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Fights - BiggGameJames - 08-21-2012

How many have you been in? how many have you won and lost? me i don't fight cuz i can't fight

Re: Fights - John the Juggalo - 08-21-2012

I dont get into fights, because i think getting so angry that you close your hand and throw it at somebody is fucking retarded.

Re: Fights - dirtymonkey22 - 08-21-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:I dont get into fights, because i think getting so angry that you close your hand and throw it at somebody is fucking retarded.
I've been in fight when I was younger
But I know more about fighting now that I'm older
Boxing/ mma training is. Great i want to take jujitsu classes but don't have the money but I love sparring and wrestling or rolling ( jujitsu sparring )
Since I can't afford to take bjj classes I downlaloaded a gracie bjj tutorial DVDs and learned some basics

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Re: Fights - juggalogigolo - 08-21-2012

ive been in one real fight, i almost beat the fucker to death, put him in a hospital for a week and a half, they had to cat scan and MRI him, and thought he might be paralyzed because he couldnt move his legs for a while

i think i broke my hand while punching him in the back of the head as he ran away. my mom called the cops and i was arrested, because it was obvious who got their ass beat, i got out about 2 hours later.

he refused medical services at the time, and waited a few hours till the adrenaline wore off and he started getting sore before going to the hospital, which was lucky for me, because since he waited i wasnt liable to pay his medical bills.

it was my sisters boyfriend, and he was pissed, i dunno if he was swinging at me, or at her, but he punched her right in the face right in front of me

melissa was there, she can tell more of the story if she wants

Re: Fights - holagatita - 08-21-2012

Been in one major fight. Was picked on and jumped many times throughout school. Senior year, after finally having enough, plus gaining a little self esteem due to being somewhat popular, I beat this niggers ass. i don't call him that out of some deep seated racism, i say that because he was acting like one, lol. fucker that wasnt even in school, just showed up in my lunchroom, was screaming and throwing things at me and my friends. once i got mashed potato in my hair, i fucking lost it. kicked him in the nuts and kept kicking while he was down. had on some steel toed docs at the time, lol. we both got arrested and taken to juvy, but i was released within an hour and no charges filed. i did get suspended for 10 days and almost expelled, but mom pitched a fit since i was a decent student abd the other kid was trespassing. fight only made me more "popular" whatever the fuck that means.

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Re: Fights - sTr - 08-21-2012

living in the metro detroit area there was plenty, never got my ass kicked though.... sign me up!

Fights - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-21-2012

Been jumped and mugged a few times growing up in a shitty area. Only fair fight I had, some kid was picking on my friend, I told him to gtfo, he punched me in the face, I kicked his knee and broke his leg, then he fell and broke both his legs. Was kinda funny. I was only 10, he was 13.

Re: Fights - BiggGameJames - 08-21-2012

got in one fight with my cousin i was kinda drunk at that time

Re: Fights - COUSIN IT - 08-21-2012

ive been in alot of elementary school i was the champ guys and girls, till all the guys grew bigger than me...i kicked the quarterback of the highschool teams ass in 6th grade he had to get stitches....He was picking on my neighbor friend boy and i dont put up with shit like that..

Re: Fights - BiggGameJames - 08-21-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
John the Juggalo Wrote:I dont get into fights, because i think getting so angry that you close your hand and throw it at somebody is fucking retarded.
I've been in fight when I was younger
But I know more about fighting now that I'm older
Boxing/ mma training is. Great i want to take jujitsu classes but don't have the money but I love sparring and wrestling or rolling ( jujitsu sparring )
Since I can't afford to take bjj classes I downlaloaded a gracie bjj tutorial DVDs and learned some basics

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i want take bjj to

Re: Fights - insane - 08-21-2012

My friends got me in a lot of fights in school because they liked to watch me fight. I was always really skinny and for a while short also so my dad signed me up for this awesome MMA class that taught Jiu JItsu, Tae Kwon Do and all this other shit I also did boxing by forging my dads signature. Despite all of that only twice did I ever really hurt anyone against said friend who always got me in fights when I choked him till he passed out and then continued to choke him. I stopped and then thought oh shit I killed him and felt his heartbeat on his neck. It was really slow and I was worried but he was alright just woke up gasping for air and coughing a lot. the other time was actually an accident. I jumped up on a guy and gave him a headlock and fell down with him. In the process of that he sprained his neck. His parents didn't know who did it to him and he told me if I didn't give him a video game he would tell on me and they would get me in trouble. I gave him Godzilla for the NES and we were cool after that.

