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What do you do when your ready to just give up - Printable Version

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What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

Not looking for pitty or attention but seriously what the fuck do you do when your just at the end of everything. Just everything is at complete lost. This isn't just about a relationship, this is the fact everything is just fucked in my fucking life. Nothing fucking has or ever goes fucking smoothly. For years Ive been struggling with everything, just everything is a complete failure...I just cant fucking take this shit no fucking more. I dont know what to do anymore, I just feel like ending it....sorry for the rant...

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-15-2012

The Warlock Wrote:you can put your huge cock in my mouth i will make you feel better, sir

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-15-2012

What I would do, is sit down and take a look at everything thats bad that you have control over. If something is fixable, do it. Start with the small.stuff and dont let it overwhelm you. Stress is a bitch, but you can get through this. Just take a step back and relax. You have to be strong not only for your kids, but especially for yourself. Please, please don't take the easy way out. Whatever we can do to help, let us know. You know we might fuck around a lot, but we're here for you. Love ya Fluff.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - The Warlock - 07-15-2012

sTr Wrote:
The Warlock Wrote:you can put your huge cock in my mouth i will make you feel better, sir
nah never that

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

The Warlock Wrote:step 1. sharpen knife
step 2. slit your emo bitchboy wrist

haha! i guarantee your "struggles" aint shit compared to mine

How about you go fuck yourself with a fucking donkey dick you fucking retarded fuck. One hour in my shoes you'd off yourself quicker then you could think. What struggles do you have? Mommy won't give you allowence for a cheap ICP shirt, get the fuck out of here.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-15-2012

The Warlock Wrote:
sTr Wrote:
The Warlock Wrote:you can put your huge cock in my mouth i will make you feel better, sir
twice if you really need it

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - John the Juggalo - 07-15-2012

Lets not argue whos shoes are bigger here. We all have our own hardships. If we use a little common sense, and a bit of elbow grease...i think we'll be alright.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-15-2012

JTJ <3

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What do you do when your ready to just give up - FxXxckOff - 07-15-2012

And always bring a towel.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

bajaj This kid aint even worth my time on explaining shit. But let me state one thing, 2 years of your "problems" don't amount to 14 years of pain and suffering that I've been through.

But anyways, I'm not looking for the easy way out, I don't want to do that, but sometimes it seems like the best way to stop everything. Its like, I don't hear voices don't get me wrong, satan aint in my head, but my mind argues with itself, I constently have this chatter inside my head that just never shuts up. Constently I have this back and forth fight for control, this split personality and neither side can gain control.

I have night terrors, dreams of dying, dreams that are so vivid that I wake up in pools of sweat and Im shaking uncontrolably. This shti aint no joke. Its nothing fucking fun and its nothign to brag about, I dont even speak upon it cause most people think its just a joke or a fucking stab at getting attention. Then on top of that I just got the daily life problems, no job, nothign fucking goes right, bouncing around house to house with no steady or controlably life. I can't function around large groups, I freak out in the grocery stores I fucking can't get a job fucking no where in this shit hole town I cant fucking do anything right, my family has abandoned me, I have nobody to turn to. I have nothing, then I got the shit with my stupid fucking ex. That shit just ices the cake, I wanted to start a family of my own and be fucking happy for once but its impossible cause my actually family not only fucking had fun making sure I had a shitty life growing up but yet they want to make sure they can fucking ruin even more of my life by causing more problems with me and just breaking me down more.

and this isn't even the tip of the ice berg, this is just a quick break down.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - The Warlock - 07-15-2012

says he aint gonna explain shit

then proceeds to type a paragraph lmaooooo smh

yo stan of that lame ass wrestler please die slow faggot

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-15-2012

there is no such thing as a ban hammer here... don't be ghey...b6

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - John the Juggalo - 07-15-2012

You dont have to make multiple posts at a time, we get it..youre a tough guy. Your life is hard.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - The Warlock - 07-15-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:You dont have to make multiple posts at a time, we get it..youre a tough guy. Your life is hard.

lol how am i portraying toughness?? im just dissin this lame since he clearly stated he had beef (for no reason) with me earlier

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

Ok, so I didn't ban him, but I forced him to reactivate his account to shut him up for awhile. Back on topic.

Which I already re-activated it so whatever

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-15-2012

Seems to me like the first thing you should do is see a doctor about your thoughts. Maybe you can speak with a counselor? Maybe you could forgo the doc and start keeping a journal. It sounds cheesy, but when I'm feeling down, writing it in a book helps. Hence the reason so many people have blogs.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

Autumn Wrote:Seems to me like the first thing you should do is see a doctor about your thoughts. Maybe you can speak with a counselor? Maybe you could forgo the doc and start keeping a journal. It sounds cheesy, but when I'm feeling down, writing it in a book helps. Hence the reason so many people have blogs.

