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Joan Rivers - BiggGameJames - 08-06-2012

She is one crazy old women not only whats with plastic surgery she like going on 80 and still does all these face lifts and she don't need that doesn't make look good ether bajaj

Re: Joan Rivers - dirtymonkey22 - 08-06-2012

I agree the bitch is funny as fuck though alot of people don't know she's a stand up comic

Re: Joan Rivers - sTr - 08-06-2012

She was the first real dirty woman comic, though she's barely a shell of her former self at this point.

Re: Joan Rivers - dopey - 08-06-2012

she had a cameo in louie that was really good. i like her, that silly old bitch.

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Re: Joan Rivers - OddBallFreak - 08-06-2012

I watched her on the celebrity apprentice and now hate her with a passion. I don't use the word often, but she's seriously a cunt.

Re: Joan Rivers - BiggGameJames - 08-06-2012

did you see that Joan and Melissa were she was smoking pot.

Re: Joan Rivers - dopey - 08-06-2012

eh, with shows like that you get a different version of celeberties.

As a comedy snob, i respect her years of work, overcoming being a woman comic back in the day, etc.

Re: Joan Rivers - sTr - 08-07-2012

^ this

she's allowed to be a snob after all the shit she had to go through to get where she is

Re: Joan Rivers - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-07-2012

dopey Wrote:As a comedy snob...
Didn't know such a thing existed.

It's hard to imagine a grumpy dude sitting in an audience, like... critiquing a stand up comic.

I could see you maybe not liking comics, but is there really like... hipsters of comedy?

Re: Joan Rivers - dopey - 08-08-2012

-far from hipster
-loves most comedians
- AND yes, it is entirley possible to critique a comedian, as you could any kind of performer.

I like boomer-generation comedians mostly. And i have range, just no respect for shitty joke stealers, or comedians writing for a younger/dumber demographic (Kat Williams, Carlos Mencia) than my own.

There is such a thing as a lame comedian.

Re: Joan Rivers - dopey - 08-08-2012

I dont think anyone has ever called me a hipster before.

Re: Joan Rivers - sTr - 08-08-2012

you were a hipster before you hot called a hipster... that means your a super hipster.....

Re: Joan Rivers - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-08-2012

sTr Wrote:you were a hipster before you hot called a hipster... that means your a super hipster.....
[Image: 340x_mnight.jpg]

But yeah... I think hipster just became derogatory because people associate it with pretentious cocksuckers.

To me, hipsters are just people that try to stay above commercial influence and do their own thing. Hence, being hip.

I think what made it lame is because now people try WAY too hard to be different, and just do things that look and sound retarded.... but if you try and point that out, they'll act like that's all part of their plan.

Re: Joan Rivers - dopey - 08-09-2012

wooow. Im super tickled about the idea of myself being a hipster.

Dude, if im anything im just a super weirdo.

Re: Joan Rivers - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-09-2012

Yeah, you're probably right. I guess the word has evolved since I last checked. I spent a year living in DUMBO Brooklyn, hipster capital of the world... and I met a lotta cool people, and they're totally hipsters.

I didn't mean it as a diss.

And I don't you well enough anyway to call you anything. It was just a general statement.