Board 6
Micheal Moore? - Printable Version

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Micheal Moore? - BiggGameJames - 07-22-2012

What does everybody think of him i like this guy he made some Good films my Favorites Are.

Bowling for Columbine
Fahrenheit 9/11

Re: Micheal Moore? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-22-2012

-didn't realize he was still relevant

Re: Micheal Moore? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-22-2012

Roger and Me... good
Bowling for Columbine... very good.

Everything else, I'm kinda meh about. He bends facts too much.

Re: Micheal Moore? - BiggGameJames - 07-22-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:-didn't realize he was still relevant

ya he hasn't made a new film yet waiting on that.

Re: Micheal Moore? - John the Juggalo - 07-22-2012

I haven't watched any of his movies. I should probably give them a go before i make any judgements about him, but i will anyways.

Re: Micheal Moore? - F-Disk - 07-22-2012

ehh he should be a lawyer the way he can twist facts but he is funny sometimes

Re: Micheal Moore? - Grimlin - 07-22-2012

I don't care for him at all.......