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I've done the journal thing, and its fucking nuts to read it, I have about 20 note books full of thoughts dreams and the like. That just leaves a reminder of the shit I try to forget though, and doctors only want to expeirment the latest drugs on me whihc have had serious negative side effects that only increase the thoughts and what not. Not tryin gto sound like a negative nancy and what not, but I really need to find a better solution to this then just trying the latest pill cause 98% of the time they dont work. le sigh.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-15-2012

Do not feel bad about posting how you're feeling. Sharing is caring, and caring is nice. I'm not sure what other suggestion I can offer on that problem. I'm sure if you see a counselor and tell them you don't want drugs, they won't give them to you. Do the journal thing again, but along with all the bad things, jot down a few good things. Maybe ways, even unrealistic ones, that would help you combat the problem. And, once you're done, burn the books. It'll feel like a cleansing.

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Grimlin - 07-15-2012

Go to a good church......and I'm not joking......I'm taking my own advice and doing that.Matter of fact I need to get my chubby butt in bed real soon so I can get up.

Sorry you are going through it man.....I feel joke,just hang in there.

I'm here to talk anytime as well. You know how to get ahold of me. I just wish My computer wouldn't shut down every damn hour....

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - John the Juggalo - 07-15-2012

A lot of times I think we’re upset by things that in reality don’t really matter. I know life would be better, or maybe you think it would be better if you had more, if you had that somebody, or whatever it is that you might think you want. When you dwell on that modern idea of what you need, and what’s necessary its easy to fall into that dreadful loop of depression and feeling upset. All of those things are so temporary, and I know it would make life easier if you had those things in your life. Sometimes to further grow, and learn to be the person that we want to be we have to be deprived of those things so we can focus more closely on the things that are truly beautiful in this lifetime that when you have those things that you want to have, you might miss. Don’t discourage this lonely and fearful time, but as silly as it sounds embrace it. Grow from it, like the tree that grows from the cracks in the rocks. In a barren, and unforgiving landscape the tree grows, maybe its not as pruned as the tree in the orchards that have been tended to and cared for, but the tree that worked through the hardship is at peace. The trees of the orchard are constantly used for their fruit and what they can produce.

Life is full of disappointments because they aren’t what we think that they should be, but that is where you grow, from the disappointments and the hardships, that’s where true accomplishments come from. Anyway, I’m no scholar but one thing I can do is relate to the hard times you’re having.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - BoneZugz - 07-15-2012

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - BiggGameJames - 07-15-2012

The Warlock Wrote:says he aint gonna explain shit

then proceeds to type a paragraph lmaooooo smh

yo stan of that lame ass wrestler please die slow faggot

hey lay off him man hes going though rough times right now.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - BiggGameJames - 07-15-2012

hope everything gets better for you

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - juggalogigolo - 07-15-2012

shut the fuck up fagbot

fluff... :*

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Slacker - 07-15-2012






Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-15-2012


Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - BoneZugz - 07-15-2012


Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - insane - 07-15-2012

When someone takes the time to tell you they are ready to give up and they can't take it anymore that is the time to stop joking around. Regardless of if you think your funny or if your problems are worse or whatever the fuck there is a time to show compassion and this is it. Anyways on to your problems.
I cannot take your night tremors or horrible dreams away I wish I could because I cannot imagine not having control of that. Freaking out in the store and not having control over your own mind sometimes is a bitch.
When I get really upset I write, not about my problems but I write books , poetry songs whatever because its like I am creating an alternate reality for myself. For a while I was working on my own website which is now just a facebook group. My point is find a hobby or anything to get your mind off what is fucked up in your life. I don't know if it will solve the problem but time heals all wounds. There was a time my wife cheated on me with my best friend and I knocked on his door and heard her answer not to go to the door from his bedroom. I was crushed I didn't have a job at the time or a car and her mother had thrown me out on my ass. I gave all my shit away and wanted to die luckily my mother and my sister were there for me to help me get over that but its 10 years later now and I am much happier than I was then.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Stoopid Dog - 07-15-2012

John and Cowposse thanks, thats some deep shit right there. Word.

I suppose I should stop avoiding my medicines and get back on my daily dose of 1000mg of seroquel and other shit like haldol and what not, that might help, but I hate the way they make me feel.

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Paullehh - 07-15-2012

莟莟莟 Wrote:Not looking for pitty or attention but seriously what the fuck do you do when your just at the end of everything. Just everything is at complete lost. This isn't just about a relationship, this is the fact everything is just fucked in my fucking life. Nothing fucking has or ever goes fucking smoothly. For years Ive been struggling with everything, just everything is a complete failure...I just cant fucking take this shit no fucking more. I dont know what to do anymore, I just feel like ending it....sorry for the rant...
I would have a cry.
If that isn't enough i'd have a cry then seek out good times with friends.
If still not working then flirt like crazy with women and get positive attention back.
Maybe even sleep around a bit.

I'm weird...

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Slacker - 07-15-2012





Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - FxXxckOff - 07-15-2012

when im feelin low, i think, what would slacker do?

then i smoke some weed and get drunk

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Slacker - 07-15-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:when im feelin low, i think, what would slacker do?

then i smoke some weed, get drunk and jerk off repeatedly yo Yo YO

Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - sTr - 07-15-2012

Sounds like a good time

and my Sunday night

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Re: What do you do when your ready to just give up - Autumn - 07-16-2012

Fluff, you'll find your peace. You just might have to go through hell to get to it, but it's there somewhere. <3