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Walmarts - FxXxckOff - 08-05-2012

I've been to a lot some big and awesome and some shitty and small tell me about your Walmart experience

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

I've should have been Ill, true DBM style

Re: Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

The minuscule savings aren't worth shopping with the mutants in Wal-mart.

Note: I live in NJ

Re: Walmarts - John the Juggalo - 08-05-2012

Wal-Mart is a dump, full of overweight or malnourished rail skinny fucking retards.

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

! could maybe going for pre-packaged food, but never for fruits or vegetables. They are a sad excuse for real food, ! am willing to pay extra for the good stuff.

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

sTr Wrote:! could maybe going for pre-packaged food, but never for fruits or vegetables. They are a sad excuse for real food, ! am willing to pay extra for the good stuff.
it may be semantics but I really hate when people say this.

The correct way of phrasing it would be I'm not willing to pay less for garbage food.

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

half glass full, glass half empty; it's all the same thing

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

I had no idea there was a proper way to word something like that; learned something new.

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

I dunno why it irks me. Like back in the day, at parties my mom would be like, and here's the food, made with organic such and such. And everyone would be like, "durrrr I think it tastes different."

No it doesn't. We should call non organic food "synthetic food" and organic food just plain food.

And everything at Walmart should just be referred to as "multi purpose redneck feed."

Re: Walmarts - BiggGameJames - 08-05-2012

the only things that sucks about Walmart is there music section

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

It does taste better when it comes to somethings. Tomatoes for instance, take one from a grocery store and one from whole foods and it's has way more flavor is way juicer. ! suppose it comes down to taste, not saying mine is better.

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

You guys aren't getting what I'm saaaaayin.

Yes, farmers and organics have better stuff (in season). I'm saying people saying its "organic" instead of just plain food implies that it's not just a tomato or whatever.

And saying you pay extra implies to me that you're getting charged a premium, when those prices more closely represent the price of the item, as opposed to a genetically altered form.

I'm mostly just joking, but it is always something I think about. Lol

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:You guys aren't getting what I'm saaaaayin.

Yes, farmers and organics have better stuff (in season). I'm saying people saying its "organic" instead of just plain food implies that it's not just a tomato or whatever.

And saying you pay extra implies to me that you're getting charged a premium, when those prices more closely represent the price of the item, as opposed to a genetically altered form.

I'm mostly just joking, but it is always something I think about. Lol

I get you, I hadn't considered this pov. It makes sense though

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

Slightly off topic, but not warranting a new thread.. I love avocados. Lol the weird thing is they make my throat/mouth itch really bad, but they didn't always do this and it's getting more itchy as time passes. I'm assuming it's some mild allergy or something. Any experiences w this kind of thing?

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

!'m also allergic to avocado, except ! get really sick when ! eat them or anything they're in. Needless to say ! always forget to get my food with out guacamole when ! go out. :(

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

Really? That's the balls balls. I plan on enjoying avocado until Im told otherwise, or ya know, can't breathe. I know it's stupid but they're so yummy.

Bananas do that same itchy thing.

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

Bananas are tasty, got a good bunch yesterday and they're half gone already. Now sure why that would happen, maybe you just have a sensitive throat ;)

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

If they don't always do it, try a test. Eat organic, see if it happens. Then eat non organic and see if it happens. If it does happen, but not with organic, you're likely allergic to a pesticide or chemical that they use on non organic.

However, since avocado is a thick skin plant, chances are you're not getting any pesticides either way. Could still be hormone-filled though. Try it.

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

Bajaj@ sensitive throat.

I'll try the organic vs other avocado test.

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

you should use a third variable for scientific purposes....

... semen

Walmarts - The Professa - 08-05-2012

I was reading something online that drew a connection between latex, banana, and avocado allergies. Semen wasn't on the list, I'll leave it out of the comparative analysis for now ;)
But given the suggestion came from someone who's allergic to avocados, I'm assuming semen made your throat itchy too? good of you to give a heads up

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

*lowers head*

it's true

Walmarts - FxXxckOff - 08-05-2012

bajaj@successful dbm like post

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-05-2012

bajaj @ me forgetting it wasn't a DBM post

Re: Walmarts - fghtffyrdmns - 08-05-2012

I hate Walmart. I hate working there, shopping there, even just being NEAR it. I dread going to work everyday.

