing of Tyrone Power in The Mark of Zorro, a movie with a release date of November 8th, 1940, a time when Bruce was a youth. Virtually all superheroes, with the exception of Superman, have been forced into retirement or otherwise driven away by a populace that no longer trusts them. Bruce Wayne, now 55, has voluntarily retired from crime fighting following the death (under unspecified circumstances[1]) of Jason Todd, the second Robin. In the absence of superheroes, criminals run amok, and a gang called the Mutants terrorizes Gotham City.
The return of an old enemy prompts Wayne to don the Batman costume once again: Harvey Dent, thought cured after Wayne paid for plastic surgery to repair his disfigured face, is holding the city for ransom with a bomb. Batman confronts Dent, whose face is swathed in bandages, and realizes that his old foe, while physically cured, is still disfigured in his own mind.
The city is saved, but the populace debates whether Batman's brand of vigilantism has any place in society. The media plays a large role in DKR, with the narrative broken up by news reports and "talking head" editorials debating events in the story as they unfold.
After Batman saves her from a Mutant attack, 13-year-old Carrie Kelley buys herself a knock-off Robin costume, and searches for Batman to aid him. She finds Batman at the city dump, where he is fighting the Mutants. The Mutants' leader defeats Batman in combat, but Kelley distracts him long enough for Batman to pacify him and Kelley pulls Batman into the tank-like Batmobile. Kelley attends to Batman’s wounds as the vehicle drives toward the Batcave. Once home, Batman takes Carrie on as the new Robin despite the objections of his butler, Alfred. With the help of retiring Commissioner James Gordon, the Mutants' leader is allowed to escape from jail, and Batman beats him in a mud fight in front of the assembled gang. The Mutants disband as a result of his humiliation, forming several smaller gangs, one of which, the "Sons of the Batman," uses extremely violent methods (up to and including murder) to "purge" Gotham of its criminal element.
Meanwhile, the return of Batman causes The Joker to awaken from a years-long catatonic state at Arkham Asylum. The Joker convinces his psychiatrist, Dr. Bartholomew Wolper, that he is sane and feels remorse for his crimes. Seeking to discredit Batman, whom he has crusaded against in the media, Wolper appears with the Joker on a late-night talk show. While the police, now led by the anti-vigilante Commissioner Ellen Yindel, attack Batman, the Joker murders everyone in the television studio (including Wolper) and escapes. He finds Selina Kyle, and after finding out what he wants from her gags her, beats her, dresses her in a Wonder Woman costume, and binds her with a gold-covered rope. Batman and Robin free her, and track the Joker to a county fair, where he has already murdered many people. Batman defeats Joker in a violent showdown, breaking his neck but stopping just short of killing him. The Joker twists his neck until his spine breaks completely, taunting Batman as he dies with the knowledge that he will be charged with a murder he couldn't bring himself to commit. Batman escapes, but not before another confrontation with the Gotham police, and a citywide manhunt is now on for the Caped Crusader.
After Superman diverts a Russian nuclear warhead which then detonates in a desert, Gotham is hit by an electromagnetic pulse, and descends into chaos during the resulting blackout. Batman and Robin train former Mutants and the Sons of the Batman in non-lethal fighting to stop looting and ensure the flow of needed supplies. In the midst of nuclear winter conditions, Gotham becomes the safest city in America; the U.S. government, seeing this as an embarrassment, orders Superman to take Batman down. Having been warned of the government's plans by Oliver Queen, the former Green Arrow, Batman confronts Superman. Symbolically, their duel takes place in Crime Alley, where Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered decades earlier. Batman defeats Superman (with the help of Green Arrow and a kryptonite-tipped arrow), but dies from a heart attack immediately afterward. Alfred destroys the Batcave and Wayne Manor, and dies from a fatal stroke.
After Bruce's funeral, it is revealed that his death was staged as an elaborate ruse; Clark Kent (Superman) attends the funeral and gives Robin a knowing wink after hearing Bruce's heartbeat as he leaves the grave site, suggesting his silent approval of what will happen next. Some time afterward, Batman leads Robin, Green Arrow, and the rest of his followers into the caverns beyond the Batcave and prepares to continue his fight. His plan, which will take years of training, is to build an army, and to bring sense to a world plagued by something "worse than thieves and murderers". He decides that this will be a "good life – good enough."

Quote:Warners and DC are splitting up the adaptation of the dense four-part graphic novel into two animated features titled Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 and Part 2. The first movie will hit shelves on October. Part 2 will be released in early 2013.

Here's a Clip that was done ON a episode Way back on the animated series

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - sTr - 08-25-2012

!'m down as hell....

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-25-2012

I still love the original Animated Series. Have the whole thing on DVD. That shit never gets old to me. I love DC animated movies. Will definitely check this bad boy out.

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-25-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I still love the original Animated Series. Have the whole thing on DVD. That shit never gets old to me. I love DC animated movies. Will definitely check this bad boy out.
Fuck yeah Marvel may have better movies but DC has the animation on Lock
But I got to say Avengers EMH is the shit and it just got cancelled

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-25-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I still love the original Animated Series. Have the whole thing on DVD. That shit never gets old to me. I love DC animated movies. Will definitely check this bad boy out.

Man i love every thing Batman, superman ,Batman beyond and JLU I even Liked Static shock but by they time static started to really get good it was over

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - sTr - 08-27-2012

all the animated batman series have been sweet, ! can't say the same about all the other comic hero animations....

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-07-2012

I just dug out my Copy of TDKR and started reading it again and fuck its good I really hope the animated movie is a copy paste from the book, and so far it looks that way.

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-11-2012

it just Came up for Download On the torrent sites go get it

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-11-2012

Just watched it and its fucking great I liked it more then Dark knight rises

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - insane - 09-13-2012

fuck! that is all

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

well did you watch it

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - sTr - 09-13-2012

thanks for bumping this one as well, still need to get my download on

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

It was Frame by frame Like the comic

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - TheB6Bitch - 09-13-2012

str is slacking

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - sTr - 09-13-2012

TheB6Bitch Wrote:str is jacking

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - Stoopid Dog - 09-13-2012

bajaj@they should remake it, where the guys have walkie talkies and not guns, that would be perfect!

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

its not ET for real go watch it its sweet

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - insane - 09-13-2012

[Image: Cool+story+bro+_2e12275cc6619049c44418219f961cac.jpg]

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

pic didnt work

Re: Dark knight Returns Animated Movie !!! fuck yeah ! - insane - 09-13-2012

Watched it thought it was totally bad ass wasn't crazy about the new robin and i sorta thought this villain was just another Bane. Excited to see what the Joker does in part 2