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Do you believe in....... - Printable Version

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Do you believe in....... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-29-2012

Ghost, Aliens, Bigfoot or any other Urban legend/ supernatural type Stuff ?

for Me Aliens Fuck yes are the UFO's real who know but I do think there's other life out there

Big foot Yes but not necessarily what we think but at Giant Ape is very possible and there are similar story's around the word of some kind of Giant ape type creature

Ghost I did but now NO! those ghost hunter shows Killed it for me they go to all these places that are haunted and noone ever finds shit ! at least with bigfoot you can argue that the area they are in is so vast and deep you just don't see them and they can be intelligent and just avoid people . But with ghost they Haunt a fucking house it's not like they can decide to go 10 miles away or be like WTF is that hide from the Human.

Thoughts ?

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-29-2012

all of the above.

Re: Do you believe in....... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-29-2012

Ghosts, yes. I think of them more of residual energy, or negative and positive energy. (i.e. when you go to Ground Zero, you can feel the death in the air.

Aliens, yes. I believe there are extra terrestrial, or extra planar (or possible something else, like humans from the future) that try to contact us, just like we always try to contact others.

Bigfoot.... ehhh, maybe a hermit, or like you said, an ape. That's a little far fetched.

As far as ghosts hunters not catching footage, the Ghost Adventures team use provocation, which is frowned upon in the ghost hunting world... but they get MAD evidence.

Re: Do you believe in....... - Grimlin - 07-29-2012


Re: Do you believe in....... - The Professa - 07-29-2012

i secretly love these kinds of topics because, generally people feel quite strongly and that makes for a fun, often eye opening, debate. i get all excited to hear peoples perspective :3 I like that gremlin brought God into the topic, either seriously or for the lawls.
so, we've got belief/faith, topics that are regarded as pseudo-science, and religion. Im going to group all the pseudo-science stuff and religion together because they are not established as science fact/proven to exist because they haven't met established guidelines to that end. That in itself is fascinating because people are so curious about the world around them that we are constantly hearing these debates take place: science vs faith/belief based subjects including pseudo-science.

Science and faith are each seeking answers, truth, and ways to explain the world we live in. The philosophy behind each is different braches of the same tree (the truth tree). Indeed, there is a contrast between the two where religious faith uses events to further support the faith, and science uses events to try and disprove previous beliefs in search of a greater all encompassing belief.

Science requires faith; where faith is something that is believed to be true and cannot be proven directly. Science follows a refutability of an assertion to test its faith. Questioning theories or explanations following this model says that a theory or belief can never be proven to be true, but is used in faith until it is proven false. A simple example of this is gravity; there is no absolute proof that gravity will act on falling objects as it has in the past, there is faith that it will. With gravity as an example, it is clear to see where faith comes in to play. Science will continue to test and theorize about gravity, refining their theories, until a greater theory surfaces.

Religious faith has the same definition however, is stability seeking. The doctrines subscribed to use events to reinforce faith. The subscribers may believe that situations will be presented that test their faith, and that they are to remain loyal to their doctrine. This type of faith is not one that uses events to refine it, or try to evolve as society does. Religious faith is seeking stability, whereas scientific faith seeks change in search of a better more encompassing truth/explanation.

That said, I've got faith that there is other life in the universe. i guess when i was a kid i saw a ufo once and drew what i saw out in sidewalk chalk- id totally forgotten about it until i visited my dad and he'd commented that many many people have seen ufo's and weird shit in the same area. Bigfoot i haven't really ever thought about, but i know that there are some sea creatures that are alive (few in number) that have been around since dinosaur times. by extension it doesn't seem completely unreasonable that there could be something on the surface, idk. i don't know enough about the people to wilderness thing to have a real opinion on it. ghosts are an interesting topic, ill go with yeah on this one, that i believe theres something to the idea and its not all just in our head but having a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics and how energy works I'm not sure how id describe them.

an interesting read about clarity of thought, science, and pseudo-sciences is a book called Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan. I highly recommend it if you are interested in either side of the topic, i even found an online version
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0World.pdf</a><!-- m -->" onclick=";return false;
if you're to only read a little bit i would suggest pages 6-26 since they are directly related to this thread, tho he goes more into these topics individually later.

Re: Do you believe in....... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-29-2012

No way can you group science and religion together anymore.

Maybe in like, ancient Athens, or the Renaissance... but not anymore.

Religion is one of three things for people:
1.) A series of stories that teach morals to young children, but are also applicable to adults.

2.) A tool for being a controlling megalomaniac.

3.) Non-existant.

The only people that would use religion as science are whack jobs.

Or maybe some other religions, like Hinduism, where it's really a philosophy, along with a way to bring balance to a universe.

I"m sorry, I'm not trying to be offensive, if this comes off that way, I apologize. I just really disagree with that theory.

Re: Do you believe in....... - The Professa - 07-29-2012

not offended at all, glad to have someone stating their perspective. in street discussions that are less structured/refined i'd definitely see and agree with what you're saying- as far as points 1,2,and 3, the note about science and religion in the time of antiquity, and that people who use science AS religion (or vise versa) are crackpots. i should have established that I'm using a classical connotation of religion, as something that various cultures use to explain the world including how to live etc. that I'm not referring to the thing many people call religion these days that is twisted so far from what it was meant to be.

