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Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - Printable Version

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Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-16-2012

Fuck yeah I dont remember seeing any of the Indy movies In the theater And I loved Indy
and if your up for a whole day of awesomeness AMC THEATERS will play all 4 movies back to back

Quote:If 2012 has demonstrated anything so far it’s (arguably) that IMAX trumps 3D. IMAX 3D versions of such summer blockbusters as The Avengers and Men in Black III generated more goodwill than regular 3D versions, while Amazing Spider-Man (native 3D) and Dark Knight Rises (native IMAX) likewise earned kudos for their IMAX presentations. By comparison, post-conversion 3D jobs on old(er) effects extravaganzas like The Phantom Menace and Titanic yielded mixed responses.

That’s all to say: cinephiles should be mostly upbeat about the announcement that Raiders of the Lost Ark is getting a one-week exclusive IMAX run beginning September 7th, as buildup to the unveiling of the Indiana Jones Blu-ray Collection on September 18th. Moreover, AMC theaters is capping off that week by holding a marathon screening of all four Indy films (yes, even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull).

Steven Spielberg’s iconic globetrotting adventure has been digitally remastered for showing on a massive IMAX screen, but without the tampering or “enhancements” to the original theatrical cut that made Spielberg’s E.T. re-release controversial (that goes double for Lucas’ Star Wars re-release). The Raiders IMAX trailer offers a brief, but tantalizing, sneak peek at the extensive visual refining Spielberg’s classic has undergone – without losing the grainy texture that characterizes the film’s original 35 mm print, distinguishing it from contemporary digitally-shot releases.

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - sTr - 08-16-2012

this is the most amazing news !'ve heard all week... sign me up....

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-16-2012

sTr Wrote:this is the most amazing news !'ve heard all week... sign me up....
sighed uped

I may take my oldest to go and see it He gets into LOTR and Indy and stuff like that

Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-16-2012

I only really liked raiders. I can tolerate last crusade, I guess.

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-16-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I only really liked raiders. I can tolerate last crusade, I guess.
what about temple WHAT ABOUT TEMPLE DR JONES

Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-16-2012

Annoying bitch that was fucking the director. Annoying Asian kid that had 70 minutes screen time more than he deserved.

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-17-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Annoying bitch that was fucking the director. Annoying Asian kid that had 70 minutes screen time more than he deserved.
I bet you think the new star wars movies were the best too Huh

Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-17-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Annoying bitch that was fucking the director. Annoying Asian kid that had 70 minutes screen time more than he deserved.
I bet you think the new star wars movies were the best too Huh How does that conclusion make sense?

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-17-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:
dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Annoying bitch that was fucking the director. Annoying Asian kid that had 70 minutes screen time more than he deserved.
I bet you think the new star wars movies were the best too Huh How does that conclusion make sense?
exactly it doesn't make sense Cocktopus you don't like Indy
Cousin Tits Cousin Tits Cousin Tits

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - juggalogigolo - 08-17-2012

i liked the first 3, raiders is the best, then last crusade, then temple

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-17-2012

fred Wrote:i liked the first 3, raiders is the best, then last crusade, then temple
Fuck yeah son!! but I'm not surprised you have good taste in movies you have a full sized Vigo Painting

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - juggalogigolo - 08-17-2012

movies are my shit

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - sTr - 08-19-2012

imax movies are my shit

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - juggalogigolo - 08-19-2012


Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-19-2012

My taste in movies is fine! I just only like the first Indiana Jones. There's plenty of credible movie fanatics that would say the same.

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - juggalogigolo - 08-20-2012

very true

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - insane - 08-20-2012

Oh yeah another reason the eighties were better.

Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark In IMAX !!!! - sTr - 08-21-2012

the 80's were for fun
the 90's were for depression