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So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Printable Version

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So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

[Image: Picture0804122348_3.jpg]

[Image: Picture0804122348_2.jpg]

This is how my car looked last year.

[Image: 253-1.jpg]

And this is how it looked right before it got punched in the face.

[Image: June2012008.jpg]

[Image: June2012027.jpg]

And this is surely the icing on the cake of how horrid the past week has been for me. Fuck my life. :\ This car is my sanity. I really am going to lose it pretty soon.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - sTr - 08-06-2012

balls balls, how did it happen?

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Enigma - 08-06-2012

that's crap! i'm so sorry! :(

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - BiggGameJames - 08-06-2012

that really sucks

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

Wah. I collided with the rear tire of a Ford Edge. They literally have a tiny scrape that might just buff right out. The tire beat the shit out of me.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - sTr - 08-06-2012

that's shitty, did you get a ticket for it or did the people not bather calling?

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

It was their decision not to call and I went with it. It's whatever. I told my insurance that. It just got towed away today.. getting a rental Friday since that's when I actually need it. So far they have been pretty awesome with me and I got to choose a really good shop. Just don't know how bad the actual damage is. I don't know what underneath is damaged since I can't get under there to look.

So this is how shitty my weekend went. - The Professa - 08-06-2012

That sucks, I'm sorry.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - juggalogigolo - 08-07-2012

i know your all about your cars bein sexy as fuck, but that shit still looks driveable

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - OddBallFreak - 08-07-2012

Yeah, it looks like it's only cosmetically damaged, so hopefully that's the case.

And it's totally cliche, but If the pics are from right before it happened, it most definitely could have been a lot worse, so thank goodness it wasn't. People drive so reckless in and out of the city, it's scary sometimes.

So this is how shitty my weekend went. - The Professa - 08-07-2012

fred Wrote:i know your all about your cars bein sexy as fuck, but that shit still looks driveable

Have you ever had a car, maybe your first car, that you loved and took detailed care of almost like and outlet for ocd tendencies
And then something stupid happened, and all that care was like meehhhh after that? That's a shitty experience.

Someone hit my car above my rear passenger side tire and left a sizable dent, brisk saw it, and I never caught who did it. Shit was so sad, I'd taken such detailed care of it to have some twat driver hit it while it was parked- not even moving, really?!?!.... Anyways, I was super sad. Later I found a guy who knew a guy downtown and I got that shit fixed and it looks brand new. Worked out in the end, but that pride and ovd need for near perfection just isn't quite the same.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Toxic Love - 08-07-2012

It's not driveable. The wheel liner is dragging over the tire, and the fender is actually squishing something into somewhere that I can't see. There is a screeching noise when I drive it and the wheel liner just drags. I was able to drive 8mph before the screeching and dragging became unbearable.

The claims adjuster called today and said the shop is going to start taking my front end apart today to get a final estimate of the damage. He said it's "pretty extensive" as to what he can see, but he wants to wait to tell me all the details for when he goes back tomorrow. Wah.

But I'm getting a 2012 Genesis sedan for a rental so that's good I guess, lol. And it doesn't affect my coaster trip next week since I'm getting the free rental. Hurray!

My VERY first car was a hit-and-run. Guy side-swiped me and took off. Never found out who did it and had to eat the cost. I couldn't get out of my driver's side door since it was squished in. :\ This is the first car I've had the time and money to build engine and aesthetics. So all the hard work I put into it and then shit like this happens. It makes me wish I bought the shit Jeep I wanted to buy for daily driving. :\

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - sTr - 08-09-2012

that sucks, this is why ! generally buy cheap $500 cars. When they die it doesn't suck as much, and if you keep looking you can find a reliable car cheap. fuck a car payment, the last two $500 cars have lasted me 2 years each.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - holagatita - 08-09-2012

sTr Wrote:that sucks, this is why ! generally buy cheap $500 cars. When they die it doesn't suck as much, and if you keep looking you can find a reliable car cheap. fuck a car payment, the last two $500 cars have lasted me 2 years each.

That's all I've ever drove, but I'm getting sick of it. Fuck a car payment, but fuck the feeling I get every time something goes wrong with my beater and I can't fix it

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Autumn - 08-09-2012

Sorry about your car Kelly. I was hit by a drunk driver two years ago and the damage didn't look so bad. But they ended up having to total it. Royal bummer.

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Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - Juggahoe - 08-09-2012

lol @ anyone over 25 driving a beater. Grow up.

Re: So this is how shitty my weekend went. - sTr - 08-09-2012

Cheap cars are cheap

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