I think i understand your position to be that I'm saying that science and religion are one in the same (from your first line). To this i'd ask a re-read of this part, which i think is the part your calling crack-pottery ;)
The Professa Wrote:Science and faith are each seeking answers, truth, and ways to explain the world we live in. The philosophy behind each is different braches of the same tree (the truth tree). Indeed, there is a contrast between the two where religious faith uses events to further support the faith, and science uses events to try and disprove previous beliefs in search of a greater all encompassing belief.

Science requires faith; where faith is something that is believed to be true and cannot be proven directly. Science follows a refutability of an assertion to test its faith. Questioning theories or explanations following this model says that a theory or belief can never be proven to be true, but is used in faith until it is proven false. A simple example of this is gravity; there is no absolute proof that gravity will act on falling objects as it has in the past, there is faith that it will. With gravity as an example, it is clear to see where faith comes in to play. Science will continue to test and theorize about gravity, refining their theories, until a greater theory surfaces.

Religious faith has the same definition however, is stability seeking. The doctrines subscribed to use events to reinforce faith. The subscribers may believe that situations will be presented that test their faith, and that they are to remain loyal to their doctrine. This type of faith is not one that uses events to refine it, or try to evolve as society does. Religious faith is seeking stability, whereas scientific faith seeks change in search of a better more encompassing truth/explanation.

What I am saying is that both science and religion use faith. but the faith is used in two different ways (one not necessarily better than the other, just different). Im saying that the goals of science and religion are the same- to provide an explanation of the world we live in- but the ways in which they use faith are different. Here I'm establishing a definition of faith that it is something that is believed to be true AND cannot be proven (or disproved); if you can exact enough proof of something then you don't need faith that it exists because you've proven it, thus no more faith required.
I think the hang up might have come from the first paragraph that I've included in the quote above- because i said they were part of the same tree. But if the tree is a tree of everything that explains the world/universe we live in (nature), then id still maintain that science is one branch of that tree, and that religion is another. i was hesitant to use the tree thing because i thought it could be said more clearly, but lacked the words.

i hope that made some sense, I've got to run out for a bit but ill be back later to re-read and edit if needed.

Re: Do you believe in....... - BoneZugz - 07-29-2012

I believe in Harvey Dent.

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 07-29-2012

aliens? yes

errythang else... no

Re: Do you believe in....... - F-Disk - 07-29-2012

aliens yes but dont think they have been here or know of our existence

Re: Do you believe in....... - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-30-2012

I surrender this discussion.

I got my degrees, I vowed never to write or type again at length using annotations and whatnot. It's not that I don't want to discuss this with you... it's just I get very anxious when I type a lot and it literally makes my hands claw up and I want to smash the keyboard.

Sorry. You make good points, but I really just don't want to elaborate anymore. lol Coffee

Re: Do you believe in....... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2012

fred Wrote:aliens? yes

errythang else... no
Quote:Big foot Yes but not necessarily what we think but at Giant Ape is very possible and there are similar story's around the word of some kind of Giant ape type creature
come on

Quote:Gigantopithecus (from the Ancient Greek γίγας gigas "giant", and πίθηκος pithekos "ape") is an extinct genus of ape that existed from roughly nine million years to as recently as one hundred thousand years ago,[1] in what is now China, India, and Vietnam, placing Gigantopithecus in the same time frame and geographical location as several hominin species.[2] The fossil record suggests that individuals of the species Gigantopithecus blacki were the largest apes that ever lived, standing up to 3 metres (9.8 ft), and weighing up to 540 kilograms (1,200 lb).[1][3][4]
who's to say a hand full of these arn't deep in the wood were very few people have been

Re: Do you believe in....... - InsayneScrubalette - 07-30-2012

I am afraid of robots :-/

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-30-2012

you should be, especially because Cocktopus is the one controlling them

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 07-30-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
fred Wrote:aliens? yes

errythang else... no
Quote:Big foot Yes but not necessarily what we think but at Giant Ape is very possible and there are similar story's around the word of some kind of Giant ape type creature
come on

Quote:Gigantopithecus (from the Ancient Greek γίγας gigas "giant", and πίθηκος pithekos "ape") is an extinct genus of ape that existed from roughly nine million years to as recently as one hundred thousand years ago,[1] in what is now China, India, and Vietnam, placing Gigantopithecus in the same time frame and geographical location as several hominin species.[2] The fossil record suggests that individuals of the species Gigantopithecus blacki were the largest apes that ever lived, standing up to 3 metres (9.8 ft), and weighing up to 540 kilograms (1,200 lb).[1][3][4]
who's to say a hand full of these arn't deep in the wood were very few people have been

because we would have found their bones... there are very few places on land where humans havent been...

deep sea creatures and shit, yea, ive got no doubt that there are quite a few we havent found, but bigfoot? the people that see these arent out treking around in places that havent been discovered yet, they are dumbasses who are out in the woods in the united states.... not exactly unexplored territory

Re: Do you believe in....... - InsayneScrubalette - 07-30-2012

The deep sea creatures is what makes me think there are aliens. Angler fish.. holy shit.

