Board 6
I'm so excited - Printable Version

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I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

to be back on B6. I'm reading threads and posts, and i bust out laughing at some stupid shit and my boyfriend looks at me like i've lost my mind. it's fantastic. :)

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-05-2012

!'m glad somebody feels the same way ! do, it at least reminds me why !'ve been bringing this site back time after time....

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

it's home man. i count you guys as some of my best friends, even though i have never met any of you face to face. and that makes me sort of sad. (that i haven't met you guys, not that you're some of my best friends)

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-05-2012

! feel the same way, throughout high school and my early twenties ! was chillin' with you guys and not the losers that lived in my area. This place will always be around no matter how dead it is, just so the few B6ers that will come have a place to chat with each other and read through our old memories... ! just wish we had all our old posts...

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

esp from the og board. like when it was busy all day and night. like, it was better than a chat room. DubSee was the one that had me sign up. met him in an aim chat room and he sent me the link. i was surprised i didn't get hated on as badly as all other noobs. i guess i was just under the radar. Dub should come back. he was cool too.

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-05-2012

hell yeah, ! hated chat rooms back then, still do... ! never had a need for them, B6 was rocking on a daily and nightly....

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

i plan to post here regularly now, if not daily. sometimes i don't turn the computer on. just felt the need to today though.

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-05-2012

it was a sign from the internet gods....

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

that good times would be had by all if i came to post?

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-05-2012

numba, and the feeling would be reciprocated as well...

Re: I'm so excited - Autumn - 07-05-2012

Leslie, you give me good feelings whether you're posting or not.

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

i love you Autumn. why don't you text me anymore? i always feel left out on fb when you and alyssha flirt. :(

Re: I'm so excited - Autumn - 07-05-2012

I don't even know if I have your number anymore. I thought you disappeared woman!

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-05-2012

no. i just started working in a call center where i cannot use my phone and going to bed at like 9pm

Re: I'm so excited - F-Disk - 07-05-2012

like b6 just boomed back up in the past few days

Re: I'm so excited - Grimlin - 07-05-2012

F-Disk Wrote:like b6 just boomed back up in the past few days

back like an anal itch....

Re: I'm so excited - Autumn - 07-06-2012

The best part is going back a few years and reading the stuff we used to write.

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-07-2012

fo sho, it's like a diary or journal... this is why ! wish we had all the posts in the history of b6... shit would be epic...

Re: I'm so excited - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

I think I MIGHT have a database from on a disk unless thats what we are on now.

Re: I'm so excited - sTr - 07-07-2012

different, find it, supply it and ! can add the posts here...

Re: I'm so excited - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

I shall look for it. Not sure if I do have it still, its somewhere though. Might be on a hard drive I have saved from an ancient pc of mine.

Re: I'm so excited - Enigma - 07-07-2012

i dunno if i've changed much from then.