Re: Fights - John the Juggalo - 08-21-2012

One time i got in a fight in 5th grade, but i dont talk about it becuase i grew the fuck up.

Re: Fights - COUSIN IT - 08-22-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:One time i got in a fight in 5th grade, but i dont talk about it becuase i grew the fuck up.

im never gonna grow up bitch

Fights - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-22-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:One time i got in a fight in 5th grade, but i dont talk about it becuase i grew the fuck up.
I'm not a trouble maker, but I feel you should be able to defend yourself when attacked....

Re: Fights - TheB6Bitch - 08-22-2012

fred Wrote:ive been in one real fight, i almost beat the fucker to death, put him in a hospital for a week and a half, they had to cat scan and MRI him, and thought he might be paralyzed because he couldnt move his legs for a while

i think i broke my hand while punching him in the back of the head as he ran away. my mom called the cops and i was arrested, because it was obvious who got their ass beat, i got out about 2 hours later.

he refused medical services at the time, and waited a few hours till the adrenaline wore off and he started getting sore before going to the hospital, which was lucky for me, because since he waited i wasnt liable to pay his medical bills.

it was my sisters boyfriend, and he was pissed, i dunno if he was swinging at me, or at her, but he punched her right in the face right in front of me

melissa was there, she can tell more of the story if she wants

yes i can vouch for this story , he probably shouldnt have punched your sister in the face especially with all of us standing there.....between you and timmy i have no idea who got to him first but i remeber you both running out to where he was and me yelling about timmy putting the choke hold on him.. i was like your going to kill him let him go......and all timmy said was GOOD lol did break your hand i think i still have the pictures somewhere..... we hid your brother in the basement and didnt tell the cops about him cause he was home on leave from the army and we didnt want him to get in trouble lol good times had by all...except that guy

Fights - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-22-2012

Fuckit man if he hit your sister in front of you, he had it coming.

Re: Fights - Autumn - 08-22-2012

I've only been in sexy pillow fights, and I always win. Lawlz

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Re: Fights - sTr - 08-22-2012

! bet they do too ;)

Re: Fights - BiggGameJames - 08-22-2012

i'm big dude but i can't fight way out of a paper bag

Re: Fights - TheB6Bitch - 08-22-2012

One time i was at the bar with my fiancee, and my friends husband came in there and sucker punched my fiancee while his back was turned he didnt even see it coming because we had defended his wife when he beat her ass and he had been threatening me and my fiancee stood up for me. i got pissed grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the wall, then i punched him, he fell down i got on top of him and kept hitting him till he started bleeding, he tryed to get up and leave and i kicked him in his stomach. stupid fucker, anyways 2 days later he killed a guy shot him 3 times in his back while he ran away then after the guy fell he walked up and shot him in the head. After he went to prision he was sent to the same prision one of my best friends is in so i told my friend what happened at the bar and he beat his ass in there and told him it was from me.....he got lock down for a week not a big deal i guess since he locked up for 63 years anyways

Re: Fights - insane - 08-28-2012

Holy shit

Re: Fights - juggalogigolo - 08-28-2012

Re: Fights - Paullehh - 08-28-2012

I have been in a whole heap of fights. I have lost only a couple.
I aint been in a fight for a few years though.

Re: Fights - sTr - 08-30-2012

Pretty much my situation for the most part. The last big fight ! was in was about ten years ago at Universal Mall in MI. If you're from the MI area you'll know that this is definitely the shitty mall in the area. ! was there with two of my friends and their lady friends when a group of Albanians started talking shit. We ignored them but as we were leaving they were standing outside and continued with their shit talking. It came down to a one on one fight between my friend and one of them, the other two jumped in so I grabbed one of the guys and I had to convince my other friend to jump in. I took the one guy down the the ground and slammed his head against the cement, I look up and the reluctant friend of the group was barely holding the guy. I looked back again and all I saw was a boot about to hit me in the face. After that it was a bit blurry but they ended up bolting.

Re: Fights - juggalogigolo - 08-30-2012

lame... fuck that friend

Re: Fights - sTr - 08-30-2012

numba, ! call him out on it every time ! go back to Mi....