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-05-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:I hate Walmart. I hate working there, shopping there, even just being NEAR it. I dread going to work everyday.

Sorry to hear that. At least you go there to be productive.

I gotta say Walmart is the only place I've ever seen someone so fat that they need a scooter to shop.

And it's weird too cuz I lived in Bayonne, nj my whole life (up until last month) and like... When I went to the Walmart there, I didn't recognize anyone there. It's like... Degenerates migrate to Walmart. It's truly a phenomenon worth studying.

Re: Walmarts - Enigma - 08-05-2012

i shop there, cuz it's convenient to not have to go to like 5 different stores to get what i need.

Re: Walmarts - fghtffyrdmns - 08-05-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:
fghtffyrdmns Wrote:I hate Walmart. I hate working there, shopping there, even just being NEAR it. I dread going to work everyday.

Sorry to hear that. At least you go there to be productive.

I gotta say Walmart is the only place I've ever seen someone so fat that they need a scooter to shop.

And it's weird too cuz I lived in Bayonne, nj my whole life (up until last month) and like... When I went to the Walmart there, I didn't recognize anyone there. It's like... Degenerates migrate to Walmart. It's truly a phenomenon worth studying.

I'm happy to have a job and all but shit...between the customers I deal with everyday, and the associates (who generally don't do their job) it's just too much. I got screaaaamed at by a customer on Thursday when I was being helpful and suggesting she get a three-tier cake instead of two two-tiers, because it feeds more people, and that's what her main concern was. She ended up getting the two two-tiers on a discount, and I got in trouble with management.

I do too well of a job decorating cakes to be paid 8.60 an hour..........

You know that website People of Walmart? That is my life everyday. I swear the breed of people in/near Buffalo re the first to need to be's astounding how trashy and disgusting they are. Le sigh.

Re: Walmarts - sTr - 08-06-2012

The best career move ! made was getting out of any business where ! have to speak face to face with the general public

Re: Walmarts - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

So the Walmart near me is FILLED with seniors since it's right near a shitload of senior neighborhoods. They are out during the day and evening, which is horrifying. At night, it's usually scary looking families or asshole kids with a swarm of friends that fuck around. The one where I used to live was awesome because it was clean and 24/7. The one here, eh, not so much. The one in the next town over is ghetto, and filled with Hasidic Jews who push into you and your cart on purpose because they act like the world she bow down before them.

I usually like Target, or the grocery store. For fresh fruits and veggies, I got to a couple local farmer's markets. :)

And for the record, a study was just released 2 months ago that showed organic food is NO BETTER for you than "regular" food. Sure it might lack chemicals and medications, but it is not shown to be of any extra health value. Glad I kept saving my money!

Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-06-2012

Oh... Well if A STUDY says so must be true.

Re: Walmarts - Toxic Love - 08-06-2012

I don't exactly know if that was sarcasm based on our history, but I read it in a medical journal that I get at work. Not sure if they have online access to it or not.

Re: Walmarts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-06-2012

I was trying to put emphasis on the fact that it's one study, as opposed to the history of organics.

And Organics is more about human health, not just the individual health. Less pesticide run off into rivers, less excess hormones in the gene pool, things like that.

I let bygones be bygones, and to be honest, I didn't realize who I was replying to at first cuz I was on my app, and just scrolling through responding to stuff I posted in.

But I mean... I used to think I was allergic to peaches. My lips would fatten and I'd start wheezing. I tried organic and it didn't happen. I've even experimented and tried inorganic after wards and sure enough, it happened. Can't tell me that this exposure on a larger scale isn't unhealthy.

Sounds like your study was just trying to get attention by posting a contrary review. Not an uncommon thing. Yes, even in the scientific community.

Re: Walmarts - BiggGameJames - 08-06-2012

i like K-Mart Better

Re: Walmarts - F-Disk - 08-06-2012

i go to the grocery store for my food but i shop at walmart for most everything else