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Cake Boss - Printable Version

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Cake Boss - BiggGameJames - 07-24-2012

This guy makes some crazy cakes some are huge like cake garbage trucks, a Vegas cake with a slot machine these cakes our big.

Re: Cake Boss - sTr - 07-24-2012

fghtfryrtits is the next cake boss

Re: Cake Boss - F-Disk - 07-24-2012

never seen it before

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

its a stupid rop off of ace of cakes with some guido douchebag, i cant stand that guy

Re: Cake Boss - sTr - 07-24-2012

all reality shows are the ghey

Re: Cake Boss - John the Juggalo - 07-24-2012

yea, i've been over it since Survivor.

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

i liked ace of cakes, they made some pretty cool shit, and Duff goldmans (the main guy on the show) little brother is a member on another forum im on, and would post all kinds of cakes that were awesome as fuck but didnt make it on the show

Re: Cake Boss - The Professa - 07-24-2012

these cakes look cool. think they're any good (as in tasty)?

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

part of me wants to say no, but im sure they probably are... i mean these guys have went thru chef school and im sure its not just a fucking betty crocker boxed cake mix.... and even if it is.... shits still good

ive never tasted fondant though, if its to sweet then it would just KILL the cake with as much as they use

Re: Cake Boss - fghtffyrdmns - 07-24-2012

sTr Wrote:fghtfryrtits is the next cake boss


Fred, fondant is...ehhhhhh. It's not that sweet, but it's not tasty. Whenever I've eaten a fondant cake I peel it off and just eat the cake. I prefer buttercream, it's 10x better, but harder to smooth.

Re: Cake Boss - The Professa - 07-24-2012

i always imagined fondant would taste like paper.

Re: Cake Boss - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-24-2012

I used to live right by Carlo's. It's average at best. New Jerseys got so many bakeries, they just picked this guy because they thought he'd be entertaining. He's also Snooki's uncle. Avoid that shit.

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

he seems like a dumb motherfucker

Re: Cake Boss - F-Disk - 07-24-2012

fondant is edible but it taste like shit its realy for decoration

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

so then all these cakes prolly take like shit, because there is more fondant than cake on most of em

Re: Cake Boss - sTr - 07-24-2012

word, frosting is nasty

Re: Cake Boss - fghtffyrdmns - 07-24-2012

Cakes covered with fondant still usually taste good. Just peel that shit off. The fondant doesn't touch the cake, there is a very thin layer of buttercream between.

Re: Cake Boss - FxXxckOff - 07-24-2012

michelle=cake boss

Re: Cake Boss - BiggGameJames - 07-24-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:Cakes covered with fondant still usually taste good. Just peel that shit off. The fondant doesn't touch the cake, there is a very thin layer of buttercream between.

are you going try out for the next great baker?

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

bajaja..... she works at fucking walmart.

Re: Cake Boss - fghtffyrdmns - 07-24-2012

God that's what I hate about working there. I can't just be a cake decorator. I'm a cake decorator at Walmart, hahaha. I do work there but that doesn't mean I know nothing about cakes. Definitely not a "cake boss".

Re: Cake Boss - FxXxckOff - 07-24-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:michelle=cake boss


Cake Boss - The Professa - 07-24-2012

Goto another bakery. I worked a summer of overnight shifts at AJs fine foods in the bakery. Baked cakes and shit, decorated a little. Staff was chill as hell, wad baker was full of the lawls. Left cause they needed me to give 40+ hrs and I got school.

Re: Cake Boss - juggalogigolo - 07-24-2012

im not talkin shit about the fact that you work at walmart, im just sayin......... its a bit unrealistic to be going to a fuckin huge competition like that when you dont own your own fucking bakery and been to culinary school and all that shiz

Re: Cake Boss - fghtffyrdmns - 07-24-2012

I actually have about half of my Baking and Pastry credits done for my certificate. I wouldn't go on a show anyways, even if I had my education finished and my own bakery. Anxiety would killll me, haha. I'm content just with being part of staff in a legit bakery.

Re: Cake Boss - Slacker - 07-24-2012

cake = lie

Re: Cake Boss - F-Disk - 07-24-2012

fred Wrote:im not talkin shit about the fact that you work at walmart, im just sayin......... its a bit unrealistic to be going to a fuckin huge competition like that when you dont own your own fucking bakery and been to culinary school and all that shiz
imo school is worthless for culinary its all about experience and learning on the job the schooling is just a way to squeeze money out of people.

Re: Cake Boss - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-24-2012

F-Disk Wrote:
fred Wrote:im not talkin shit about the fact that you work at walmart, im just sayin......... its a bit unrealistic to be going to a fuckin huge competition like that when you dont own your own fucking bakery and been to culinary school and all that shiz
imo school is worthless for culinary its all about experience and learning on the job the schooling is just a way to squeeze money out of people.
School is worthless in most fields. It's just used because there are too many people in this country, and it weeds out people that lack discipline. Sure it's an awful process, and very inaccurate cuz some people just can't go to school for other reasons... but honestly... anyone that completes college nowadays deserves first dibs on jobs, cuz college rips you off and rapes your anus.

