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How do you want to die? - Printable Version

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How do you want to die? - insane - 08-06-2012

If say you were told you were going to die and you got to choose how, also how would you spend your last moments?
I used to answer this get blown up so I don't see it coming and its over real fast but now I would like to go out like that scene in Devil's rejects at the end when they knew they were going to die and they charged at the cops killing as many as they could before they went down. I would spend my last moments with my mom and daughter telling them how much I love them.

Re: How do you want to die? - sTr - 08-06-2012

in my sleep....

or something really epic, like getting killed in the process of saving a bunch of people so everyone will remember me for a month.

Re: How do you want to die? - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

I'd want something quick to end it... I don't really want to feel it, or suffer through it.

Re: How do you want to die? - 911wasaninsidejoke - 08-06-2012

I would like to be suffocated between two large soft tits.

Re: How do you want to die? - BiggGameJames - 08-06-2012

911wasaninsidejoke Wrote:I would like to be suffocated between two large soft tits.

welcome 911isjoke

Re: How do you want to die? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-06-2012

If I was gonna have an untimely death, I'd like to start being a vigilante and start murdering people I think are detrimental to society. I'd like it to end with me killing a shitload of NJ cops.

Re: How do you want to die? - juggalogigolo - 08-07-2012

in my sleep

How do you want to die? - The Professa - 08-07-2012

A hero. In one way or another.

Re: How do you want to die? - SnCMason - 08-07-2012

In a plane that crashes into a professional grade firework factory, Really go out with a bang.

Re: How do you want to die? - sTr - 08-07-2012

Speaking of going out with a bang, ! retract my previous statement and ! wanna go out mid-coitus

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