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Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - Printable Version

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Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - Stoopid Dog - 07-14-2012

Here is your 50 seconds of fame around here:

You have no flow. Your vocals are to low. You can not be understood. You are not on point with th beat. You sound like you have downs syndrome. Please go read Rapping for Dummies and try again.

Drunk Bum Thumbs Down Nothing to say on this one.

So give it up people, we have been graced by two of the most horrible people to ever record music.

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - BiggGameJames - 07-14-2012

hey lay off my friend there he's a cool guy

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - sTr - 07-14-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:hey lay off my friend he can't control that he has no sense of rhythm

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - Stoopid Dog - 07-14-2012

bajaj, I rapped better on the b6 song at 14 with NO PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS except writing rhymes in the lyrical warground

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - The Warlock - 07-14-2012


sure you did homie

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - The Warlock - 07-14-2012

honestly tho out of the 2 songs posted whose was better??

i just wanna know yalls abilities at judging rap music haha

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - KillaMo187 - 07-14-2012

[Image: vpi6hl.jpg]

[Image: 15d2mx.jpg]



Ain't ya'guys realized I can give 2 shit's what somebody from the internet thinks? Yea I already know I got a sucky video or 2. NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM!

Again in closing there ain't shit you guys can say that'll hurt me cuz LOTB already did it all to me. They even made a website where my penis is right out in the open! So again. What could you guys do to top that? I'll tell ya's what ya can do.... NOTHING!

*walks away*

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - sTr - 07-14-2012

to tell you the truth, ! didn't even listen to it yet... ! just to talk shit...

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - KillaMo187 - 07-14-2012

And for the record. I don't consider myself a Jugga-Rapper. It's as much of a disgrace to be called that.

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - The Warlock - 07-14-2012

yeah i cant stand that term

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - Paullehh - 07-14-2012

The Warlock Wrote:yeah i cant stand that term
Yours was by far the worst.
The other one was big time bullshit.

You are both shit at hip hop. But that's cool. you will grow out of it eventually after it takes you nowhere but humiliationsville.

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - sTr - 07-14-2012

this is how it's done

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - Paullehh - 07-14-2012

[Image: rC5bD.jpg]

Re: Congrats to the retarded Juggalo Rappers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012

wow, seriously, both of those were so fucking horrible i cant even find the words to describe them.... NO sense of flow at all, and the beats dont even fucking match up