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Sex Shop - Printable Version

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Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

Has anybody ever been to one last yr my cousin took me to one for the 1st time and thats all i have to say about that.

Re: Sex Shop - sTr - 08-07-2012

Did you test out the dildos?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

sTr Wrote:Did you test out the dildos?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

no bajaj

Re: Sex Shop - sTr - 08-07-2012

Why not?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

didn't want to

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

Should have buyed Mo one those Dick pumps for his KillaMo bajaj

Re: Sex Shop - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

So are you guys fighting now? I don't get it...

I used to go to those shops when i was younger for kicks with my friends, but haven't been to one in a long time. If I need anything of that nature, I'd rather look online, prices are a lot cheaper.

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:So are you guys fighting now? I don't get it...

I used to go to those shops when i was younger for kicks with my friends, but haven't been to one in a long time. If I need anything of that nature, I'd rather look online, prices are a lot cheaper.

no were not fighting what makes you think that?

Sex Shop - The Professa - 08-07-2012

I think it was cause you'd made a joke about/ at mo's expense, and it was kinda funny... Like you'd either grown a sense of humor about him being the butt of a joke, or you two were fighting and it was passive aggression. I liked the joke.

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

he has gotten over it he no longer bugs him if it did then i wouldn't made a joke.

Re: Sex Shop - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

Yeah I though it because of the use of the smiley, last I knew you had them disabled b/c you didn't even wanna look at it.

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-07-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:Yeah I though it because of the use of the smiley, last I knew you had them disabled b/c you didn't even wanna look at it.

it don't brother me that much anymore and i like to use the other smiley's to,

Re: Sex Shop - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

Cocktopus, banana , Goatse

are the only 3 that are a necessity, imo.

Re: Sex Shop - sTr - 08-07-2012

! beg to differ,

KillaMo and Cousin Tits are wonderful as well

Re: Sex Shop - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

Well I already vowed not to use the penis one, and I don't find many responses that warrant the use of Cousin Tits

Re: Sex Shop - Juggahoe - 08-07-2012

I couldnt tell those were cousins its so called boobs until this thread. I thought it was a half limp dick with some sort of bondage going on in the middle. yikes.

Re: Sex Shop - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

We need a better boob image, Leslie already asked to get hers turned into a smiley, so i suggest Stephan works on turning
[Image: m.jpg]
into one

Re: Sex Shop - Enigma - 08-07-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:We need a better boob image, Leslie already asked to get hers turned into a smiley, so i suggest Stephan works on turning
[Image: m.jpg]
into one
i'm going to say that I fully agree with this!!!

and, I went to a sex shop just the other night with my boyfriend. we bought a toy, a book and some lube. also some perfume that's supposed to emit pheromones, but i think i got ripped off on that angle. it does smell nice though.

Re: Sex Shop - sTr - 08-07-2012

take a front view of dem titties so ! can make an emoticon of them

Re: Sex Shop - BiggGameJames - 08-18-2012

maybe next time i go to one i will buy something.

Re: Sex Shop - juggalogigolo - 08-18-2012

word @ needing a front view, a side view would make a horrible smiley

Re: Sex Shop - sTr - 08-20-2012

[Image: Avatars-sonic-waiting-gif_500.gif]

Re: Sex Shop - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-20-2012