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what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - Printable Version

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what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

i dated star for almost 5 years, ive got a shitty memory but im pretty sure b6 ended right as we started dating. moved to indy and lived with her. got a job in a gas station in the hood, got fired from that cause a dude caught the building on fire cause of me. started working at kroger, now i run the seafood department. ended up breaking up with star and now i live in an apartment with a guy i used to work with. been living here for a little over a year, hes planning on breaking the lease and moving back in to his parents house so he can save some cash and buy a house. So ill be moving in with her in august some time. i got super addicted to WoW and would play that pretty much non stop the entire time me and star were dating. stopped playing that about a year and a half ago... now i just lay around and do nothing and watch movies, bored as fuck most of the time.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012

Still working at the same place. Last time B6 was around ! was losing my job because the contract was leaving, !'m in the same spot again... Damn B6 curse... Became a part time bartender for a couple years, that's how ! met my fiancee. Also started hosting karaoke, that shit was fun as hell.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012


Nursing School
Criminal Justice and Forensic Technology School
Have My Own house
Have a truck thats paid for
Spend my time with my step son doing childish things that get him in trouble
spend most of my time playing PS3 or Xbox sometimes Wii if im bored (stuck on skyrim right now so fuck it all to hell)
my grandpa died my cat who was 17 died and my best friend died
im pretty boreing

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

which best friend?

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - Autumn - 07-09-2012

Sadly, nothing much has changed here. :l I'm the boring one.

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Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

make something change so youve got a reason to update this thread

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012

Mandy you never met her she was my best friend in high school and she went away and came back about 5 years ago and she passed away about 2 years ago

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

people dying sucks balls

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - CranialEntropy - 07-09-2012

I just saw Engima's fb message about this board still being alive. I can't believe it's still kicking.

Shit that's changed since I last posted:
I got a dog from a pound, she kicks ass.
I'm moving in with my girlfriend this weekend because the house I was renting got sold.
I started doing stand up.
I still do a shitty podcast occasionally.
Still trying to get a PhD.
Got diagnosed with ledderhose disease and couldn't run any more. I got kind of fat then I started lifting and lost all the weight.

Sooo in summary: dog.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

good times

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012

dogs are awesome.... all soungs good, minus the ledderhose disease and your rental being sold... at least you lost all the weight.... and we're around to bullshit with?..?...

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - CranialEntropy - 07-09-2012

Shit's on the up and up erry-day.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - freEkjokA - 07-09-2012

fred Wrote:i dated star for almost 5 years, ive got a shitty memory but im pretty sure b6 ended right as we started dating. moved to indy and lived with her. got a job in a gas station in the hood, got fired from that cause a dude caught the building on fire cause of me. started working at kroger, now i run the seafood department. ended up breaking up with star and now i live in an apartment with a guy i used to work with. been living here for a little over a year, hes planning on breaking the lease and moving back in to his parents house so he can save some cash and buy a house. So ill be moving in with her in august some time. i got super addicted to WoW and would play that pretty much non stop the entire time me and star were dating. stopped playing that about a year and a half ago... now i just lay around and do nothing and watch movies, bored as fuck most of the time.

Wasn't the last B6 only like a year ago?

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012

the last b6 never ended.... everyone just forgot about it....

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

yea? but that dosent count because it lasted for less than a week, and only 2 actual b6ers posted there

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - sTr - 07-09-2012

this whole board is comprised of that b6....

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

the last b6 was lame as fuck

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - WCninja - 07-09-2012

Last I was around was back in like '05, I was strung the fuck out on cocaine, that's pretty much why I left. Cocaine became way more important than anything else. Lived like that that for 2 years, then spent about 2 years recovering. Since then I've been trying to make up for lost time. Appreciating life. Got 2 degrees, a good job, a gorgeous girl, started a website/video/graphics thing im currently doin on the side, id like to do that full time eventually. Just moved out of my parents house like 3 months ago, got a fuckin' sweet apartment. Planning to buy a house. Stackin money, tryingto get rich.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

digital bill 4 lyfe

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - freEkjokA - 07-09-2012

I just remembered when Fred through the gallon can of beans in the fire at the '03 Gathern and didn't know where to post it. That shit pwnt. Then I believe we burned DP's entire tent.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - Stoopid Dog - 07-09-2012

Kids, Crazy fiancee, jobs and no jobs, being awesome and watching wrasslin again.

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - WCninja - 07-09-2012

fred Wrote:digital bill 4 lyfe
lol did you see all the shit talk after the gathering last year

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


shit was ALL OVER the internet... you got e-famous

you get any actual jobs out of that?

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - Stoopid Dog - 07-09-2012

I missed the shit talk, explain?!

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

he posted signs and flyers up at the gathern...... EVERY FUCKING NEWS SITE blew up because people thought it was crazy that a juggalo had his own company doing web shit

it had to have been on 20 different sites

Re: what ahve you been up to since the last b6? - Stoopid Dog - 07-09-2012

Damn that would be cool to see, got any links?