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-30-2012

googled it..

[Image: deep-sea-anglerfish.jpg]

hoe lee shit

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 07-30-2012

word, deep sea fish are skurry as fuck

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-30-2012

Cocktopus would fuck em all up

Re: Do you believe in....... - InsayneScrubalette - 07-30-2012

DP look up their mating habits. It is fascinating.

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-30-2012

Wikipedia Wrote:When he finds a female, he bites into her skin, and releases an enzyme that digests the skin of his mouth and her body, fusing the pair down to the blood-vessel level. The male then slowly atrophies, first losing his digestive organs, then his brain, heart, and eyes, and ends as nothing more than a pair of gonads, which release sperm in response to hormones in the female's bloodstream indicating egg release. This extreme sexual dimorphism ensures that, when the female is ready to spawn, she has a mate immediately available. Multiple males can be incorporated into a single female.

bajaj @ them just being balls by the end of it all

Re: Do you believe in....... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2012

fred Wrote:
dirtymonkey22 Wrote:
fred Wrote:aliens? yes

errythang else... no
Quote:Big foot Yes but not necessarily what we think but at Giant Ape is very possible and there are similar story's around the word of some kind of Giant ape type creature
come on

Quote:Gigantopithecus (from the Ancient Greek γίγας gigas "giant", and πίθηκος pithekos "ape") is an extinct genus of ape that existed from roughly nine million years to as recently as one hundred thousand years ago,[1] in what is now China, India, and Vietnam, placing Gigantopithecus in the same time frame and geographical location as several hominin species.[2] The fossil record suggests that individuals of the species Gigantopithecus blacki were the largest apes that ever lived, standing up to 3 metres (9.8 ft), and weighing up to 540 kilograms (1,200 lb).[1][3][4]
who's to say a hand full of these arn't deep in the wood were very few people have been

because we would have found their bones... there are very few places on land where humans havent been...

deep sea creatures and shit, yea, ive got no doubt that there are quite a few we havent found, but bigfoot? the people that see these arent out treking around in places that havent been discovered yet, they are dumbasses who are out in the woods in the united states.... not exactly unexplored territory

How often do you Walk through the Woods and Even see a deer or any large animal and How often do you see a dead animal just laying in the middle of the woods you don't because Other animal eat it. And it's believed that Bigfoot Bury there Dead

From 1949-present, a 62 year period, 14 Bigfoot burials or possible Bigfoot graveyards have been seen. Therefore, Bigfoot burials or graveyards are seen every 4.4 years, about once every 4 1/2 years.

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-31-2012

! hope they're all real and somehow are all proven to exist in a weeks span so people minds are blown

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 07-31-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:How often do you Walk through the Woods and Even see a deer or any large animal and How often do you see a dead animal just laying in the middle of the woods you don't because Other animal eat it. And it's believed that Bigfoot Bury there Dead

From 1949-present, a 62 year period, 14 Bigfoot burials or possible Bigfoot graveyards have been seen. Therefore, Bigfoot burials or graveyards are seen every 4.4 years, about once every 4 1/2 years.

ive walked thru the woods multiple times, ive lived out in the country for most of my life, and you do see bones and shit all the time

if bigfoot bury their dead, and these graveyards have BEEN SEEN AND FOUND, then how come no one has dug up any bones and proved they exist?

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 07-31-2012

[Image: tumblr_m6tu22yikh1rxukuoo2_400.jpg]

Re: Do you believe in....... - evulninja - 08-01-2012

ghosts- yes.. if any of you have ever been to the cemetary in new orleans at night youd believe too.. i have a fuckin picture that i took in my room one day with a fuckin demon face in it. i had turned off all the lights and took a random picture of my dark room and BAM. demon face.. [Image: l.jpg] lower right hand corner.. looks like the grim reaper. no photoshop or nothing.. needless to say i didnt sleep in that room for a few days..

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 08-01-2012

Nice, ! was gonna ask for a photo and you provided

Do you believe in....... - FxXxckOff - 08-01-2012

stfu f brisk


Re: Do you believe in....... - F-Disk - 08-01-2012

posted in wrong thread

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 08-01-2012

i see no "demon" in that picture

Re: Do you believe in....... - evulninja - 08-01-2012

i see a shadowy figure.. may not be a demon but it looks evil as fuck..

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 08-01-2012

your trying to hard to see something that isnt there

Re: Do you believe in....... - evulninja - 08-01-2012

What else could it be then?

Re: Do you believe in....... - juggalogigolo - 08-01-2012

dirt? a fuzzball?

it could be a BILLION things, the fact that you jump to the conclusion that its a demon... is just not logical at all

Re: Do you believe in....... - sTr - 08-01-2012

Fred is a jerk about everything, you could have a picture with big foot and he would hate on it

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