Re: Cake Boss - sTr - 07-25-2012

word @ school being a rip off

but just because you paid for schooling doesn't mean you're the most qualified person for the job.

Re: Cake Boss - The Professa - 07-25-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:
F-Disk Wrote:
fred Wrote:im not talkin shit about the fact that you work at walmart, im just sayin......... its a bit unrealistic to be going to a fuckin huge competition like that when you dont own your own fucking bakery and been to culinary school and all that shiz
imo school is worthless for culinary its all about experience and learning on the job the schooling is just a way to squeeze money out of people.
School is worthless in most fields. It's just used because there are too many people in this country, and it weeds out people that lack discipline. Sure it's an awful process, and very inaccurate cuz some people just can't go to school for other reasons... but honestly... anyone that completes college nowadays deserves first dibs on jobs, cuz college rips you off and rapes your anus.

I'm not sure that its worthless in "most fields" what fields are we referring to when we say "most" exactly? there are many many fields out there, of which id prefer some to have put in the time at school (i.e.: doctor, lawyer, phd md, chemists, engineers, etc.) at least then i know, to a certain extent, that their knowledge is standardized to a point. i agree that some of the more popular degrees only serve the purpose of weeding out the people who lack discipline (communication, sociology, psychology majors). Theres really not a plethora of jobs those degrees will get you without continuing education to grad school. I can also agree that many degrees in creative files like the arts are silly, but there are some points that can be made in their defense as well.

I agree that college rips you off, but the solution to that requires a more novel approach. The type of educational system we have here in the states was developed in the early 1800's, if i remember correctly. What else was going on at that time- the industrial revolution. Is it a surprise that we took that same approach - batch processing- and applied it to our educational system? not really, it was the easy answer. Batch processing is not the best way to teach however, especially with the level if technology that is currently available. With ICT tech where it is we have the ability to get education to a much larger number of people without much of the cost, video lectures like the MIT open courseware could easily be used for various "general education" classes.
What would be a better idea in the long run is to let the students plug in and have an interactive ICT space that lets them learn as needed and at their own pace. i.e.: you want to be an engineering student, so your working with the computer on building a bridge- but the damn bridge wont stay erect. you ask the program why it wont stay erect. oh because you haven't learned calculus. Now you have a reason to learn calculus and not only will the interest enhance your ability to understand how the context of this [once general ed] class fits in to what you are doing, i'd wager a bet that you would learn the info more quickly as well. indeed, you would still be receiving an amount of standardized education when you complete your program- but you are not locked into a 4 year plan. you stay as long or as shortly as you need, work as fast or slow as you want. assistance is available, and you don't waste your time in general classes, as we do now, waiting for everyone to be on the same page.
The technology for this type of educational system is already available. The problem is more political- as it usually is- where the need for many high salary positions would be lost. Ive had a few profs at my university who helped formulate a formal plan for this idea, and they said that losing their jobs for the better of education in america was okay by them. But the higher ups at the uni's don't feel the same way. its business to them. We can talk science and ethics for a sustainable future (which means ppl need to learn to think), but as long as it still comes down to 'whats good for business' we're pretty much stuck. at least imo.
anyways, changing the structure of education would make it more widely available to people who want it, with less cost associated. There will still be a need for teachers and professors to provide live aide in person or over the net (its not uncommon to get tutoring via Skype, it'd be similar to that but conference style essentially). heh as an experiment we once held a "meeting" in 2nd life - some lame game, but it was cool to see tech being utilized.
sorry for the long post :-/ but complex problems require complex solutions. not just giving the jobs to the saps who managed to scrape through their degree w the min gpa.
to that point, str is right,
sTr Wrote:just because you paid for schooling doesn't mean you're the most qualified person for the job.

Re: Cake Boss - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-25-2012

Most fields. MOST people aren't Doctors, Lawyers, and Engineers....

Re: Cake Boss - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-25-2012

I didn't want to derail this thread with my diatribes about the futility of higher education.

But there's a shit ton of professions that demand degrees just because the demand is high. Like, computer science, n shit like that.

Re: Cake Boss - The Professa - 07-26-2012

it was my bad to include specific professions with the broader fields, i should have worded that differently. oh well.

threads get derailed all the time here, we can go back to cake at any time :P you seem clever so i thought you'd have an opinion on restructuring higher education worth a read. that, and i haven't seen hardly any real issues discussed here, i was partially curious where folks would stand. not curious enough to make my own thread, so i fit it in here.
the reason for my diatribe is that i got excited there was something i had a strong opinion on and had done work on at the uni for applied ethics and future tech professor that id had. many things that come up here i don't have a strong feeling one way or another. plus i think its cool when people get ideas together about how to fix things that are so broken, id like to be a part of the generation that starts fixing some shit where i can.

the cake is a lie.