Board 6
Shit I've Made - Printable Version

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Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

so, i'm one crafty bitch. this is a small collection of things i've crocheted. how awesome am i?

[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
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[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
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[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: 305058_234541906597582_4617929_n.jpg]

Re: Shit I've Made - Red Geist - 07-25-2012

Good stuff, however I expected to come in here and see a big poop.

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

jaded by message boards?

Re: Shit I've Made - Red Geist - 07-25-2012

The title was quite misleading. ;)

The choker is cool looking.

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

thank you. the slippers, hat and choker are all for the girl wearing the hat

Re: Shit I've Made - fghtffyrdmns - 07-25-2012

Leslie. LESLIE. I want something.

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

lol. i have a ton of projects to finish. then i'll start on b6 stuff. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - The Professa - 07-25-2012

yeah, i dig the choker and the slippers. cute stuff.

Re: Shit I've Made - fghtffyrdmns - 07-25-2012

Enigma Wrote:lol. i have a ton of projects to finish. then i'll start on b6 stuff. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

...i...don't get it...

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

oh, wait, you changed it. i get it now. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - fghtffyrdmns - 07-25-2012

Bahaha, pasted wrong link. Sorry for the confusion. <3

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

bajaj. is cool

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012

make me this
[Image: cthulhu_ski_mask.jpg]

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

lol @ my first question is, is that a cthulu mask or an ood mask? i can do either. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012


Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012


Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012

fuck dr who

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012


didn't mean for that to be caps, but am glad it is.

Re: Shit I've Made - evulninja - 07-25-2012

make me a beanie! i want it gray crimson and white like mostly crimson with gray and white stripes.. you gotta find the right color crimson though.. alabama colors

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

bajaj! i'll look. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - evulninja - 07-25-2012

thanks :) ur awesome

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

i try. :) i'm making a cat bed for a friend, a baby blanket and a purse right now.

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012


fuck outta my way mike, im next im line

Re: Shit I've Made - holagatita - 07-25-2012

super jealous, I wish I could crochet amazing things

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012

word, me too

you being able to crochet things that is... im far to lazy/manly to do that shit

Re: Shit I've Made - evulninja - 07-25-2012

damn dude its all good im in no rush its fuckin 100 degrees every day right now.. if you want a purse that bad then you can be next in line ;-)

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

bajaj! it is my most favorite thing! they have step by step guides to teach you. but i had a friend teach me.

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012

fuck yes, i cant wait for my purse

Re: Shit I've Made - sTr - 07-25-2012

! could see fred using a murse

Re: Shit I've Made - holagatita - 07-25-2012

sTr Wrote:! could see fred using a murse

Re: Shit I've Made - evulninja - 07-25-2012

or a fanny pack.. hey leslie make fred a rainbow fanny pack lmfao

Re: Shit I've Made - Enigma - 07-25-2012

bajaj!! i'm sure i can make an awesome fanny pack. :)

Re: Shit I've Made - evulninja - 07-25-2012

lol probably

Re: Shit I've Made - juggalogigolo - 07-25-2012

fuck yea, shit would go awesome with my baby hat