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Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - Printable Version

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Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - insane - 08-19-2012

Though about this a lot actually and I grew up in both and enjoyed a lot from both decades. Seeing movies like Hot tub time machine and Teenage Mutant ninja turtles, GI Joe and so many other things coming back from the 80's make me think it was a better decade but what do you think?

Re: Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - dirtymonkey22 - 08-19-2012

the turtles cartoon and Movies were more of a 90's thing though the cartoon started in 87 but you can say it' brides both decades.
80's better Horror movies more so late 70's early 80's

cartoons its hard to say because show's like He-man, gi joe and transformers were great but if you go back half the episodes are incoherent jumbled mesh and were made to sell toys
Messed up thing is He-man , transformers and the Ninja turtle cartoons have arguably been remade Better since the 80's

I do think the 80's had better action cartoons
but come on the 90's had tiny toon, , animaniacs ,doug, ren ans stimpy , Bevis and Butthead, the Tick.
ANd the 90's X-men, spiderman, and Batman were better then any other version made before and after

best 90's cartoons IMDB list
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Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-19-2012

90s nickelodeon made my childhood.

Re: Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - insane - 08-19-2012

What about music and sports? Or the toys they were selling or clothes? the 80's had Queen, Prince, Michael Jackson in their prime. The 90's had Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden. I would give that to the eighties also the horror movies that came out I don't even think its close as far as that goes. Cartoons were good in the 90's but how many of them stuck around and stayed good? Also look at what was happening 90's had the Gulf war gas prices and cigarette prices going up overall inflation , I dunno I was just happier in the 80's. Technology turned us into bums. I remember actually going out and meeting people places and not sitting on a computer all day. Let's see presidents Reagan and Carter vs Bush and Clinton? I really did like Clinton.

Re: Which Decade was better the 80's or the 90's - sTr - 08-19-2012

80's for sure...