Board 6
KillaMo or Coltboy? - Printable Version

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KillaMo or Coltboy? - sTr - 07-29-2012

! asked this question last week with DBM and Killamo, but this one may be a little harder. Who do you like more, Coltboy or KillaMo?

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - BiggGameJames - 07-29-2012

this guy needs to go

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - ColtBoy - 07-29-2012

sTr Wrote:a little harder


Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - ColtBoy - 07-29-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:this guy needs to go

[Image: 0.jpg]

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - R31GN - 07-29-2012


Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - John the Juggalo - 07-29-2012

I just put him on my ignore list.

KillaMo or Coltboy? - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

I have a feeling coltboy is a ruse to get us to forget about killamo.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - F-Disk - 07-29-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:I have a feeling coltboy is a ruse to get us to forget about killamo.

KillaMo or Coltboy? - The Professa - 07-29-2012

I thought we already had a ruse or two to forget about km

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - Paullehh - 07-29-2012

you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

I like the lotb guys.

And I am really, really am trying with dbm.

I still don't know who juggahoe is.

The rest suck.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-29-2012

I had to Foe ColtBoy so I can stop having dripping cocks on my screen. And that double dick thing just didn't do it for me. HE GOT THE BONE!

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - John the Juggalo - 07-29-2012

I have my own penis and dont have the urge to see others.

KillaMo or Coltboy? - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

I heard jtj's penis is large and black.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - Juggahoe - 07-29-2012

I am the alpha and omega.
Coltboy is the lamest gimmick and I'm with john. I'm blocking him after the pic he posted in this very thread.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

KillaMo or Coltboy? - The Professa - 07-29-2012

Hey jhoe, where ya been bruh? Come'n post more :)

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - Juggahoe - 07-29-2012

Will do, just been busy with real life shit.
How do I block Coltboy on this forum? Can't find the option.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-29-2012

Go to his profile and add him as a foe, it won't show what he posts

KillaMo or Coltboy? - The Professa - 07-29-2012

Juggahoe Wrote:Will do, just been busy with real life shit.
How do I block Coltboy on this forum? Can't find the option.

Can I ask what kind of real life shit you do? Idk if you were in the "what you do for work" thread or some shit, and I'm too lazy to search for it while I'm browsing from my phone.

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - Autumn - 07-29-2012

I foe'd him as well. It's like an unofficial universal ban. I can deal with dicktits, and I'm jaded to Goatse and Tubgirl. But I can't deal with stuff to do with fecal matter. Gag.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: KillaMo or Coltboy? - Juggahoe - 07-29-2012

I do returns for a big sheet metal company. I basically sit at a computer and do nothing all day.