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If you were stuck on an island with....... - Printable Version

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If you were stuck on an island with....... - insane - 07-28-2012

One person from B6 who would you pick and why. I would pick STR because i haven't seen that fucker in years and at least I wouldn't be bored.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Paullehh - 07-28-2012

I would pick KillaMo so i could knock him out and use his fat ass as a raft to escape the island.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - ihateyou - 07-28-2012

BWAhahahahahaha......... I think I like Paullehh!

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - John the Juggalo - 07-28-2012

Slacker, we make bajajs and get drink until we figure out how to get off island.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

There's no possible way I could pick. How about a team?

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - FxXxckOff - 07-28-2012


Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

Are you insulted? <3

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - OddBallFreak - 07-28-2012

Autumn just knows how many other people would be insulted if she picked you right away

*hint hint*

isn't that right autumn? ISN'T IT?!!? :[

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

True dat. Who wouldn't wish to be stuck, well, anywhere with me?
-can't fake confidence

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - FxXxckOff - 07-28-2012


Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

Someone is getting angry...

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - John the Juggalo - 07-28-2012

Cheer up, theres an island for you

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012


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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - John the Juggalo - 07-28-2012

KMoney loves the juggalos, thats why we're such good friends.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - TheB6Bitch - 07-28-2012

I would be hurt too autumnCrying

If you were stuck on an island with....... - The Professa - 07-28-2012

Whoever is moderately clever (in that they are both smart AND intelligent) so that we can at least build a proper shelter or raft, have some decent conversation, and perhaps avoid killing each other out of frustration and/or boredom. Preferably someone more upper body strength than I cause that seems like itd be beneficial somehow.

Unless we are stuck on an island w dinosaurs, in that case I'd like to be stuck w someone who runs slower than I. Hahaha. :P

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BiggGameJames - 07-28-2012

OddBallFreak she seems like cool person and is the one person who i get along with the most on here.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - KillaMo187 - 07-28-2012

Fred cuz you always need an asshole to kick you even when you are at your worst

If you were stuck on an island with....... - The Professa - 07-28-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:Fred cuz you always need an asshole to kick you even when you are at your worst

That'd be interesting. You're a big guy but I bet of Fred got pissed enough he'd get pretty crazy. One of you'd be dead the first few nights, bajaj.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - KillaMo187 - 07-28-2012

The Professa Wrote:
KillaMo187 Wrote:Fred cuz you always need an asshole to kick you even when you are at your worst

That'd be interesting. You're a big guy but I bet of Fred got pissed enough he'd get pretty crazy. One of you'd be dead the first few nights, bajaj.
try one. and add the 2nd senarieo of if a plane crashed on a mountain.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - juggalogigolo - 07-28-2012

The Professa Wrote:
KillaMo187 Wrote:Fred cuz you always need an asshole to kick you even when you are at your worst

That'd be interesting. You're a big guy but I bet of Fred got pissed enough he'd get pretty crazy. One of you'd be dead the first few nights, bajaj.

bajaj im 6'6, and ive got a pretty long reach, this dude is just fat, its not even a competition

as far as who i would pick.... obviously my girlfriend.... since she posts here now. but if i COULDNT pick her...
then it would have to be autumn, because out of all of the ladies of b6, ive talked to her the most and we get along pretty well.

fuck picking a dude, who knows how long we are gonna be stuck on this island.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BoneZugz - 07-28-2012

Krystal (Odd ball freak) fo sho.

I dont think anyone would want to be stranded with Killa Mo or DBM, and if they do, god help them

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BiggGameJames - 07-28-2012

BoneZugz Wrote:Krystal (Odd ball freak) fo sho.

I dont think anyone would want to be stranded with Killa Mo or DBM, and if they do, god help them

that's my pick

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BoneZugz - 07-28-2012

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BiggGameJames - 07-28-2012

BoneZugz Wrote:

yep sorry pick someone elss

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BoneZugz - 07-28-2012

calm down tiny tim.

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - fghtffyrdmns - 07-28-2012

I think DBM has a cruuuuuuushhhhhh

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - sTr - 07-28-2012

Sign him up

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - BoneZugz - 07-28-2012


Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:I think DBM has a cruuuuuuushhhhhh

Don't blame him, Krystal is the shit. :) Word @ Fred's answer. I'm awesome.

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Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - KillaMo187 - 07-28-2012

fred Wrote:fuck picking a dude, who knows how long we are gonna be stuck on this island.
Thanks to the recent discoveries I think I'd have no fucking choice cuz I highly doubt any of the ladies of B6 would want to repopulate their speices with me bajaj

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - sTr - 07-28-2012

! pick killamo for the lolz

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

I wouldn't want to repopulate the species. I'd practice like a mother fucker though. >=]

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - sTr - 07-28-2012

quote of the night

Re: If you were stuck on an island with....... - Autumn - 07-28-2012

.... but with only one B6er.
